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"Flight 237, hour flight is now boarding, boarding first all passengers with handicap accessibility, and or children flying alone" the perky flight attendant called on the over head, out reaching to the entire central location of our gate,

Delilah and I grabbed our carryons that we stuffed on the seat next to where we seating, devouring a pretzel and a smoothie before we boarded, while we were waiting because of course our flight was delayed, but as a mom it was priority to stay calm, don't show weaknesses.

She latched on to my arm, and we handed the perky flight attendant, as I referred to her earlier as, our tickets and we walked down the hallway to the aircraft.

We hauled a purse and a backpack, both stuffed with our basic plane essentials, which consisted of two dr peppers, I remind you it's a long flight to New York City, a tiny box of lucky charms, Delilah's choice of course, a pack of gum, so our ears don't pop, a mom magazine, scooping out the hottest celebrity gossip, and a coloring book and crayons for Delilah, also two pairs of headphones, and Delilah packed her iPad, that her dad had purchased for her last Christmas, and a few miscellaneous things, like you'll find hair ties, Bobby pins, temporary tattoo stickers?, you know the usual.

We step onto the plane, and yet another perky flight attendant and the pilot greets us, mainly Delilah pilots and strange office men like her, firefighters, police men, etc, it's strange, they shouldn't like Delilah, I know she's cute and all, even in her princess pjs, and fuzzy house slippers, since I remind you it was 5 in freaking morning. but I put on a smile, and hope to god I get to sleep on the plane.

"Mommy, where is our seat" Delilah tugged on my sweatshirt sleeve,

"front row, on the left side, we get leg room this time." I told her, and her face lit up, she loved being able to stretch her legs and not accidentally kick the person in front of her, and then turn around and yell at me, telling me to keep my child under control., I'm sorry she's a human, she wants comfort. And being tall, this is a plus for me, because I can recline and not feel like I'm in a box.

"I want the one by the window" She said called running and sliding into the seat and pulled the curtain type thing up on the window to see what awoke in the busy airport.

"Alright." I said sinking in the seat, and pushing our bags under our two seats.

"Mommy, do you think they have pillows, because the window isn't comfy. and I need to be comfy to sleep in peace" the flight attendant passed at the same time she had said that, and laughed.

"I will go get you a pillow sweetie" she grinned and strolled back to the back of the plane where the storage was.

"make sure you say thank you" I said and patted her hair, and put my fingers through her hair. and tried to get comfy, before take off.

"Here you go" she reached over and gave it to Delilah,

"Thank you" Delilah said and flashed a big smile.

"Sure thing, if there is anything else you guys need just tell me" she said and walked off.

Delilah placed the pillow against the wall by the window and placed her sweet head on it. Her eyes started to shut, and I knew she'd be asleep for a while.


"Delilah, we just landed." I said tapping her on the shoulder. And packing everything I had pulled out during the ride, the part that I was awake for, which was about 20 minutes after take off, enough time to turn on my music, and fall asleep, and then 10 minutes before landing. It's all the holiday work kicking in.

"Really!" Delilah said looking out the window and seeing snow, which it was a tough landing, very slippery, because ice, I guess.

"Yep, ready to go see grandparents and daddy." I asked.

"yes! yes" she said smiling. and grabbing her backpack and I helped her manage to get it over her shoulders and on her back

"Let's go mommy" she said pushing by me and in the aisle.

We got off the aisle and walked down the hallway, and it was a whole different thing, whole different town, different smell, a smell of family, and fun, and holidays, I loved our annual trip.

We walked down the airport, and managed to stop at Starbucks for a Carmel macchiato, and for Delilah of course a hot apple cider and a muffin, we went to the baggage claim, and by our flight there her was,

holding a welcome Delilah and Iris sign, and I couldn't help but blush and smile, and Delilah ran for him and he picked her up like a princess and kissed her fore head and I walked over and he side hugged me.

Damn, Dylan was perfect, and I couldn't help but think exactly back to the time I fell in love with his eyes, and I was feeling that right now as I watched him laugh and look like the happiest man ever holding our little princess.

"Hi iris" he said and gave me a real hug.

"Hi dylan" I smiled into his shoulder still wrapped in his hug.

"Daddy, I see my luggage" Delilah said pointing to the only pink suitcase on the baggage claim.

"I see your mommas too" he said patting me on the shoulder and going up and grabbing them both and placing them in front of me.

I pulled up the handle, "You ready?" i asked.

"Yep, let's go my lovely ladies." he said escorting us out.

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