xv. kill or be killed

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Natalie felt herself growing bored with every passing moment. She was waiting for the Careers to take some action, but it seemed like they were simply waiting her out. She didn't feel like a rabbit, waiting to be killed. Instead, she felt more like a teasing mouse.

The cackling laugh had Natalie looking down at the group of five. They were sitting around a lit fire, not caring about any of the consequences. Why would they? They were the most fearsome people fighting in the Arena. Whilst the Gamemakers had all the power, the Careers had the advantage that the others didn't.

Within seconds, Glimmer's demeanor had changed. She was no longer a bloodthirsty female, instead she was flirting with Cato. She was clinging onto his arm and batting her eyelashes. Natalie couldn't help but laugh at how uncomfortable Cato looked.

Natalie turned away from the four killers and her brother to look up at the sky. It was the coldest night she had experienced so far in the Arena. She had nothing apart from the coat on her back. She would do anything to be by the fire, even if it might being with the Careers.

Self consciously, Natalie reached in her coat pocket. She held onto the necklace as tight as she could, hoping that Peeta would survive the night. She didn't care whether she died from the decrease in temperature, by the hands of the Careers or the mutations the Gamemakers sent. As long as Peeta won, then that was the only thing that mattered to her.

Natalie could feel herself dossing off but a light chiming noise had distributed her. The chatter below her had vanished and the fire was no longer lit. It was safe to say, it wasn't the Careers. The foreign object flew towards her direction. She had seen many parachutes given to tributes in previous games. They often contained small gifts to help tributes in need, very rarely were tributes given such expensive gifts.

Based on Natalie's performance since she arrived, she had thought that no one would even sponsor her. So when the container landed on her lap, she was shocked to say the least. Of course, Natalie was hesitant to open the container. She had no idea whether it was going to be something that would help her in current dilemma or whether it was just a trick up the Gamemaker's sleeves. Either way, she had to know.

Before she could talk herself out of it, Natalie popped the latch open. However, all she could see were blueberries. She was confused at first, but that was until she realized they weren't blueberries; they were nightlock.

She tipped the deadly berries onto to her hand, hoping there was enough to kill the Careers with. She didn't like the thought of killing anyone but she knew she had to. Everyone was a monster in the Hunger Games. In order for Peeta's survival, she had to become one as well.

As the berries fell into her had, a small piece of parchment fell afterwards. She immediately recognized the expensive texture from the paper, knowing it had to come from the Capitol.

Natalie unfolded the paper and began to read the neat black handwriting to the best of her abilities against the blue strain.

'WHAT THE HELL WAS YOU THINKING, YOU IDIOT? I shouldn't really be surprised; you never did listen to me anyway. Anyway, I remembered you hated blueberries as you never let them go past your lips. So I thought I would treat your lovely guests instead. Enjoy. - H.'

A small smirk appeared on Natalie's lips. Drunk he may be, but Haymitch Abernathy was one sly bastard.

The cold night had turned into a humid morning by the time Natalie woke up. Luckily, her companions were still asleep beneath her. She needed to move while she had the chance.

Making sure her backpack was secure, she swung her leg over and began working her way down the oak tree. The heat had drops of sweat running down her face but Natalie wasn't given up. The Mellark twins were not quitters.

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