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From: Amaya 🌸💗😻
a: hey babes, hope your break is going good, and hope your date went well, the pics you sent were super cute, just landed in New York, it's beautiful, all the snow, wish you were out here. 😞

k: I miss you lots, I am planning on spending the holidays with Jacob. wish he would invite me to go out to New York, that's where his mom and dad lives. I love ya! ☺️

a: you should text him, and tell him it's a very special occasion, the parade.:) :)

I smiled when she said that, but it wasn't such a bad idea, I mean I think he is going out there, on Christmas, so I'd basically be alone, incase you were wondering My family lived in Texas, the state in which I lived in, surprisingly I'm from a small town, but all of Texas towns are small, unless you live in Dallas or Houston or some thing.

text to: Jacob💑
k: hey baby, I was thinking, we should go to New York together 😉
J: hey cutie, that's quite the mid-afternoon text, let me guess Amaya just got there, and you're missing her.
k: ....yeah. how'd you know.
j: take a minute to think about that, and then once you figure out the answer, open up your door.

I walked over to the door, totally ignoring the whole think about it part, because what was the point, and I grabbed hold of the door handle and pulled it open, and there outside was Jacob, in sweatpants? and a rock band tshirt (acceptable) and two plane tickets.

"would you maybe want to go to New York with me?" he smiled and laughed.

"I hate you." I said completely falling into his arms.

"Hey no time for hugging we have a flight to catch, we leave at 6, plane is at 8:45." he said coming outside and helping me pack.

"What all do I bring, I'm meeting your parents, slightly freaks me out, because they hate me." I said remember horrifying flashbacks of when they would roll their eyes everytime I came over for the annual family dinner. because back then I practically was family.

"They don't hate you, they love you, they love I got back together with you, because they know I was only happy with you, and I'm not bringing home hookers." he joked.

"Whatever. so I'm guessing nice sweaters and jeans and boots, oh can you grab me a book?" I joked, but really I was just trying to impress them, by reading a book yes.

"I'll go grab your makeup out of your bathroom" he said exiting my room.

"alright I stuffed a shit load of clothes, so hopefully they impress, and just think I'm going to the parade also, and the after party, because I got the hook up" I did a strange dance in hopes for no judgement . who am I kidding.

"What should I wear for the plane, are we staying in a hotel, or at your parents? what time will we be getting in. sh-" then he kissed me just to shut me up.

"You stress to much, you are beautiful, they will love you, and if they don't I will disown them, I'm just kidding they give me gas money" he laughed but looked so serious at the same time.

"grab a sweatshirt and throw on some leggings, and bring headphones. and just chill" he said grabbing my suitcase off the bed and heading out to carry it to his car.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too kit" he smiled as he exited.


"Oh my god, I can't believe we are in New York, it's been a while my dear" I sounded drunk, or like a 5 year old, not really sure considering my ears were popped, and I was slightly tired, alright that's an exaggeration I was sleep deprived.

"let's keep our cool" he said putting his arm around me as we walked out of the airport and got into the cab.

"where to sir?" the cab driver asked. I looked around observing the compacted airport, full of many different people, there was people with kids, who looked stressed, and there were singles, probably leaving there office job to see family, or just escape for a business tripe, and there were couples, like me and Jacob, who wanted to escape life and experience something new and just be together during the holidays.

"Vengeass Hotel, please" I recognized the name, I could've sworn it was the one I stayed at as a child or it was the one you saw on tv, where famous people stayed, or in this case rich people. that was probably it.

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