Chapter 41

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"Okay guys. There's a hospital wing in the military base, and I could steal a couple of materials, but you guys would have to keep Fawn and Scarlett hidden, because if another officer sees them, let's just say-" Mr. Williams started.
"Don't say it. We already know." Kyle said bluntly. He didn't want to even think about Fawn dying. It was too much to bear.
"Okay. So we basically have 2 choices, someone stays with Fawn and Scarlett outside of the base, or we have to disguise them both and sneak them in." Tyler said, laying out the facts.
"Just saying, it miiiight seem weird if the officers see that a 6 year old with a black patch around her eye and an unconscious girl are part of the military. It would be too obvious." Allena said worriedly.
"True. Well, Allena and I could stay here with Fawn, Scarlett and Marly, and you guys could go with-" Venus started. "I'm sorry, what's your name?" She asked.
"Ben Williams, just call me Ben." Ben said.
"Okay, is everyone okay with that?" Venus asked.
"Yep, think so!" Allena exclaimed and everyone else nodded.
"Okay, are we ready guys?" Kyle asked. Ben and Tyler nodded. "Let's go."
Allena and Venus waited back with Fawn, Marly and Scarlett, and Kyle and Tyler and Ben snuck inside the base. Around 10 minutes later, they returned with a bag full of supplies and another person, a woman.
"That..." Tyler huffed. "Was A close one!"
"Agreed." Kyle said exhausted. "We almost got caught!"
"Well at least we got the supplies..." Ben said tiredly.
"Not meaning to be rude or anything... But who are you?!" Allena asked the the woman beside Ben.
"This is my wife, Charla." Ben explained. "She's a nurse here and offered to help Fawn."
"That's great! Thank you so much!" Venus beamed.
"Not trying to rush you or anything like that, but we are still DANGEROUSLY close to a military base whose minds are set on killing two of the people here, so before we do anything, let's get OUT of here!" Kyle said worriedly.
"Agreed." Venus said.
"I brought a wagon to put Fawn and the supplies in, I thought it might help a bit to get you kids home safely." Charla said to the group.
"Thanks. I'll lift her in." Kyle said as he picked Fawn up and placed her gently into the wagon.
"Here's the supplies." Tyler said as he placed the supplies in the wagon beside Fawn.
They all walked a mile away from the base when they stopped at a large oak tree.
"I think this is far enough." Kyle said. "Can you please help her now?!" He asked.
"Absolutely." Charla said. "Just saying kids, I'm putting in stitches so people with a weak stomach may not want to watch."
"In that case... I might leave..." Allena said slowly.
Around a half hour later, Charla called everyone and told them she was finished.
"It wasn't that bad of a thing to stitch up, but there is something I have to tell you guys..." Charla said looking at the group. "I have done everything I could. I stitched her up, cleaned her wound, and given her the appropriate medicine. But... I... I don't know how to tell you guys..." Charla sighed.
"What is it?! Is Fawn ok?" Kyle demanded nervously. He and Scarlett were obviously the most worried of the lot.
"Well..." Charla started. "I'm afraid to say that I don't believe she will wake up."
"WHAT?!" Kyle yelled.
"But guys, remember the last time someone said that, she woke up a couple hours later? She'll be fine." Tyler said reassuringly.
"Where was she shot last time?" Charla asked.
"In the side of her stomach." Allena answered.
"The side of the stomach is not a hard spot to fix. But Fawn was shot in the neck this time, and there isn't much I can do except stitch her up. I've had a patient like this before, she never woke up." Charla said. "She's in a coma." She added afterwards.
"W-what. No..." Allena stuttered nervously.
"No. No no no. This can't be happening!" Kyle screamed.
"If I where you, I wouldn't waste too much time on her, it would be too hard on you guys. Your just kids. You'll move on." Charla said plainly.
"F-Fawn isn't going to wake up?" Scarlett said holding back tears.
"I'm afraid not." Charla replied with not a lot of emotion.
"But, she, she HAS to wake up! You don't KNOW that she won't! She will! Don't say that she won't!" Kyle yelled.
"Actually, I'm a nurse. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about." She said.
"Maybe she's right Kyle, she did get shot in the neck this time, I'm shocked that when Allena found her, she was still alive..." Tyler said a little sadly.
