Chapter 34

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Holy mother of Louis Tomlinson. 1D Day. I think that I'm going to need an oxygen tank... I...I...I don't know where to start. Niall's hair! Harry's leap! Liam's costume! Zayn's smile! Louis' sassiness! *le faint* Can I actually write a chapter? Well, I shall try...


Rysnna's POV

"Hello troublemakers... I have been instructed to make sure that you two stay out of trouble for the day, so this should be fun! Don't give me that look, Louis," Liam chided as he opened the door up to our hotel room. Louis and I scowled at him, still a bit disappointed that we lost our coffees.

"Well, at least Zayn wasn't hurt... By the way, you never did tell me about what happened Rys..." Louis looked down at me and I shrugged, looking down at my feet, Liam doing the same. Louis raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth, about to say something, but I cut him off.

"Anyways! How about you show us our rooms Liam?" I asked, running a hand through my knotted hair. I really can't wait to take a shower...

"Sure, just follow me then. There are actually three rooms, a living area, a bathroom, and a kitchen, so we should be fine," Liam replied, showing us to the living area that was furnished modernly, a large window taking up the back of the white room.

"Hey, Rys, looks like you won't be able to get under these couches..." Louis laughed, pointing to the two dark couches that were low to the ground, leaving no room for me to wiggle under them.

"Oh shut up!" I exclaimed as I punched his arm. He stuck his tongue out before turning to follow Liam out of the room and into a hall that was lined with four doors.

Liam turned around and laughed, "Yeah, we'll have to watch to make sure you don't do anything like that again!"

"So, what shall we do today?" I asked, ignoring his remark as we walked down the hall to the last door.

"Well, it's supposed to start storming at any moment, so I think that we should just relax and hang around for the day," Liam replied opening the door and showing us the large bathroom. "And the room right here is yours." He pointed to the room behind me. The door was opened slightly so I leaned forward and peaked into the room. It was like most hotel rooms; it had a large bed in the center, a television, and a closet. My bag was sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Thanks Liam." I grinned, following them back to the living room. Louis ran and jumped onto the couch, giggling a bit as he sat up straight and moved over a bit, leaving spots for Liam and me.

"You're crazy..." I chuckled, shaking my head as i sat down to his left, Liam sitting on my other side. I glanced out the window and grinned, Dark clouds were now blanketing the sky, rain just minutes away from drenching those who were walking around on the streets below.

I turned and looked at Louis whose eyes were now closed, but I knew that he couldn't be asleep yet, "So, how are we going to spend this wonderful afternoon together?"

"I haven't been part of your team for a while now, so I'm pretty excited. What do you have in mind Miss Rysnna?" Liam asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

I laughed, "I don't know! How about we just change into more comfortable pajamas and watch movies or something?" I don't know! I just do whatever comes to mind!

"Meh, that sounds good to me; I'm still tired," Louis commented, opening his eyes a bit. Liam nodded and we all got up to go get changed. I ran down the hall, cutting Louis off, who might have yelled a few not so nice things after me.

I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a large shirt from my bag before running across the hall to the bathroom, toothbrush and brush in hand. I took a quick shower before combing my hair and brushing my teeth, feeling so much better afterwards.

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