Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:

•Victoria's POV•

"Harry," I said looking at his eyes, "I really really wanna forgive you." I said and he smiled wide. "But you know that's hard for me. I think we just need to....we need to stop." I said blinking away my tears. Harry stared at me shocked and looked away. I saw him bit his lower lip and I knew he was preventing himself from crying.

Harry didn't look at me and he just walked away and slammed the door. I stood there shell shocked and not knowing what to say. He didn't let me finish. I was gonna tell him if he made it up to me I would forgive him.

I held my tears in and jumped on one of the beds in the room. I tucked myself in and let the tears fall down my face.

I heard the door open and I figured it was the guys who were gonna sleep in the bed next to me but I felt an arm touch me and I gasped as I held the tears in.

I looked up and saw Louis sitting at the edge of my bed. I sat up and looked at him.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Been better." I said and we sat there in silence.

"Look I know you don't wanna forgive him but look how messed up he is now. He loves you and I don't know how you can't see it. He needs you and you need him, no matter what your brain tells you." Louis said and stood up. When he got to the door he looked at me. "Harry's sleeping on the couch."

I sat there pondering on his words. I covered myself back up and heard two people get onto the bed next to me and I soon heard snoring.

I couldn't sleep. I looked at the clock and saw that it was four in the morning. I sighed knowing I wasn't gonna sleep anyways.

I closed my eyes and images of me and harry flew into mind. I smiled to myself when he sung in front of a whole crowd to me. I frowned when I figured out how lucky I was. He gave me so much and I give him a no.

I let my imagination kick my thoughts out and I fell to slumber.


I woke up and looked at the clock that laid on the bed side table. It read noon so I got up. I saw that Niall and Ashley were in the bed next to me and they both were asleep.

I quietly got up and threw a sweat shirt on. I looked at the one Harry gave me. It was sitting under the one i chose. I smiled and walked out the door.

I saw that Zayn, Louis, and Liam were all up and eating.

"Morning" Liam said and I gave him a fake smile.

I grabbed a bowl and the frosted flakes and I poured myself a bowl. I added the milk on top and I grabbed a spoon.

I sat down on the sofa next to Zayn and watched whatever he was watching. I didn't even pay attention to it anyways.

"We're gonna go walk around town." Louis said talking bout him and Liam.

"Wanna come?" Liam asked.

"We'll catch up with you." I told them thinking we probably won't.

I put my finished bowl on the coffee table in front of the couch and Zayn paused the movie. I turned and looked at him confused.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"I like you." He said and I stared at him with a blank expression. I had no idea what to say. I'm confused now and I don't know who I like.

Before I could say anything, Zayn pressed his lips against mine and I closed my eyes and let him. I kissed back and I felt amazing.

He pulled back and I slowly opened my eyes disappointed that it ended.

"I uh..." I said as I was lost with words. He smiled at me and put my bowl in the sink. I stared at him.

"Go get into something I'll take you around town." He said and I smirked.

"Like you know your way around." I said and walked to my room. I heard a noise and I realized that Niall and Ashley probably are doing something. I backed away from the door and I walked back to Zayn.

"I can't change." I said and he looked at me suspicious.

"Niall and Ashley." I clarified things and he nodded.

"Looks like you're going in that." He said and I looked down. I was wearing a sweat shirt and some running shorts.

"Okay." I said not really caring.


Zayn and I walked hand in hand down this unknown street. None of the boys knew where we were and I'm not surprised.

"Where was Harry this morning?" I asked as we walked into a bakery which reminded me so much of him.

"Uh he said he was gonna hang by the pool." Zayn said.

"What flavor do you want?" Zayn asked with his sunglasses still on.

"Red Velvet." I said excitedly. Zayn ordered for us and we sat down and ate our cupcakes with coffee.

"Lets go back and see what's up with Harry." Zayn said as I finished my cupcake.

"Okay."I said dumping the wrapper into the trash. Zayn and I both had coffees but mine was iced. When we walked we chatted and drank our drinks.

We walked back to the hotel and straight to the pool.

I saw that Harry was laying out and looking on his phone. We walked towards him and he looked up then back at his phone.

"A simple 'hi' would be good." I said and he didn't even look.

"Hey mate c'mon" Zayn said. I sighed and looked at Zayn.

"Go change into your bathing suit. I'm gonna talk to him." I told Zayn and he nodded and took both our drinks up.

"Harry...." I said and he put away his phone.

"Are you and Zayn....?" He asked

"Uh no. I don't think so." I said and he nodded.

"Harry you didn't even let me finish yesterday." I said.

"I heard enough." He said.

"So you heard how I was gonna let you back in but you were the one who shoved me out?" I asked and he stared at me with wide eyes. He acted like I didn't say anything and rolled his eyes and I stood up.

"You know I'm glad you didn't hear correctly. You keep messing me up. Zayn treats me like I'm his. Have fun ignoring me." I waved off and walked away. I felt Harry grab my arm and he turned me around.

"I don't want you dating Zayn." He said and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"You don't have any rule over me." I said.

"I don't want you dating anyone." He said and I blinked away the tears.

"You don't have a choice." I said and saw his eyes struck with sadness and anger. I know this is a mistake letting him go. I know he's gonna forget about me and he will find someone and be happy. I know I'm gonna cry many nights wishing I was that girl but I'm not letting him think he can do this kind of thing to me. I know I love him and I know I wish this never happened but it did and I don't know what to do.

I turned away as I felt a tear fall and walked up to my room. I saw Niall and Ashley walking the opposite way and they both looked at me. I felt as if the world slowed down and I fought to get away.

"Vic?" I heard Ashley's voice and I ignored and got to the room.

I closed my bedroom door and slid down the door. I closed my eyes and banged my head against the door. I wish he could just hold me in his arms.


So they aren't together. Victoria's confused and she needs a wake up call. Maybe she'll realize her love later.




Love you my cupcakes


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