vii. strangers delight

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     "Wake up."

Natalie groaned as she felt a pillow hit her head. She waved the person away and went deeper under the covers. "Go away." She mumbled. The teenager barely had any sleep due to stomach cramps constantly waking her up throughout the night and the after party from the tribute parade.

Haymitch groaned at the stubborn female and took the covers off her, not caring if it woke Cato up in the process. "You have five minutes. If you're not up then I won't be so pleasant next time." Natalie flipped him off as he walked out before she forced herself to get up.

She got dressed in a simple pair of jogging bottoms and a cropped top, hoping she would have time to change before the first training session. "Can you tell me why you decided to wake me up at six am?"

The father figure didn't say anything as he lead her out of the penthouse and down the elevator. It wasn't long before they reached a room filled with various machines and beds lined up against the wall. She assumed it was where the tributes went after getting hurt during training.

Effie greeted the pair with a smile on her face, ushering Natalie inside like nothing was wrong. "Don't worry, we can trust her." Much to Natalie's confusion, she entered the small room. Neither Haymitch or Effie followed her inside, leaving Natalie alone with the doctor who barely looked older than her.

"I'm guessing they haven't told you?" The stranger asked, earning Natalie to shake her in response. "Well, let me introduce myself first. I'm Rosen Snow and I'm certainly not a doctor but I've seen this enough times to know how it works."

Natalie felt fear rising in her chest, instantly taking a step back as she tried to steady herself. She was definitely going to die in here. She was trapped inside with the Capitol darling, also known as President Snow's first granddaughter. 

The female sensed Natalie's discomfort and held her hands out, trying to prove she wasn't a threat. Just because Rosen was related to the Snow, it didn't mean she acted anything like him. "I'm nothing like him, I swear. You trust Effie and Haymitch, don't you?"

The Mellark twin nodded and sighed as she laid down on the bed. "How does this work?" She asked, a little nervous. They had nothing like this back in District 12. If someone was pregnant, they wouldn't found out if there was any complications or the sex of the baby until the baby was born. She was prepared for that.

Rosen explained how the ultrasound worked as she set up the screen and got the gel ready. "Did Cato not want to be here?" She asked, putting the gel on Natalie's stomach. The latter shivered at the cold substance, a slight sigh following. "He doesn't know."

The two females didn't say anything else as Natalie looked at the screen. She didn't know what to look for as she couldn't see anything at first. She would've thought she had imagined it all until she saw her baby appear on the screen.

"Okay, that's weird." Rosen frowned, looking at the screen a moment longer. "You're definitely not four months pregnant." Natalie looked at her, once again confused. "You're actually eight months pregnant."

     "That's impossible, I only started having symptoms four months ago."

"Natalie you've been under a lot stress. Your body is bound to react badly, hence why your baby bump is small but she's healt- "

"She? I'm having a girl?" Natalie cut Rosen off, feeling tears start streaming down her face. Haymitch and Effie knocked on the door and peaked their heads in, the former raised an eyebrow at the two. "Everything okay?" He asked.

     So Natalie told Haymitch and Effie everything that she found out, a smile never leaving her face as she spoke. Haymitch didn't think he had seen her so happy before. How was she going to tell Cato? Could she potentially have the baby during the games? Those were the questions running through Haymitch's mind as he was worried for the girl who he thought of like a daughter.

     Just a couple of hours later, Natalie, Peeta and Cato had emerged from the penthouse and into the training center. It was different from before. The stations were in different places and had more advanced technology. Natalie felt overwhelmed just by the change. It was proven to quite difficult for the female already, but she refused to let her mental state affect her. It was time to show the other victors what she was made of. She wasn't going to be a weakling anymore.

"Haymitch wants us to start requiting allies. He says that these Victors have known each other for years, and since we're the newbies, he's thinking that they're going to be going after us three first." Peeta leaned in to whisper.

Cato and Natalie nodded before the three moved in different directions. The boys went to the stations they were the best at, whereas Natalie weighed up her options. The tributes knew her strongest weapon was her daggers and after the first games, she didn't feel like touching them any time soon. But she knew she would have to shove her fear down if she wanted to survive.

Natalie walked over to the weaponry station, the darkened part of the room calling to her like a moth to a flame. Her eyes marveled over the weapon rack, filled to the brim with spears, knives and bows. Instantly, she picked up a pair of twin daggers, the familiar frame already making her regret her decision. 

Pressing the 'start' button, the confined room sent Natalie into darkness. She twirled the daggers in her hands, taking a deep breath as the first hologram appeared. Acting on instinct, Natalie waited until the body was close before stabbing it's neck.

She pulled the dagger out and twirled in her spot, tripping the next hologram and stabbed the electronic body in the heart. Natalie was unaware of the audience at the window. She was fighting her way through the holograms like they was nothing. It had made the Careers angry but it made Cato proud.

A hologram ran away from her, mimicking a frightened tribute but as Natalie threw the dagger, a small electronic body appeared behind, the dagger landing straight in the chest of the smaller one. Just like it had with Rue. Images of her entered Natalie's mind, blood coating the innocent female. She could almost feel the blood on her hand.

     "Just admit it, you love the taste of blood too much." Natalie whirled around as the voice of Marvel haunted her. But he was no where to be seen. He was just a fragment of her imagination yet again.

Natalie looked towards the window as Wiress clapped her hands but Natalie paid her no attention. Her eyes connected with Finnick Odair who was grinning at her, an impressed expression lighting up his lovely face.

completely rushed chapter but oh well. what did you guys think to Natalie actually being eight months pregnant? also how did y'all like Rosen? she's a new oc and I'm in love with her already. I've hopefully be posting her own book sometime next week which will intertwine with this book.

also thank you @citycemetery for reminding me that people actually like this fanfic and it's not for my own entertainment.

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