Chapter 13

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When we arrived at the studio there was already a ridiculously long line. There stood hopeful women of all sizes and ethnicity. All of them hoping to get the role of starring along side my 'fiance'.

"I can get you through to the front of the line." Shai said as we headed towards the door.

I shook my head as I gazed at all the women. "No, I'm not even going to try out."

"You promised! You have to at least give it a real try." Grace said as she took my hand and started tugging me towards the line.

"Come on, lets go. I got ya." Shai said as she let us through a side door and into a room with several of the co-stars.

"Hey, Shai, Zoe... friends." A male with chin length dark brown hair said.

"Grace, Ellie, this is Ezra, he's playing the role of Sebastian - Emmaline's best friend and partner in crime." Zoe introduced.

"Are you guys in the movie too?" I asked Shai and Zoe.

Zoe nodded her head. "I'm playing a minor role, but Shai is playing one of the Princess'"

"Clove Matheson, to be exact." She grinned. "I won the role over Jennifer Lawrence. Though I honestly thought she would get it. Apparently she looked too old for the part."

We turned a corner and stopped by small seating area just as Theo came walking through a door dressed in what I could guess was something a Prince or King would wear. His eyes were trained on the paper in his hands as his lips moved silently.

"Hey my liege" Ezra called out to Theo as he went on one knee.

Theo glanced up and found Ezra before his eyes landed on me. I could see the question on his face which I shook my head too.

"What are you doing here, love?" He asked me.

I crossed my arms. "I'm here against my will. They are forcing me to audition."

Theo laughed as he glanced between Shailene and Zoe. "Are they, now?" He laced his fingers carefully through mine and then pulled me into his arms. "It wouldn't hurt to try. Then again, I could easily get you out of it by simply stating that I need your help with something much more important."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever it is, I'm in."

He turned to Grace as I wrapped my arm around his waist and mentioned slipping away with me for a few moments, but not before mentioning that if she planned to audition she should be on her way. 

"Shai, let Rodney know that I am in my quarters and to send for me when we get the finals." Theo said before he led me from the room.

He walked me down a long hall and through a door that had a star with his name on it. Once he closed the door behind me he flourished his hand to the room.

"And this is where the magic happens." He chuckled.

"What is this room?" I asked as I walked into what seemed to be a tv room. In the center was a horseshoe shaped couch and against the wall was a massive television screen.

"Quarters, is my assigned room for when I have downtime on set. I can come here and unwind, take a nap, eat, whatever."

"So, what are the plans? What are we gonna do while we wait?" I asked as I took a seat.

"Well, you can do whatever, but I have to go over my lines."

"How do you do that?"

He came over to my side and took a seat before handing me a script. "All the yellow highlighted areas are my lines. The green is my co-stars. I normally have Melissa run lines with me but she is busy overseeing things today."

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