Chapter 5

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I sat in the corner of the padded room, exhausted and my voice hoarse from fighting to try and get out of here. I knew that it was futile, but there was a rage burning deep inside of me from all that had happened. If it weren't for Grace things would have been perfect, happy even.

Sometime down the road, we would have discovered that Ellie was pregnant, and then there would be a great celebration once we got past the shock of it all. Both Ellie and the baby would be healthy and safe.

But now there wasn't even a future for either of them, nor would I ever get the chance to spend my life with the woman I loved and our child. It wasn't fair how a glimpse of unforeseen happiness was dangled right in front of me, and then ripped out of my life completely just as I had finally grasped for it.

A sound of the door being unlocked grabbed my attention and I quickly looked up as a doctor entered, two men dressed in white behind him.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Vivianne Munroe." She stared down at me with great green pensive eyes that were framed by thick rimmed glasses and red bangs. "I see yesterday that you've had quite the emotional time. How are you feeling now? Are you still angry, or maybe saddened?"

I just stared at her.

"Can I get you anything? Maybe a drink of water, something to put in your stomach. It was noted that you had not eaten anything."

I glanced at my hands that were folded and resting on my knees.

"Well, I know that you do not want to be here and I can help you with that, but first I need you to help me." I glanced up at her. "We are about to start group therapy and part of getting out of here is working on the reason you were placed in here to begin with. So if you are willing to work with me I'd say you no longer need to be in here."

"They said I was on a 72 hour hold for being a danger to myself and others. That is false." I finally spoke.

The doctor glanced at her watch and then to me. "It was noted in your file that you knocked out one of the hospital staff, and then you tried to attack the nurse at the station."

I held up my hand to silence her. "No, that is incorrect. Yes, I did hurt that nurse, but it was an accident, they were pulling out of my wife's room and I was trying to get their hands off of me. I wasn't doing anything but sitting on the floor, pleading calmly for my wife to live and then these random people came up behind me, put their hands on me and practically ripped me from the very place I had a right to be at. Yes, I'm sorry I hurt that nurse, but they brought that on themselves. They could have asked me or suggested to me that where I was at was not the best place for me with all that was going on, but they went straight to assaulting me by putting their hands on me and dragging me from the room.

"And the lady at the front desk, I wasn't even trying to attack her, I was just hitting the window. I'm not stupid, I knew it wouldn't break. Normally I'd have my punching bag or crossfit equipment to burn off steam, but you guys locked me in a friggan mental hospital for reasons that are completely ridiculous. I'm as much a danger to myself and others as you are and I command that you let me out of here."

The doctor stared at me for a moment, contemplating my words before she spoke. "I'm sorry, but you are here for a minimum of 72 hours."

I carefully rose to my feet, making both the doctor and the two men in white a little nervous. "I'd like to make a phone call to my mother."

"Phone calls are limited to after dinner, except on weekends. I'd say you have about another five hours until then. But you can't receive your phone privileges if you are in the quiet room."

"You do realize that once I do get released from this place I will be contacting my lawyer. I will sue this hospital."

"And you will be free to do that, but right now, there are protocols and if I do not follow them I get fired." She responded calmly to my threat. "Now, how about we get you on your way to being able to make that phone call."

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