Chapter 11

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It felt like an eternity had passed before all of our guests had either turned in for the night or went home. My family and Ellie's would be staying for the weekend because they lived too far away.

This peace left Ellie and I to ourselves - we now stayed in the same room. Whether because she wanted to keep her end of the deal and keep up appearances, or because we were together.

Laying on the bed with my hands behind my head I stared at the ceiling, wondering how things were going to play out from here. Before, I wouldn't have really cared, but my heart was on the line. Though it all started out as pretend, I was in love with Ellie.

The bedroom door opened and then closed, and I watched as Ellie quickly walked across the room and into the bathroom suite. Pushing myself up onto my arms I stared after her, long after she was gone.

Then I heard the shower running.

Climbing out of bed I followed after her. My mind was made up, but did I have the guts to follow through?

Ellie was standing in front of the floor length mirror with her back to me. I knew from the mirror she could see my reflection. Hesitantly I crossed the bathroom to stand behind her. My eyes were trained on her bare reflection in the mirror.

Every curve of her body, the the fullness of her breasts, the lines of her taut stomach... she was perfect. Reaching my hand up I moved her hair to one side, watching the expression on her face for a sign on rejection.

Her lips parted slightly and I could hear her breathing hitch. I ran my fingers along the side of her neck and her eyes fluttered shut. Then my lips were on her neck, sucking and nipping gently at the tender skin.

"You have no idea how nervous I am right now." I whispered into her ear.

She opened her eyes to look at me. "Why?" She said in a breath voice.

"Because, it means something."

Slowly she turned to face me. "There is no reason to be nervous." She said.

Raising my hand up I grazed her cheek. "It does if you have a lot to lose, and I do." I admitted.

"Theo... I know you meant everything you said down there, but so you know I did as well. So please, just make love to me already." She said and without hesitation I lifted her into my arms and with her back pressed to the wall I began kissing her passionately.

A huge wave of relief washed over me at her confession.

Somehow we managed to undress without parting from one another and then we moved to the shower. As we stood under the water we stared longingly into each others eyes. I could feel the blood flowing down below as I pressed my lips to hers again.

"I love you Theo." She whispered to me .

"I love you." I grinned.
The second we connected it was like 1 million fireworks going of inside of me. The connection that we had in that one moment felt so perfect and I never wanted it to end.
Hearing her cry out my name in the end and knowing how she truly feels gave me an even stronger high than I've ever had before.
Even after we had both found our releases I could not stop admiring her and doting over her body. My lips explored every inch of her skin and gave pressed tender kisses along the way.
"I love you" she said and a burning passion grew deeper inside of me.

After we were spent we laid in my bed, Ellie wrapped in my arms. Things were as perfect as perfect could get and I couldn't have been happier.

The next morning I woke with a smile on my face as I gazed down at the dewy face of the woman that would soon be my wife.
Sniffing the air lightly I caught hints of maple and bacon causing my stomach to churn angrily.  Letting Ellie sleep a little while longer I slipped from the bed and pulled on my pajamas before I headed downstairs.
"Teddy bear," my mother began. "Walking around barefoot is going to get you a cold."
"I'll be fine, mum." I said as I walked around to the stove where she was cooking some bacon.
Taking the tongs from her hand I took her place at the stove and continued cooking.
"I didn't want to wake you, and figured whats better than a nice home cooked meal." She said as she took a seat on the barstool.
I smirked. "Ellie cooks."
"But nothing is as good as your mum's home cooking." She winked.
She definitely had a point. Suddenly it was as if the entire mood in the room shifted.
"I overheard her talking to her mother about her sisters... How they were dead... what happened?"
My eyes flickered towards the hall. "I know I won't have to tell you to not bring it up ever again, if I tell you." My mother nodded her head. "Her older sisters  ex broke into their house while their parents were out and shot her and her sisters. They didn't make it."
My mothers hand shot up to her mouth as she looked at me wide eyed, tears pooling in them.
"That poor girl, I can't even imagine-"
"What girl? Imagine what?" Ellie called as she entered the room.
"Er, my mother's friend, her daughter has some nasty virus that has been going around. Nothing to worry about." I smiled as she joined my side and I pressed my lips to hers.
"You are going to make a beautiful bride, Ellie." My mother cut in, causing her to blush.
"Walking down the isle with hundreds of eyes on me... I am honestly trying not to think about it. If I fall on my face the whole world will know about it in less than twenty-four hours."
I shook my head. "Absolutely not. I will hire all the best security, and it will be an exclusive event. We can make it an exclusive ceremony with only immediate family and-"
"Theo, I don't want to exclude any of our friends and family... I-I'll be okay after I make it down the isle without falling on my face." She ended with a bit of a laugh.
"Well if you plan on falling, wait until you reach the altar so I can catch you."

A/N: I'm so horrible, I know. Short chapter.

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