Chapter 38

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait, but I was kind of busy/ lazy... I hope that you enjoy this chapter though :D Thank you pretzel_niall23Kawin123, Directioner_Freaks13, directioner4life315, and JulieGoGo_2 for commenting! I love to read your comments! Please refrain from using too much harsh language and rude phrases though.


Rysnna's POV

My eyes snapped open and I stared up at the cloudy sky in shock. What the hell? I quickly sat up and looked around at my surroundings to find that I was in a park of sorts. There was a huge lake in front me that was a dull grey due to the clouds that were blanketing the sky. The busy city sounds were muffled a bit due to the trees that were lined up around the lake.

I jumped when Harry's slow voice interrupted my thoughts, "Good morning love..." I looked down at him and glared. He smiled innocently before sitting up slowly and watching me carefully. I groaned, shaking my head slightly.

"Where am I and how did I get here?" I demanded, raising my eyebrows slightly as I looked at a sleepy Harry. He yawned before standing up and stretching, his arms above his head. He lifted his foot up and put it on his thigh, looking at me the whole time.

I stared at him as if he was crazy, raising my eyebrows higher as he started to lean to the side. Was he doing yoga? He burst out laughing, his dimples showing and his eyes squeezed shut. I couldn't help but laugh too as he put his leg down and clutched his stomach.

"You're one of the most weird people I've ever known!" I exclaimed as his loud laughs filled the air. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up, stilling chuckling.

"That's why you love meh!" he giggled, impersonating a girl as he stood with his hand on his hip. I just shook my head at him before walking through the line of trees around us to the park trail. We must be in Central Park...

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" he called after me as I continued to walk away from him. All of a sudden, he grabbed me by my waist and started to drag me back to the lake.

"What are you doing?" I complained before he let go of my waist. I turned to face him and sighed when I found that he was doing another yoga pose.

He watched me, trying not to laugh, "You're not going anywhere until you do yoga." I scoffed and opened my mouth to argue, but decided not to when I saw the determined look on his face. This is going to take a while...

I glared at him as I copied the pose he was doing. He smirked, rolling his eyes, "Attitude Miss Rysnna..."

Zayn's POV

"Zayn? Zayn, you need to wake up now. Paul still can't find the others and Harry and Rysnna still aren't back," I heard Lou say as she shook my shoulders lightly. I groaned, pulling the blanket back over my head, but she ripped it away, causing me to slowly open my eyes.

"Fine," I grumbled, sitting up and yawning. She threw a protein bar at me before walking out of the room quickly. I rubbed my face and sighed before ripping the packaging off of the cereal bar and shoving it into my mouth.

I hastily pulled my phone out of my pocket and rang Harry, hoping that both he and Rysnna were alright. After a few rings, he picked up and I let out a sigh of relief, "Harry! Where are you two? Paul is still looking for us and I don't know what to do."

"Hey Zayn, we're in Central Park. Get the others and meet us at the lake. See ya!" he laughed before hanging up. I ran my hand threw my hair, frustrated with his lack of explanations. How am I going to get three more lads to escape?

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