ii. his visit

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Natalie stood outside of Haymitch's house, a mug with hot chocolate in her gloved hands. It was the first day of the Victor Tour and she couldn't think of anything worst. For 12 days, she would be travelling to the different districts, spreading fake hope and staring at the tribute's families in the face. It was a disaster waiting to happen; Natalie and Cato together had killed a third of the tributes.

The news reporters and the stylists were to soon arrive and fill the Victors Village with wretched Capitol stretch. Before any of that happened, Natalie wanted to pretend like everything was normal. "You ready to wake Haymitch up?" Cato asked, wrapping his arms around her and leaned his head on her shoulder.

After the announcement of their engagement, Cato had packed his things from District 2 and moved in with Natalie a week later. The couple couldn't have been happier. Cato had gotten a job in the family bakery and Natalie had gotten a job working as a medic for Katniss's mom.

"Do I have a choice?" She asked as she turned around to face him. Cato shook his head, causing Natalie to sigh. She finished off her drink and pecked his lips before entering the house. Garbage laid in heaps on the floor, spoiled food placed on the shelves and desks. But Natalie refused to continue cleaning after him. Her and Haymitch often ended up in fights over it but never did he kick her and Cato out. Natalie was like a daughter he never had and he refused to let go of that.

When they entered the kitchen, they found Haymitch with his head in a pile of liquor. Natalie rolled her eyes at the loud snoring and placed the cup to a side as Cato filled up a pot with icy water. Together, they dumped it over Haymitch's head and took a step back as he let out a groan and kicked his chair back.

"What are you doing? He sputters, his eyes settling on the two victors.

"You told me to wake you up an hour before the cameras came." Cato said with a shrug of his shoulders.


"Your idea." Cato insisted, causing a grin to form onto Natalie's face. Haymitch looked down at his dripping clothes and was to ask a question before Natalie interrupted. "If you wanted to be babied, you should've asked my brother."

"Ask me what?" Peeta's voice echoed, placing a loaf of bread on the table. Natalie picked up the liquor Haymitch was drinking and doused the knife in it. "About babysitting Haymitch." She answered.

Natalie cut off a few slices for everyone. She took one for herself before speaking. "I'm going to go see Katniss." She kissed Cato on the cheek and left her house, but not without Haymitch's liquor.

She rushed over to the Everdeen's house as the cold swept into her bones, her boots crunching against the snow. "Don't track snow inside." Prim scolded lightly as Natalie entered the house. She stuck her tongue out at the young teen and continued down the hallway but stopped short when she saw the tense faces of Katniss and Katniss's mother.

     "We was wondering when you was returning home."

     "Home?" Natalie echoed. It wasn't until she noticed the two peacekeepers waiting for her return. 

     "This way, please, Miss Mellark."

Natalie looked at the Everdeen family for reassurance before following the peacekeepers down the hallway. At first, she had thought the stylists had arrived early but when the door opened, the smell of roses and blood immediately hit her. The small white haired man placed down his book and turned around to face her.

Her face fell as stared into the snakelike eyes of President Snow.

"I have a problem, Miss Mellark," says President Snow. "A problem that began the moment you pulled out those poisonous berries in the arena." Natalie tried to look indifferent to the man in front of her. But inside, she wanted nothing more to strangle him with her bare hands. Her fingers dug into the armchair as he talked, anything to keep herself from lashing out and doing something reckless.

"If the head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane, had any brains, he'd have blown you to dust right then. But he had an unfortunate sentimental streak. So here you are. Can you guess where he is?" he asks.

"Probably six foot under, most likely enjoying his time in hell." Natalie responded with a sweet smile. The smell of roses and blood has grown stronger now that only a desk separated them. There's was a rose in President Snow's lapel, which at least suggested a source of the flower perfume. As for the blood...she didn't know.

"After that, there was nothing to do but let you play out your little scenario. And you were pretty good, too, with the love-crazed schoolgirl bit. The people in the Capitol were quite convinced. Unfortunately, not everyone in the districts fell for your act," he says, ignoring her comment.

"If a girl from District Twelve of all places can defy the Capitol and walk away unharmed, what is to stop them from doing the same?" he says. "What is to prevent, say, an uprising?"

"Do you have any idea what that would mean? How many people would die? What conditions those left would have to face? Whatever problems anyone may have with the Capitol, believe me when I say that if it released its grip on the districts for even a short time, the entire system would collapse."

Natalie didn't know how to dare say the next words, but she did nonetheless. "It must be very fragile, if a handful of berries can bring it down."

There's a long pause while he examines her. Then he simply says, "It is fragile, but not in the way that you suppose."

"I didn't mean to start any uprisings," She tells him.

"I believe you. It doesn't matter. Your stylist turned out to be prophetic in his wardrobe choice. Natalie Mellark, the girl who was on fire, you have provided a spark that, left unattended, may grow to an inferno that destroys Panem," he says.

"Then just tell me what you want me to do. I'll do it," I say.

President Snow noted the engagement ring on her finger before he rose and dabbed his puffy lips with a napkin. "Break up with Cato, call off the engagement. Make the people think you're too heartbroken. Make me believe."

He dropped the napkin and retrieved his book. Natalie didn't watch him as he headed for the door, so she flinched when he whispers in her ear. "By the way, don't forget about our agreement, you have one month left then you come work for me." Then the door clicked shut behind him.

poor Natalie. It's only gonna get so much worst for her and Cato.

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