Chapter 19: The Video

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3rd Person P.O.V

With the SPR Gang

The gang was currently sitting in base waiting for something to happen. Most likely, Mai's return to the factory. Naru was actually busy reading his book. Yasuhara was researching more about the factory just in case there was a mistake or anything he missed in his first research. Monk was looking around the room as Ayako was filing her nails. John was sheepishly trying to ask Masako out on another date. Lin was checking the moniters for any spiritual activity.

Suddenly, Monk's phone was ringing loudly. Everyone looked at him while he smiled nervously and looked at his phone. He answered the phone, "Hello, this is Takigawa Houshou speaking. May I ask, who is this?"

"Hey Monk it's Mai, sorry, I called the wrong number. If you want, you can look at the video I accidentally sent you. It's really funny so make sure to watch it," Mai stated. "By the way, tell the others I said hi again." She hung up; leaving Monk curious to what video Mai sent.

He looked at the others and shrugged. "It was Mai, she said hi again and she sent a video." They walked up to him as Monk put the video on. Their curious eyes watched as the video started.

In the video

Mai was grinning and said, "Hey guys, Mai here, you are one of the lucky people who get to watch this video. We have decided to humiliate-" she was cut off.

"Force, don't mess up the words Mai. You are forcing me to swim," a girl said from behind her. She was currently putting on a floatie.

Mai waved her hand at the girl. "Yeah, sure, we are forcing our friend Mary to swim after... Um..." She looked at the other people with girl who are trying to take away her floatie. "How long has it been again?"

The guy who was at the hotel answered her. "It's been 8 years Mai, how could you forget that." He chuckled at how Mai forgot that easily.

Mai rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, what Anthony said. Now that everything's ready to go-" she stopped as she looked at Mary holding onto her floatie tightly. Mai quickly frowned and told another guy to hold onto her phone.

The guy laughed hard and said, "You have to see this." He flipped the camera showing Mai with a beach umbrella trying to pop her floatie. "I can't believe how Mai is taking this so seriously."

"YOU DO NOT NEED THIS FLOAT MARY!! YOU KNOW HOW TO SWIM SO SHOW IT OFF WITHOUT THIS," Mai screamed. She ran after Mary with the umbrella.

Mary screamed in response, "NO I NEED THIS FLOAT SO QUIT MESSING WITH ME!!"

Mai yelled back, "IF YOU DON'T TAKE THE FLOAT OFF, THEN I WILL TELL YOUR MOTHER AND ALL YOUR FAMILY THAT YOU'RE STILL SCARED OF SWIMMING RIGHT NOW!!" With that, Mary stopped running and threw the floatie at her furiously.

She stomped right into the sea and pretended to swim. "Yay, this is so much fun," Mary said sarcastically. "Maybe we should do this again in another 8 years."

Mai put the umbrella down and walked up to Mary. Her face still had a frown as she pushed Mary farther down the ocean. "Swim," was all she said before she turned around and swam back to shore. She walked back to the guy who was holding her phone. "Trevor, give me my phone and quit laughing. This is a serious moment, more like a test for Mary."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll stop laughing at Mary for crying out loud," Trevor said as he gave one little goofy grin to the camera before handing the camera to the rightful owner.

Mary was then showed again on the camera. She looked frightened by how far she was into the ocean. "You can't expect me to swim all the over there from here." Mary waved her arms around dramatically.

Mai just laughed at her. "I am expecting you to swim that far. I don't care if you think that it's far away; 'cause its not. Now go and swim like you used to."

"Just because my grandfather said I looked like a fish when I swam, it doesn't mean its real," Mary said as she went down into the ocean.

It looked like Mai was searching for her since she ran up to the shore and the camera was moving around left and right. "Where did she go?" Again, she looked around as she went into the water. Then she moved the camera looked down and there she was.

Mary looked like she was grabbing onto Mai's foot. It turned out to be right as Mai began to scream loudly. "Get off Mary, get off of me right know!!"

Mary stood up and laughed while holding onto her stomach. "You know, I forgot how much fun it was to scare people when I grab onto them."

Another girl walked into the scene. "How did you swim all the way over here without coming up to breath?"

Mary giggled, "That's easy, I know how to hold my breath for a long time and I only have to come up only a few times when I swim."

Mai shook her head at her. "I'm done with you people." Then she turned the camera around. "Well, this is the video that only you people are going to see." Now she began to be serious. "If any of you decide to put this on any website, I will hunt you down and get you back since I have connections," and then she turned the video off.

End of the video

The gang was wondering what had just happened. "Well, that was an interesting video," Yasuhara said.

"You can say that again," Ayako joked. "Now that we watched that for awhile, what time is it?"

Lin answered that question, "It's currently 5 o'clock, Mai should be arriving soon." Lin looked back to the cameras. There wasn't anything interesting so far.

Suddenly, Mai's aunt went into their base. "Excuse me, but do know if Mai's back yet from the beach? She has an important test that she needs to take soon. I want to make sure she studies before the test today."

Naru shook her head. "I'm sorry, but she's not back yet. I think she'll be coming back soon."

Her aunt bowed her head in thanks. "Thank you, just call me when she comes back." Then she walked out of the room. Well, before bumping into Mai

Mai smiled at her, "Hi Auntie, sorry I came late like always. I'll be studying like you want me to." Mai walked away from base with her aunt right by her.


Me: Hey guys, thank you for reading this chapter. I hope to update by next week Friday. Thank you for 8K views, it means a lot to me. Now that I don't really have anything to say; please welcome Monk!

*Loud Applause*

Monk: Mana and I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and hopes you decide to Vote, Comment, or Follow. Mana does not own Ghost Hunt, but wishes so. Also, please keep this story in your library for further updates.


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