i. the birthday surprise

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One week. The third week of every month was all they were allowed to see of each other. They knew the arrangement but it didn't hurt any less. The pair took it turns visiting the other; one month Natalie would visit District 2, the next month Cato would visit District 12. It wasn't the best but President Snow was cruel.

The two would count the days until that one week came, often having to distract themselves with work. With Natalie's and Peeta's birthday soon approaching, the female twin was finding it harder to focus on Cato's visit. Her birthday fell on the second week on the month which meant there was no way that Cato would be able to see her on her birthday. Even though it made Natalie sad, it was just another thing added on her list of things to make President Snow may for.

It has been six months since Natalie, Cato and Peeta won the 74th Hunger Games but it still felt like yesterday to the female. It took her the longest to able to return to some normality. One of the reasons was due to Peeta and Natalie being forced to live in separate houses in the Victors Village.

The family chose to live with Peeta, leaving Natalie alone. She didn't mind, however. She was rarely in the house enough to care. So she had given the house to the Everdeen's, knowing their house was nearly falling apart. She had extended the same offer to the Hawthorne family but they declined. In compromise, she had given Gale's mother a cleaner's job, since she wouldn't take any money for free.

Since returning, Natalie spent most of her days with Haymitch Abernathy, who was still the same drunk bastard as before. The father figure didn't bother telling her no when she came round to steal his alcohol. He saw what she had to endure during the games, he saw the person she had to become. There was no going back from that.

She had stayed at his on the first night back, hoping that would give her some comfort. To some degree it had. He would hold her as she cried herself to sleep and held her hair back when she vomited. But it never stopped the insomnia that came after the games. Nor did it stop the nightmares occupying her mind on the little sleep she did get.  It had became a nightly occurrence that Natalie never bothered returning to her house. She had packed her essentials items and moved in with Haymitch.

The drunken fool didn't hesitate in the slightest, despite the constant screaming. He enjoyed her company.

     "Nat?" Natalie barely registered the burn mark she had received only a moment ago. Pain was something that Natalie had grown used to it, so when small burns and cuts happened in the kitchen, she didn't think of it.

"Sorry," She mumbled underneath her breath and continued to decorate the lemon drizzle cake she had made for the bakery. Though the decoration was nothing like Peeta's — who decorated cakes like a work of art — it made her feel the tiniest bit of happiness. She would break out of this darkness that smothered her. Even if it meant completing small triumphs like this. 

     "Are you going to eat that?" Katniss didn't have a chance to speak as Natalie took the plate from her hand. The latter needed to distract herself and the only form of release was cleaning Haymitch's house. She had done it on a daily basis but it was often a mess at the end of the night.

"I was planning to." Katniss huffed as she watched Natalie scrub the plate clean. The pair hadn't gotten to spend much together, despite living closer to one enough. Katniss and Gale had often tried to reach out to Natalie but most of the times, they were turned away. The same applied to her brother. The longest time that the three spent with Natalie was when Cato visited; when Natalie faked a smile and pretended everything was fine.

The only person that was able to calm her mania was Haymitch, who surprisingly, wasn't inside the house. "Where's Haymitch?" She asked Natalie. The female shrugged and turned around to face Katniss. "He just said he needed to pick up something."

     Just at the moment, the front door opened. "Speak of the devil and he shall app—" Natalie trailed off as she saw who stood in the doorway.


Natalie didn't know how to respond as her boyfriend stood before her. He had arrived a week early and it startled her. She had thought the idea of him being in District 12 for her birthday was impossible. But he had somehow figured out a way and all she could do was stand there like a lost puppy. "You're really here, aren't you? It's not me imaging things again?"

Cato chuckled softly and shook his head. "I'm really here, Nat."

Natalie squealed and immediately ran over him, nearly crashing into him as she gave him the tightest hug she could. "I can't believe you're actually here right now." She pulled away and looked at him with tears streaming down her face. Cato brought his hand to her cheek and wiped the tears away. "We have Haymitch to thank for this, he made it happen."

Natalie smiled gratefully at the father figure as she leaned into Cato, not wanting to let go of him. "Thank you."

"Think of it as a early birthday present."

     Peeta and Natalie's birthday finally came and the gathering was a hit, much to the latter's constant panicking. She had the biggest smile in the room and for once, she wasn't faking. Everything was going well and Natalie had planned to make the most of it.

Cato, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. He liked to believe he kept it hidden but when Haymitch and Peeta pulled him aside earlier, he just then realised how bad he had been. "Nat, can I talk to you alone for a moment?"

The female nodded and followed Cato into her bedroom to get away from listening ears. "Is everything okay?" She asked once they were alone.

The male scratched the back of his neck, letting out a nervous chuckle. He didn't know how to respond to Natalie. He wanted to tell her everything but yet, he was scared of the outcome. "I had this all planned out but I was a coward. I kept putting this off because I was afraid of what you would say which is ridiculous, I know. But I'm not a coward anymore." He started.

"These past few days have been wonderful. But I can't do this. I can't have you in my arms for one week, only to have you been whisked away." Natalie tried not to let his words affect her, despite how much it was hurting to hear them.


     "I want this to be permanent. I want us to be permanent." He cut her off. He got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box. He opened it, revealing a gold vintage engagement ring. "I want to be able to wake up beside you every morning with you in my arms and not worry about you leaving me. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Mellark"

"Will you make me the happiest man alive and become my wife, Natalie Mellark?" Natalie's hand flew to her mouth as tears streamed down her face. "Yes. A thousand times yes!"

Cato stood up and slid the ring on her fourth finger before kissing her gently on the mouth. "We should probably go back downstairs." He mumbled against her lips.

"They can wait. I want to spend some more time with my fiancé." Natalie smirked as she wrapped her arms around him.

     Despite the impending doom that was coming for the Star Crossed Lovers, they had laid together for the first time as fiancés without a care in the world.

     It was one of the many mistakes that had happened on that faithful night.

welcome to part two, im honestly so excited for this. it's just gone past 1am so please excuse this mess.

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