iv. parties in high places

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"Chins up, smiles on." Effie instructed in front of them, who was dressed in a purple feather dress, her matching shoes clinking against the sidewalk that lead to President Snow's house.

The trio tried not to laugh at the escort, all sharing an amused look with on another. Cato and Peeta were dressed in tuxedos that framed their bodies, whereas Natalie wore a pantsuit. Effie complained about Natalie's clothing choice but her excuse was simple. Dresses wasn't comfortable. Effie had made sure not to bring up the subject again after the look Cinna had given her.

They entered the large house and instantly Natalie was in awe. Stars glistened on the floor as the ceiling had been transformed into the night sky. Long tables had been filled to the brim with an assortment of food and desserts. All around them, people was begging them to try their food. They were given alcoholic beverages, along with various of meats that had their mouths watering. It was hard to say no.

"Care to dance?" Cato whispered in her ear. He wanted nothing more than to be alone with Natalie and away from prying eyes, especially after what nearly happened in District 1. Natalie smiled gratefully and placed her untouched beverage down on a table. "Of course."

Cato drew them away from the food and into the pit of dancers. He placed his right hand onto her waist and kept his left intertwined with hers. "Are we ever going to discuss what happened?" He asked, with concern lacing his voice.

"There's nothing to tell. Temporary relapse." Natalie didn't dare look into her fiance's eyes, knowing she would see nothing but disappointment in them. She had seen them ever since he caught her trying to drink herself into oblivion several months ago.

Cato had stopped their dancing and lifted her chin up. "You don't have to lie to me, Nat. I know you're struggling but I can't help if you don't let me in."

The female wanted nothing more than to tell Cato everything but as Natalie looked at the podium, she saw the eyes of President Snow beaming down on her. He raised his eyebrow as he saw the close proximity between her and Cato. She turned her attention away and looked Cato dead in the eyes as she said. "I don't need to be fixed. The sooner you realize that, the better."

And with that, she pulled herself away from Cato and walked off without a word, feeling her heart shattering into pieces.

"I'm breaking up with you."

Since returning home, Natalie had spent countless of hours trying to think of the perfect way to call of her engagement with Cato. But nothing was working. Cato had been her anchor throughout the whole games and her savior afterwards, without him, she would spiral further into the darkness then she already had. President Snow knew that. What better way to stop an uprising then make the person mentally unstable?

"You're breaking up with Cato?" Natalie turned around, startled but luckily, it was Katniss. Natalie nodded with a sigh and looked back at the mirror in front of her. "Snow's making me do it." She admitted. She had thought endlessly about loopholes but there wasn't any. The Capitol was always watching. The only way was to break up with Cato Hadley.

"Is there a way around it" Katniss asked. The brown haired girl would find a way no matter what. She would do anything to make sure that Natalie was happy.

"I wish there was. We can't even fake it because he'll know. President Snow always finds out somehow." Natalie answered, absent-mindly playing with her engagement ring. A small smile played on a lips; she can remember that day Cato proposed like it was yesterday. He had later told her on that night, that he had asked Haymitch and Peeta for their permission and that the ring was his grandmother's.

"When did he ask you?"

"The day the tour started. That's why the peacekeepers were at your house." The young girl bit her lip and sat down on her bed, putting the cup of coffee down on the bedside table.

Katniss sat down beside Natalie and took her free hand in hers and squeezed it softly. The pair hadn't spoken a lot lately but Katniss always knew when something was troubling Natalie. "What else happened?" She asked. "I know I haven't been here for you lately and I'm sorry for that but I'm here now."

Natalie looked at her best friend in the face before admitting. "President Snow doesn't need three mentors so when the games start, I won't be coming back. I'll be working in the Capitol... as an prostitute."

Katniss swore under her breath but one look at Natalie's pale had her confirming there was much more to the story. "There's more, isn't there?" Katniss asked with dread.

It wasn't until Katniss saw Natalie's hand resting against her stomach that she finally knew. "I'm pregnant."

plot twist? who knows, maybe some of you already knew. but sorry-not-sorry for the short chapter.

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