"She WILL WAKE UP!" Kyle said angrily. But on the inside, he had his doubts.
"Marly... When was the last time you saw Fawn before  she got shot?" Venus asked her.
"Um.... Three hours ago?" Marly said thinking.
"Guys... The most Fawn could've been out for is four hours, last time it took her an hour and a half, I think there's still hope." Venus said hopefully.
"Yeah but... She got shot in the neck, I've seen plenty of people get shot in the last few days, and most of the ones who didn't survive got one to the neck, like Fawn." Ben added.
"But- That doesn't MATTER! Am I the ONLY ONE that thinks Fawn might live???" Kyle said sadly.
"I'm not saying she won't, I'm just saying don't get your hopes up to much..." Ben answered.
"Yes.  Who knows? Maybe she'll miraculously survive and wake up but... Although she could survive, she may also spend the rest of her life in a coma." Charla said.
"W-Well.... Forget it." Kyle said before leaving.
"Just a question... Why is he so upset?" Ben asked.
"Kyle and Fawn are dating, I suppose you could say they're close..." Allena replied.
"Yeah... He's pretty overprotective of Fawn as well..." Tyler added.
"That too!" Venus exclaimed.
"I'm going to look for him. It's the middle of an apocalypse, and I don't like the thought of him being alone out there!" Allena said. Then she left. Three minutes later, she found Kyle, and he was crying.
"Kyle? Are you okay?" She asked him after a second. She knew it was a stupid thing to say, because he obviously wasn't.
"Does it look like I'm okay?" He replied a little sarcastically.
"No... Sorry. I just didn't know what to say..." Allena said. Then she walked over to him.
"What's wrong?" She asked "Well... I know it's the whole Fawn thing but, you know she'll be okay, right?" She added.
"Exactly. You're the first person I've heard say that she'll be fine in the last hour! Everyone else thinks that she's... She's... Going to... D-die... And I can't take it anymore! I want to have some hope that she'll live, because she means a lot to me... But it's kinda hard to do that when everyone around you says she's past that..." He explained. "It's like I'm the only one who has some hope. I know Scarlett does too but, she's been to shocked to even say anything!" He added afterwards.
"I think she's going to be okay. We just have to give her a while. A lot of crazy things have happened like this before the apocalypse, people getting into serious problems, getting badly injured and then surviving somehow, and I don't see why it has to stop now. She'll live, and I don't care what the rest of the group says, I agree with you, she's gonna be fine." Allena said kindly.
"Thanks Allena.  It means a lot. I'm glad someone else feels like she'll live." Kyle said now smiling.
"You're welcome.  That's what siblings are for, right?" Allena replied.
"Yeah, you're right." Kyle added. "But I'm still worried to heck about Fawn." He said after a few seconds.
"I am too. But I suppose I don't know what you feel like, you being Fawn's boyfriend and all. I'm just her friend. Heck, I never even HAD a boyfriend! And I'm pretty sure nobody's ever wanted to date me anyways." Allena said.
"It'll happen one day, I'm sure. But I think we should go back soon though. You?" Kyle asked.
"Yeah..." Allena answered. Then they got up and left.
"Okay, there you guys are!" Venus said relived.
"I thought that you two got bit by a zombie or something like that!" Tyler added.
"No. I was just... A little upset... I'm fine now I suppose..." Kyle replied flatly.
"Did anything happen when we were gone?" Allena asked.
"Nope..." Marly sighed sadly.
"When will she wake up? She can't die..." Scarlett said worriedly.
"I don't know if or when she will Scar... But whatever happens, she'll be fine." Venus told her kindly.
"Okay..." Scarlett said.
"Well, I've done all I can. I don't know what you kids want to do with your friend now. But I would recommend getting as far away from this base as possible." Charla stated.
"Should we go to the hospital again?" Scarlett asked.
"I don't know about that... The other three might get worried about us." Tyler answered.
"Perhaps we should just go back..." Allena suggested slowly.
"Yeah, good idea." Venus added.
"Well, thanks for helping us!" Tyler said to Ben and Charla.
"You're welcome. And in case she doesn't make it, I'm sorry for your loss." Charla replied.
"For the last time-" Kyle began to say, but got cut off by Allena poking him in the side again.
"Don't make this worse than it needs to be!" She cried quietly. Kyle groaned and walked toward Tyler and the rest of the group.
