Chapter 3

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Back down in the kitchen Theo went over the minuscule details of how he preferred things to be done. It was clear to me, at first glance of the fridge, that he was one of those types that ate only organic, free range and non gmo foods.

The milk, he said was homemade almond milk that his personal shopper found at the farmers market. His veggies and fruits were bought from the same place. His herbs was plucked fresh from his little garden out back and the meats and fishes and eggs were organic fed with no hormones and taken from animals that were free-range.

Everything in the fridge had their place. There were no ziplock bags or plastic tuperware to hold things, but these clear glass containers.

"I only store food in glass." He said, explaining further that glass didn't absorb and keep smells.

Theo had one of those fancy fridges whose front was transparent,allowing visual to what was inside. It was pretty impressive.

"This weeks shopping is already done. But, when you do go shopping there is a list of select places that the food must be bought from. When you get it home, it is your job to clean, cut and store each product in its specified container." He flourished his hand to the many containers that had chopped veggies and fruit in them.

"The meat you must portion out, wrap with the freezer wrap and then wrap with butchers paper before writing the date and type of meat on the top. When you place it in the freezer keep it organized. Beef with beef, venison with venison, fish with fish and so on. Also, make sure you face the items. That means the newer stuff is to be placed in the back and the older pulled to the front so it can be used first."

"Okay." I said, nodding my acknowledge that I understood clearly.

Theo walked over to a small door in the corner and opened it. "This is my root cellar. It's where things like potatoes, onions, carrots and turnips are stored.

"And over here-" he closed the door and then moved to the stove before opening a cabinet. "-is where I keep seasonings and cooking oil. The only specialty seasonings I prefer to cook with are Flavor God. Herbs are picked fresh, like I mentioned previously. As for the oils, only coconut oil."

I felt a stress migraine begin to form as I continued listening to all his details. It was a lot to run by all at once.

"Lastly, this fancy contraption right here will be come your best friend." He tapped the screen and it lit up. "This links to every recipe website in existence. You can search for whatever recipe you prefer and it will give you the best overall rated one." He typed in a random recipe and instantly it popped up. "If you plan on doing weekly menu's this will also help you with a grocery list." He glanced at me and then tapped another button and a list of ingredients popped up in shopping list form. "All you have to do is send it to the phone I gave you and you are good to go.

After we finished in the kitchen he took me back upstairs to my bedroom where we crossed over to the desk and picked up a thin folder.

Inside were several papers that listed the different 'Theo-approved' places that I could go to for free - clothing stores, shoe stores, jewelry stores, dress stores and spa's were just a few. There was also a formal paper which noted the other expectations of our faux-relationship, which included us having to take pictures together every few days doing... couple things, meeting his parents, him meeting mine, etc... That I wasn't comfortable with. The last couple pages were just a mini bio on Theo - that he wrote himself - and a facts page, which listed things a serious couple would know about each other, from what they preferred on their sandwich to their favorite color and even sleeping habits.

"Any questions?" He asked once he finished.

I nodded my head. "Am I allowed to have friends over?"

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