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"Layla, I need you to get up, we got a big day of
shopping ahead of us" I stood at the end of her loft stairs.

"I'm up, I'm up" I heard the bed creek, and I one leg appeared on the staircase.

"Well good morning, you got your list of what you need to buy" I questioned as she rubbed her eyes and strolled to the bathroom to put in her contacts, I followed her in.

"Yes mom, it's on my desk." she said putting in her contacts.

"Alright just making sure, we are leaving in 20 minutes." I said and went out of the bathroom to head down stairs.

I was already dressed, I had on a pair of jeans and a sweater, and just simple black boots, and my hair down and straight, and put on eyeliner and mascara, typical morning outfit and makeup.

Once I got downstairs I had two options, go check my email, and be annoyed with how many emails I got about the upcoming Christmas show, we were performing for the parade in New York City, in three days, it was Tuesday, December 21, and we were destined to get on a plane tomorrow Afternoon at about 3pm. Which the whole family was attending, which Layla had been talking about for weeks, because one of her favorite boy bands is gonna be there, don't ask what their name is, because I honestly don't know.

Or I could go check my phone and drink a morning cup of coffee, and stress eat a muffin. Maybe even check up on the news, with the free twenty minutes I had.

I think I'll go with that option.

I went into the kitchen, which was completely clean? I guess my wonderful husband cleaned it before his final day of work until we get back from New York, It was my first time going to New York, I was super thrilled. He worked as a lawyer, and professional hockey player for the San Jose Sharks, which was super cool, but you have no idea how high our dental bills are.

"Mom, where's my sequin cardigan, the tan one?" she asked me like I did her laundry. which I didn't,

"Did you check in the laundry, you have a load that you still need to put away." I called.

I heard her raced footsteps as she came down the staircase.

She ran past the living room, in Nike shorts, and a sports bra, and Christmas socks.

"I like your socks" I said jokingly.

"Thanks mom. " she said as she ran back upstairs with the recovered cardigan that she has "misplaced".

I poured a cup of coffee, out of the fresh pot Josh made, and put some French vanilla creamer in it, and mixed it up, and grabbed a muffin, that our chef had made, yes we have a chef, we hired her when I was working non stop with the band, and we get home late, and she would make delicious meals, that kept us all healthy and fit.

I grabbed my phone off the kitchen table, and sunk into the couch,

24 messages
2 missed calls.

(5) Amaya😻
(7) Josh❤️
(6) Pearl
(6) Layla is the best daughter in the world🌸

*she added that name in there when I got my new phone.

from: Amaya😻
a: hey, did you get my emails
a: let me guess you haven't pulled them up. you're lucky you're my best friend, or I would slap you.
a: don't forget meeting tomorrow at 12, then we will leave for the airport.
a: answer your dang phone girl. 😂
a: how about lunch today? maybe we go Layla's favorite restaurant, and I can take her for hot cocoa or something, what do you give a 15 year old, why you go and shop for her.

p: hey, sorry I haven't touched my phone since last night, would love that if you were take her for a couple hours, we are going shopping this morning, and I read through some of the emails last night, but fell asleep on my laptop. 😊

From: Josh❤️
j: Goodmorning my beautiful wife. 🎄❤️I love you so much, hope you and Layla have an amazing day shopping, I'll be home at like 7 tonight. I'll bring home dinner. I made you a cup of coffee☕️
j: and don't forget I would love love love a new set of that shaving and deodorant kit that you got me last year. just in case you were wondering what to get me.
j: tell Layla I love her lots. and not to spend all your money. 😂
j: oh and some new slippers would be great.
j: oh and socks, socks are cool, all of mine have holes, I'm sorry I like to walk outside with no shoes.
j: super excited for tomorrow, New York here we come baby, I am bringing home that huge suitcase from my parents house tonight, for you, since you gotta pack two outfits for each day.
j: love you sweetie. ❤️

p: hi honey.. love you too, and I got what you want, you told me like three times last night, in just the period of laying down in bed talking for an hour.. distracting me from work.. I'm excited too, and it takes a lot to be a girl in a band. 😂 I love you bunches, and I'll see you tonight cutie.


"Layla, oh Layla, I'm loading up, meet you in the car." I hear her footsteps pace down the stairs.

"I'm here" she said, I handed her a muffin, and we walked outside.

"Did you grab your list" I asked as I hopped in the drivers seat.

"yes, it's in my purse, can I hook up my phone to the aux cord?" she always asked, because she wanted to play her rap and love songs. from that boy band she is obsessed with.

"Yes, of course" I said and she anxiously grabbed the chord and blasted the radio, with my song?

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