Chapter 24

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Hello! Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days... You see, I have summer projects to do for school and I am kind of far behind. I still have to finish a book, write an essay after completing organizers, and do a different project for History. People, if you have projects, get them done. Now. Please. Wait, read this chapter first though please ;)

Wait! Shoutouts to : @grace_g_ @meemows @JustKathryn and @Directioner_Freaks13 (Sorry if I forgot anyone)


Rysnna’s POV

I felt a gentle tapping on my shoulder, causing my eyes to snap open. The light in the living area was bright and the TV was still on, but everything was calm and quiet. I looked to the right and met Liam’s big brown eyes as he stared intently at me.

I gave him a questioning look, but he just put a finger over his lips and motioned to me to be quiet. I nodded and slowly sat up, gently moving Lou’s arm off of me. I silently stood up and followed Liam to the kitchen where two bowls of cereal sat on the counter. Liam handed me one and took one for himself. We ate in silence before he set my notepad down in front of me, a long note written on it. He grabbed my now empty bowl and set it down in the sink while I read it.


Good morning, love :D I see that you all had a sleepover without me… I hope that you don’t mind that I’m using this notepad. It has your name on it, but I’ll buy you a new one if you’d like. Now, I need you to go get ready for the day because you and I are going to go have some fun!

I figure that the lads will try to make us talk, so why don’t we just tour the city without them for a while? I’m not going to sabotage you, so don’t worry. I should be the one worrying… Anyways, go get ready, grab your phone, and then meet me in here. If any of the lads wake up, run. If I’m not there, meet me down in the lobby near the fountain.

Well, I shall see you in a bit. Please don’t take too long because Niall will probably wake up for food soon. Byeee

I grinned up at him and nodded before heading out of the kitchen and to my room. I quickly took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth, and got dressed in my pair of black sports shorts with a black tank top. I pulled my hair into a low ponytail before heading out of the bathroom. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked out into the hallway.

I peered into the living room and found that the lads were still fast asleep, Zayn now lying on top of Niall and Harry cuddling with Louis. I quickly took a picture before running into the kitchen to see Liam writing another letter in the notepad. He smiled up at me when I walked in and handed me the notepad.


We should get going now. There shouldn’t be too many fans out right now since it’s seven, but there will be loads during the afternoon. We can buy hats later, but be careful. If you somehow get lost, call Paul. Now, let’s go!

I nodded and handed him the notepad back He grinned and took my hand, leading me out of the kitchen, through the living room, and out of the hotel room. We quickly took the elevator down to the lobby before heading out the back doors.

I grabbed the notepad out of his hand and quickly wrote a message as we walked down the sidewalk.

Liam, where are we going?

He smirked and grabbed the notepad out of my hands and wrote something quickly before handing it back.

Surprise. Trust me though, I researched a lot last night and know exactly what we are doing. I’ve always wanted to come here and I saw how excited you were, so I decided to tour with you. It would attract too much attention if the others came with us the whole time and a figured that you would want some quiet.

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