Chapter Eight

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A/N This is reposted because it said this part was after chapter two >.< sorry

Chapter Eight

•Victoria's POV•

I woke up sore from the semi uncomfortable position. My neck ached and my shoulders had a sharp pain in them.

I looked around and saw that the boys must of all gotten up. I looked to see if Harry was still there and he was.

Harry stared down at me and smiled. I smiled too.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About noon." Harry said and I fell off the couch.

"Shit!" I said and ran to the kitchen and looked for my phone.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked following me. I checked my phone:

"Where the hell are you? You were supposed to come in at ten?!?!"

I responded quick:

"Sorry I slept in. I'll be there in 20." !

"Oh god dammit." I said ignoring Harry's presence.

I ran upstairs and changed into skinny jeans, an old t shirt, and a pair of converse.

I let my hair and makeup stay natural. I grabbed my favorite guitar then ran down the stairs with my phone in hand.

"Whoa Vic what's wrong." Harry said stopping me.

"I was gonna record some songs for my new album today and I'm late! Now move!!!" I screamed and pushed him out of the way. I started walking towards the door and opened it.

"Let me drive you and I can take the blame." Harry said and I stopped walking and faced him.

I thought about his offer for a little.

"Don't you have something to do today?" I asked.

"No it's my day off. Now come on." Harry said and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the house and into the car.

I put my guitar in the back seat and put on my shades. I then sat shot gun.

After a while I turned off the radio.

"This is killing me. What is happening?" I asked

"What do you want to happen?" Harry asked and I looked out the window and thought.

"I never really thought bout that." I confessed.

"I know what I want." Harry said and I looked at him.

"And what is that?"

"I want you to come on tour with us." Harry said and I was so shocked. I never thought this offer would be put up.

"What do you say?" Harry asked.

"I don't think they'd let me." I said honestly.

"Oh come on! I can convince them because I have that charm." Harry said and I laughed.

"Sure you do." I joked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry asked sounding offended. And we both laughed.

"Old times huh?" Harry asked after the laughter died down.

"Yeah..." I said as Harry slowed down the car.

We got out of the car and ran into the recording studio.

My manager and the tech guys were in there looking at me disappointed.

"And why weren't you here on time?" Kelli (my manager) asked.

"I'm sorry I slept in." I said.

"Because I didn't wake her up." Harry said backing me up. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Mr. Styles this isn't your situation. Please step outside." Kelli said having her manager side on.

"Not yet ma'am. It's my fault that she's late dont blame her please." Harry pleaded and Kelli looked at him with her arms crossed.

"Fine your off the hook this time." Kelli said and I felt relived.

"Also there's one more thing....."Harry said and I looked at him. He needs to just shut up. He got on Kelli's bad side already.

"And what is that?" She asked.

"Could Vic possibly come in tour with us? Please please! It would be good publicity and she can open for us-"


"And we won't distract her....wait did you say yes?" Harry asked.

"Yes she can go. You have all the right reasons. Just if she is going she needs to sing at some stops and not get caught doing anything." Kelli said looking at me.

"I won't. Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"I trust you guys. Plus I was going I visit my niece." Kelli said and Iran over to her and hugged her.

"Thank you so so much Kelli! Your the best!"

"Yeah I know now get your butt in the studio. We are going to record your new single from the album."

I nodded and ran into the studio. I smiled. I was so happy that I'm going on tour. I can hang out with the old gang. But wait....what about Ariana, Justin, and Avan? Will they be okay?

******After the recording********

"That's a wrap. You sounded beautiful Vic." Kelli said

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Now we already had the photo shoot for the album so we will chose one picture for this album and we will do our part of the job now. Go enjoy your time off hun!" Kelli said and I hugged her.

"Thanks so much. And enjoy your time with your neice."

"Thanks hun expect calls from you that you will answer." Kelli said and I nodded.

Harry and I walked out us both smiling.

"Thanks for backing me up." I said

"No problem. It's all worked out. Our coming with us on tour." Harry said and I stopped in my tracks.

Harry stopped and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"What if Justin, Ariana, or Avan need me?" I asked worried.

"Then they'll call."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"It'll be fine, Vic, just trust me." Harry said and grabbed my hands. I looked up in his eyes and instantly missed how we used to be. I pulled away and walked towards the car.

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