Chapter 7

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Warning! This chapter is not one of my best...I'm a bit tired out right now. I hope that you like it anyways :D Thanks for all of the comments and votes on the last chapter!


Rysnna's POV

After finishing our lunches, Liam and I headed out of the restaurant and searched the streets for a Wal-Mart or another store that sells clothes. I was actually surprised that we weren't noticed yet by anyone.

"How about here?" Liam asked, pointing to a small boutique that sold both men's and women's clothing. I nodded and followed him as he opened the door and stepped into the store, the bell ringing.

The store was empty except for a few employees, making it a peaceful environment compared to the busy street. After nodding politely to an employee nearby, Liam led me off towards the back of the store where the more simple clothing was on display.

"I'm going to go look over here," Liam said, motioning to the men's side of the store. I nodded before turning around and looking on the women's side. I quickly found a pair of black yoga pants and a long sleeve dark shirt before wandering over to the men's side to look for Liam.

"Hey, I found my stuff. Did you?" I asked when I found him standing by a table of polos. He grinned and nodded, holding up his dark clothes.

“Now, where are we going to find ski masks in the middle of the summer?” I asked as we walked to the cashier. She quickly rung our clothes up and Liam handed her his credit card.

“We could go look at Wal-Mart now,” he suggested as we left the store.

“Okay, but we better be quick!” I warned him, seeing as they had a concert later.

Zayn’s POV

I grinned and sat up as Rysnna and Liam left the hotel room to go get lunch. Little did they know that I wasn’t really sleeping…

I quickly slid the ropes off of my wrists since Liam didn’t tie them right. I smirked and undid the rope on my feet before standing up and stretching.

Let’s see…How should I get back at them? I could hide all of their luggage so that they can’t find anything and will have to go all the way to the bus to get extra clothes. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I’m a bit too lazy to do anything else, so it should work.

I walked over to the opposite corner of Rysnna’s room and grabbed her small bag before leaving the room and heading across the hall to Liam’s room. He’s going to freak out when he can’t find any of his things!

I snatched his suitcase from under his bed and lugged it out of his room and down the hall before I reached the front door. I held onto the handle tightly and slung Rysnna’s bag over my shoulder before silently leaving the hotel room and cautiously walking down the silent hall.

Deciding that my base would be the tour bus, I went straight to the elevator, not stopping by the other team’s room. I really don’t want to side with them since I know that they probably will lose or be tricked badly. It’s also going to be easier to prank them while they are distracted anyways.

As the elevator doors opened to the lobby, I stepped out and mad my way towards the back entrance which led to the parking lot where our tour bus was parked. When I reached it, without meeting any crazed fans that got through security, I pulled my key out and unlocked the door before getting on.

I ended up hiding their luggage under a blanket in the corner of the living area, but it’s better than nothing! Since I had nothing better to do, I locked the doors and fell asleep on the couch in the living area.

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