ix. individual training

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     Her leg shaking, her mind racing, her heart pounding, Natalie sat on the empty row of benches. Not even her brother could calm the anxiety she was feeling. One by one, tributes left until the room was occupied with the two twins.

"Natalie Mellark" The monotone voice spoke from the intercom. Giving one last hug to the younger twin, Natalie walked into the room. Her head up high, showing off the confidence she wished she had only for the gamemakers not to take any notice.

Every second made her annoyed but anxious more than anything. Making her voice loud and clear, she spoke. "Natalie Mellark, District Twelve" However only a couple of people turned around.

Taking a deep breath, she picked up a chinese ring dagger and focused on the target. Feeling the cold blade against her shaking hand, she threw the dagger aimlessly into the air.

Hearing laughs surrounding the room, Natalie knew that she failed but she wasn't ready to give up. However the gamemakers have other ideas. They paid their attention to the dead pig with a big juicy apple that was currently being brought out.

With anger in her ice cold heart, Natalie didn't realise what she was doing until she painted what looked like the Capitol sign and lit the painting on fire. If it meant having everything that was considered dangerous thrown at her then so be it. She was sick of the Capitol's games.

She was thinking of finishing there and let the building burst into flames but before she thought about her actions, she flung two daggers at the gamemakers. One hit the wall next to someone's ear, the other lodged itself into someone's blazer, pinning them against the wall.

"Maybe next time you should pay attention to someone who's risking their life for your entertainment rather then focusing your attention on a fat pig that you can't wait to stuff your faces with" Natalie spoke loud and clear, crossing her arms impatiently.

But she wasn't finished there, oh no. She continued "and if you dare treat my brother with the same treatment then I will end your lives and won't regret it one bit. However thank you for your time you inconsiderate pieces of shit"

And with that, she left the room, all the daggers left on the bullseye of every target and the painting left burning in the distance.

Strumming the guitar she found, she began to write lyrics on the empty piece of paper. Natalie had no idea what she was doing but she found the sound comforting nevertheless. Looking up at the Avox, she smiled gently as she watched what she had to do next. Becoming friends with the Avox in front of her made most of worries go away. The Avox never questioned her, never troubled her and that was what she needed.

However, her moment of peace was over and she was bombarded with the annoying voice of her the district twelve escort. Natalie knew that it was time to collect the scores but deep down, she couldn't care less. They didn't change any of the odds, in the end it was down to the individual.

Moreover, if Natalie voiced her opinions to the escort, Effie would most likely kill her instead of the brutal tributes.

     Nonetheless, she joined the district twelve crew on the sofa and stared at the screen like her life depended on it. However, as the scores was revealed, Natalie had a familiar feeling growing in her stomach. Fear for Peeta.

After every attempt on trying to save her brother, would the score put a deadly target on his back or be a false accusation? Either way, she hoped that he would get a safe score. Yes, she was proud of her brother and believed he should get a high score but at the same time, she wanted him to be safe.

"From District Twelve, Peeta Mellark with a score of... eight" Caesar Flickerman announced to the camera. Automatically, a smile appeared on her face as she hugged her bother, blocking out everyone around her.

     That's until it was her turn.

If everyone was proud of Peeta, then Natalie was a whole different story. "From District Twelve, Natalie Mellark with a score of..." Caesar started before having to take a double check, a shocked expression presented on his face "two"

Natalie almost sung with glee but refrained from doing so. She knew that she shouldn't be happy but she couldn't deny it. To her, it was one step closer to the death she accepted and one step closer to the younger twin with a crown on his head, bringing glory back to the district.

However, everyone around her was disappointed, except for three people.

     And that's all that mattered to her.


I'm so sorry for not updating recently but thank you guys for reading. Weather you been here from the start or just started, it really does mean a lot.

Please comment if you like this chapter and who your favourite character is.

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