Chapter 23

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"Ellie!" I shouted repeatedly into the phone in a panicked frenzy. I knew something bad had happened. There was no denying it.

I got dressed as quickly as I could and grabbed my keys before I headed downstairs.

"Theo, where are you going?" Grace called as she followed quickly after me. "I need to talk to you." As I reached the foyer I quickly turned around, my face reddened with anger at her for causing this situation with every manipulative thing she had done.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL IN MY HOUSE!" I screamed in her face.

I saw a flicker of fear cross her face. "You need to know that I am pregnant and the baby is yours."

I gave her a look of disgust as I looked her up and down once. "No, absolutely not."

"Yes, Theo, that night after the opera house in Seattle." She reached out to touch me and I stepped back.

"We didn't have sex. I know, I remember." I said as I replayed the night over in my mind again.

"Do you remember?" She asked me coyly.


"And you are sure you are remembering what happened, or are you remembering what I said happened and filling in the blanks."

When we got back to the room Grace made drinks for JD and myself and we drank them. Then her and Ellie had drinks. JD was the first to pass out while him and Grace were dancing and then Ellie.

I recalled Grace pulling me to my feet to dance with her, but I kept trying to get to Ellie so I could get her to bed.

Then I remembered... "Theo, look at me, I am Ellie." Grace's voice said.

"YOU POISONOUS BITCH!" I shouted before shoving her back against the wall and pinning her there. "Because of you Ellie is in the hospital right now." I said through clenched teeth. "If anything happens to her, so help me God I will ruin you in ways that will make Lindsey Lohans dump of a life look like the perfect holiday."

I dropped my arm and took a step back before turning and heading out the door.

"What happened to Ellie?" I heard Grace call out in a faint voice.

I stopped in mid-step and glanced over my shoulder. "She was in a car accident. If she dies her blood is on your hands. Remember that." I said before I jogged the rest of the way to my truck and headed to the hospital.

"Where is she!" I yelled as I ran into the emergency room. "Where is my wife!"

She wasn't truly my wife, but I knew if I wanted to know anything or even see her I had to claim her as such. Only family was allowed to know things during times like these, this much I knew.

"Sir, please, just calm down and we can help you." A nurse said as she joined my side.

It took her a moment, but then I saw the realization of who I was through her eyes. "She was just taken back to surgery." The nurse said and then led me down the hall and through several doors that required a badge, before she stopped. "This is the waiting room, when there is news someone will inform you."

She placed a hand on my shoulder and gave a squeeze before she walked off.

For several minutes I sat anxiously in the waiting room, until I couldn't stay put anymore. Leaving the room I began slowly pacing the halls. I slowed to a stop once I overheard two nurses talking around the corner.

"Yeah, I heard from Yena that Theo James' fiance is undergoing surgery right through those doors." The blond nurse said, pointing towards the door across the hall.

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