"Okay, so we've decided it would be best if we started our way back to our camp. It'll take a while, considering we have an unconscious person with us, but we WILL get there. If we're going to get there anytime soon, we better start now." Kyle stated authoritatively.
"Agreed." Venus added.
"Well, bye guys." Tyler said to Ben and Charla. Then they left.
Kyle ended up pulling the wagon with Fawn in it most of the time, and it was a long walk back to the camp. After about 3 hours, the 6 of them now including Marly stopped.
"Why does it feel like it's taking forever to get back to the camp?" Allena asked tiredly.
"Because it is." Tyler replied sarcastically.
"I didn't take that long to get to the military base before when we went to find Fawn, Scarlett and Luke a month ago, did it?" Venus added.
"Not really, but we were at our old camp, remember?" Kyle said.
"True. But WHY is it taking so LONG?" Tyler complained.
"Maybe we should take a break." Marly suggested.
"Probably the best idea." Allena agreed. So then they did. About 5 minutes later, they heard a twig crack.
"Did anyone else hear that?" Tyler asked.
"Yep." Marly replied.
Then they heard more.
"Oh no. What if they're zombies?" Scarlett asked nervously.
The sounds came closer.
"Guys?!" Allena said really nervously. Then they saw something. It was a deer.
"Oh... That's what it is..." Allena said embarrassed.
"You thought it was a zombie, didn't you?" Tyler asked her.
"Yeah..." She replied.
"Oh so what if she did!" Kyle cried defensively.
"Hold on a second! Is that... Morning?!" Venus asked shocked.
"Who?" Marly asked confused.
"Oh, a deer we took care of until she could care for herself." Venus explained.
"Ohhh." Marly said.
"Wait, IS IT?" Allena asked, wondering. Allena walked closer to the deer, seeing if it would run away.
"Allena... Be careful, it might not be her." Kyle said worriedly. Allena kept walking towards the deer. The deer shifted its head so that it was now looking straight at her.
"Ummm... Hi?" She asked. The deer stomped it's hoofs.
"Allena, back up." Kyle said quickly.
"Wait a second." Allena said, walking even closer to the deer. The deer showed no sign of fear.
"It has to be her." Allena said confidently, the deer's magnificent green eyes still staring into her's.
"Well, maybe you should try calling her name, and seeing if she comes." Tyler suggested. Allena shrugged.
"I can't speak to animals, remember?" She said sadly.
"Scarlett can!!! Scar, why don't you go and talk to... Possibly Morning." Venus suggested. Scarlett beamed.
"Ok!" She exclaimed.
"Woah woah woah wait. I know if Fawn was awake, she probably wouldn't want me to let you, so, no." Kyle said quickly, looking at Fawn.
"What! Oh come on! Fawn loves animals, she would encourage me to!" Scarlett defended herself.
"Oh... Fine." Kyle said disgruntled. Scarlett walked towards the deer.
"Morning, is that you?" She asked hopefully. The deer sniffed Scarlett cautiously. It was about 5 seconds before she finally nodded her head.
"Yes!!! It's her!!!" Venus exclaimed. "How do we explain what happened?"
Turns out they didn't need to. Morning started looking for Fawn immediately, sniffing each of the kids before finally finding Fawn in the wagon. She looked very distressed. She began to stomp her hoofs worriedly, nudging Fawn with her nose every two seconds.
"Hey, careful!! Don't hurt her!" Kyle yelled. Morning immediately stopped.
"Kyle. I think she was just trying to help. She doesn't understand what happened." Allena explained.
"Riiiight." Kyle replied. A few minutes later, Scarlett explained what happened to Fawn to Morning.
"That's why she's in a coma." Scarlett finished. Morning looked very worried.
"But there's nothing we can do. The doctor said the best thing we can do is take her back to the base." Tyler added.
"-But she will be fine." Kyle said quickly. It was very obvious that he was one of the most worried kids there, as well as Scarlett. Morning continued to look distressed. All of a sudden, she disappeared into the forest.
"Hello, where are you going!" Scarlett yelled behind her. "Hello! Why are you-"
"Told you she wasn't Morning. If it really was her she wouldn't leave us here, alone. You just can't trust animals." Kyle snapped quickly.
"Kyle..." Allena said, worried about him.
