ii. the captiol

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Every since they reached the Capitol, Natalie hadn't left her room unless she needed to use the bathroom. She had asked Peeta to get her some food and drink but that was all the commutation she had unless she had to politely tell Effie or Haymitch to leave her alone. But when she says politely, she means grabbing the nearest thing close to her and throwing it at them.

Natalie knew that she should be spending every time she can with Peeta before they was sent to their death, she knew that she should be listening to Haymitch talking about how to survive but she couldn't bring herself to go out of her room.

When Natalie finally came out of her room, she looked like a mess. Peeta had noticed that she looked thinner and that she hadn't slept since they have got here. Natalie looked at them and she immediately wanted to go back in her room, where she had felt safe even if she wasn't. But she knew that she had to grow up.

She made her way to the table before sitting down as she watched people putting food on the table. When Natalie saw how much was on the table, she physically wanted to be sick. The food was enough to feed a couple of families for at least a week and Natalie hated how people in the Capitol could have how much then wanted and if they didn't want anymore then they could simply throw the food away. The thought made Natalie sick to her stomach. She was given all of this food when there was people starving like there was no problem and it didn't matter.

No matter how hard she tried, she got up and walked back to her room with nothing but a glass of water in her hand. Natalie didn't want anything to do with them. But just like everyone else, she wanted to go back home but she volunteered to be here, she knew that she had to act like she wanted to be here.

When she decided to go out for the second time day, Peeta and Haymitch was sitting in front of a big screen. Natalie walked over to them slowly before sitting down next to Peeta. "What we watching?" She whispered to him.

"we're just about to watch all the reapings" he whispered back. She nodded and sat back in her seat. Once Haymitch turned on the screen, Natalie bit her lip, watching district one come onto the screen. Though she didn't think much of them, she knew they would be lethal. But if she thought district one was lethal, then she knew she was going to die straight away when she saw district two.

Cato looked like a bloodthirsty killer who would kill anyone in his path. He had a lot of muscle and was tall against the girl. Not to mention, he volunteered and he's sixteen. Clove was small and didn't have much muscle but she knew she would be lethal as well, just because she came from a career district.

The rest didn't bother Natalie much. Most of them looked weak but some of them looked like they could last a while, especially Thresh.

By this point Natalie started to grow more uncomfortable. She wanted to go home, more than she ever did before. She wanted to smell the freshly made bread and cakes every morning. She wanted to feel the roughness of her bow and arrow. But more importantly, she wanted to be surrounded by the people she cared about the most.

She shook her head at her thoughts before looking outside the window. She got up and walked over slowly, not believing her eyes. If she wasn't sent here to die then she would of said that the Capitol was beautiful; breathtaking even.

The Capitol was easily the most beautiful place anyone could see. What the reporters showed, obviously didn't capture all of the Capitol. Natalie hadn't seen all of the Capitol but what she had seen, made her lost for words. But all she thought about was how could a place so beautiful, be a place full of cruel people? People who would rather watch 24 children fight against each other and watch 23 children die then spend time doing gods knows what.

But she couldn't see anything anymore, it was pitch black. She looked over at Peeta who looked equally confused until they started hearing shouting and cheering. She looked back out the window and started to see flashes of bright color. All she could hear was them shouting hers and Peeta's name as the train stopped.

At the corner of her eye, she saw Peeta waving and smiling at the multicoloured freaks. She knew it was probably for the best so she started to do them same but occasionally throwing in a few winks and kisses.

But at that moment she knew, this was when the act officially started.

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