Chapter 37

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Hey everyone! I'm back with the next chapter! Hope that you all enjoy it :D


Harry's POV

I yawned, slowly opening my eyes and squinting through the darkness. I groaned, trying to stretch my neck, but instead hitting my head on the sink. My arm was still around Rysnna and her head was on my shoulder, which kind of hurts right now.

Sighing, I pulled my phone out of my pocket only to find out that it's already midnight and that I have fifty missed calls, many of them from Paul and Preston. I held back a grin before looking down at Rysnna. Well, at least she's getting some sleep...

I knew that she was going to be in a lot of pain in the morning if she slept any longer in the cabinet, so I decided to take her back to my room since her room is probably a mess after Liam tried "hiding" from us in there. After slowly opening the cabinet, I peered around the dark kitchen and made sure that no one was lurking in the shadows.

I carefully slid out of the cabinet before turning back around and gently picking Rysnna up in my arms. She didn't even shift in her sleep, so I knew that she would probably be asleep for quite a long time. Without waiting any longer, I cautiously made my way out of the kitchen and to the front door, fully aware that Paul could be out there.

I really hope that he isn't because it's too late to get yelled at. I held back another yawn before quietly opening the door and stepping out into the thankfully empty hallway. I trudged down the hall, making my way to our room, but froze in my tracks when I heard a door open.

"HEY!" Paul yelled and without hesitation, I took off towards the lift that was only a few feet away. "HARRY, DON'T YOU DARE!" Whoops...

I slid to a stop and jabbed the lift button furiously, glancing over my shoulder to find that Paul was running down the long hall, a furious expression on his face. As soon as the lift's doors opened I stumbled inside and hastily pressed the button that closed them. I let out a sigh of relief, hoping that we didn't have any security in the lobby.

The lift doors sprang open and I ran out into the lobby, dodging a group of fans and security before sprinting through the doors, trying to keep Rysnna's head from getting hit. Screams could be heard from lobby, making me run even faster down the steps. I pushed through crowds of people on the sidewalk as I made my way down the street, Rysnna not even waking up as she got jostled around.

The worst part is that I don't even know where I'm going right now! I slowed my pace down, looking over my shoulder to find that I had lost the crowd of girls that probably tried to follow me. Sighing, I quickly hailed a cab, moving Rysna so that she was now over my shoulder. Good thing that she was asleep...

I threw the cab's door open as soon as it pulled to stop in front of us, carefully laying Rysnna down on the seat before sliding in and closing the door shut behind me. "Central Park please," I told the driver who nodded tiredly. The rain had stopped and the park shouldn't be too busy at this time...

I pulled my phone out and checked my texts quickly, just in case the other lads were looking for us. I laughed at the text that Lou Teasdale just sent me.

From: Louise >:D

Harry, I'd come back if I were you... Paul is on the war path! I've never seen him this angry.

To: Louise >:D

Sorry. Please make sure that he doesn't find the others though. Talk to you later...

From: Louise >:D

And how could I do that if I don't even know where they are? Everyone has been looking for you all for hours! You lads are crazy!

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