"Dude, no offence, but if Fawn was awake, she wouldn't like that." Tyler said, looking at Kyle.
"I'm sorry." Kyle said, looking at the ground. "I'm just really worried about her right now, that's all." He added after.
"It's ok, we understand." Allena said warmly, smiling at Kyle.
"Thanks..." He replied quietly.
Then, Morning came back. This time, with a few other deer.
"Woah." Marly said breathlessly.
Allena took a step forward, when Kyle grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"I may have let you go up to Morning when she was alone, but this time, you're. Staying. Put." He said strictly.
"Okay..." She sighed reluctantly.
"Why are the other deer here then?" Tyler asked. Scarlett asked Morning.
"She said that maybe her friends could help us get back." Scarlett replied.
"How?" Allena asked confused. Scarlett walked toward one of the deer.
"Scarlett..." Kyle began to say. "No."
"Oh get over it!" Scarlett said sarcastically as she took a few steps closer, now only 1m away from the deer. She started to hop onto the deer.
"Scarlett... Be careful." Allena said nervously.
"This is how!" Scarlett exclaimed. Kyle put his hand on his head in disbelief.
"Oh come on!" Kyle said in shock. "We are NOT getting on there!"
"If you want to get Fawn back home safely..." Scarlett began to say, knowing that Kyle would most likely give in to hearing this.
"Uh, um... Fine." Kyle said defeated. "But Fawn is riding with me." The group agreed on the idea as they all got onto one of the deer. Kyle was about to get on one of the deer when Morning stepped in the way. Realizing that morning probably wanted Fawn on her, Kyle got onto Morning instead with Fawn. Without warning, the deer began to run.
"How do they even know where where going?" Venus asked, confused.
"Morning is leading them, she knows the way back home." Scarlett exclaimed.
"Ohh.." Venus said, realizing. It was around 1 hour later when the group finally got home. It was dark, but they got back safely, and everyone was thankful for that. Everyone unpacked, and began to walk into the cabin, eager to see their friends that were left behind.
"Could someone open the door for me please, my hands are a little full." Kyle said, as he was carrying Fawn.
"I can!" Allena exclaimed, as she walked toward the door. Before she had a chance to open the door, they heard voices from inside the cabin.
"G-guys, I hear something out there, I swear!" A voice said. Everyone recognized this voice as Mika.
"Oh come off it Mika, it's nothing." Nani said, annoyed.
"I can hear something too though!" Caden said, jumping to his feet. The door opened and everyone flooded into the cabin.
"Oh my gosh, you guys are okay! I was worried sick!" Nani exclaimed, hugging Allena. Nani hadn't realized that Fawn was unconscious on the couch.
"Where's Fawn?" Nani asked, confused. None of the group knew how to explain.
"Yeah, where is she?" Caden asked, looking around. When his eyes finally met where Fawn was laying, he didn't know what to say.
"Is she... Is she... D-dead?" Mika stammered worriedly.
"Do you want to explain, or do you want me to? I understand if your not ready yet..." Allena asked Kyle.
"It's okay, I will." Kyle answered. Kyle exclaimed the long story to the group, and when he was finished, no one knew what to say.
"But they think she'll be okay." Kyle lied, trying to find hope.
"Dude, let's be real. They actually said there's a small chance that she'll ever wake up. Heck! They even said that we shouldn't waste our time on her!" Tyler said, not understanding that now was not the time. Kyle glared at him.
"Not. The. Time. Get out." Kyle said upset.
"I didn't say I agreed with them, I was just SAYING-" Tyler defended himself.
"Tyler, not now, ok. I know you mean well... But now just isn't the time." Allena cut off, sick of the fighting.
"Wait, Fawn isn't going to wake up?" Asked Mika, concerned.
"Well... They said there's a small chance..." Allena said, not wanting to admit it.
"What do we DO?" Caden asked. "Like... With, with her?" He added afterwards.
"They just said to wait it out." Venus answered.
"I don't care if we're waiting it out for a whole month, were not going to ditch her like those jerks said we should." Kyle said ignorantly.
"Agreed." Allena agreed.
"Guys, it's pretty late. I'm going to bed." Caden said while rubbing his eyes.
"Agreed. I'm tired. Night guys." Venus said.
"Night." Allena said before walking into her room. That night was one of the best sleeps the group has ever had.

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