v. early training

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          Natalie hesitantly opened the doors to the training room, hoping that nobody was there so she could do some early training, even if she wasn't aloud. She almost sighed in relief when she saw that the room was free.

The room felt so much bigger since she was the only person in there. All the weapons was neatly stacked where they should be; there wasn't anything out of place.

She walked over to the knives and ran her hand lightly along the blade before picking the knife up. She closed her eyes and for a second, she thought about being in the forest and how the familiar feeling of her knife felt in her hand but when she opened her eyes, all she could see was a target staring at her and the coldness from the blade.

Natalie wanted nothing more than to go over to the targets and to tear them apart limp by limp but she didn't have no idea how to put them back together. But the only other problem was that the trainers and the gamemakers would know that somebody was in here. Suddenly Natalie was regretting her desicion in going to the training room.

But it's not like she could leave now, she was here so she might as well stay for a bit.

In what only felt like an a few minutes, Natalie stared at the pile of the target's arms, legs and heads. She didn't think, she just did it. She didn't even realise that the door has opened, or the sound of the footsteps that was coming towards her.

Cato, as usual, wanted to be the best. He always had been; the top competitor, always first in tests. Nobody stood a chance against him and he knew it. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was wrong. Maybe it was because of the weak girl who had volunteered from district twelve. Pathetic, he called her. She easily gotten under his skin and was the top of the kill list before he even had a chance to meet her. He couldn't wait to make her beg for him to end the suffering he was going to cause. He knew that everyone would be in for a big show. That had automatically put a smirk on his face, one that wouldn't wipe off his face until he saw her in the training room.

He wished that he could kill her right there but yet, he couldn't help but admire her slaughtering the targets one by one, limp by limp. She even had a certain technique, maybe one that the enemy would never see coming.

He stood behind the nearest station and kept watching her. Maybe all she knew was how to work with knives, that was one thing Cato could easily take from her, if she went into the cornucopia. He wanted to know her every weakness and every strength. He didn't care how he would found out, he just needed to.

It wasn't until Natalie finished, that he came out from hiding. She didnt even notice him but once she did, her face automatically paled as she stared at him. Good, let her fear me, he thought. He instantly smirked and crossed his arms before raising his eyebrow at her. "What is a pretty small thing like you doing here?"

Natalie stared at him, not noticing that the forgotten knife had crashed to the ground. "I could ask you the same question" she found herself replying and copied his actions. She couldn't help but look him over. He did look good in the shirt he was wearing, no matter how hard she tried to deny it.

Cato wanted to roll his eyes but he remained looking at her in the eye, just to intimidate her. He knew that she could snap at anytime, he knew that she could handle herself but yet, he still wanted her to fear him. "Well I thought that I could get some extra training done, not that I need it, but just to get some done without any distractions but I guess that didn't quite work out" he raised an eyebrow at her before his gaze looked her up and down. One reason was to prove a point but the over was because he couldn't help but think about how she looked in the outfit.

The top had hugged her curves perfectly but showed how skinny she was due to not getting enough food. He could also see a few muscles and he could easily say that he was impressed.

"Well I was just about to leave" she mumbled under her breath before picking up the knife that she dropped and placed it back where it was supposed to go. She looked towards the target's limb and bit her lip, trying not to laugh as she looked back at Cato "good luck explaining that one" she said with a smirk on her face before walking towards the elevator, making sure to sway her hips just in case he was watching her.

Cato, being that typical teenage boy he was, watched her leave with a smirk on his face. She did look pretty good walking away from him. But he knew that he still had to kill her, one way or another and find out her strengths and weakness and he knew the perfect way to make that happen.


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had to re upload because I couldn't see the whole thing I wrote so hopefully this one will work :)

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