Our "Chemistry"....project

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I tried to only look ahead of me,but this boy oh my God he was super charming.He had light almost blond-ish hair,deep blue wondrous eyes,pretty tall,not too tanned or too pale,fit.I fear he is exactly my type.

It's not like i didn't want to be in a relationship,its just that i don't want to be in a relation ship yet,and I'm certainly not the type of girl to just go for a one night thing-

Mr.Fitz had been talking about Osmosis for the past 40 minutes.And i un-surprisingly hadn't been paying as much attention as i should have,because of the beef cake sitting next to me-oh God,did i just call him beef cake?! this was new to me,i never felt so attracted to someone like this,although i only saw him an hour ago,but still.-

"Class,please start working on the experiment on page 11-in pairs-.Jack and Monica.Sarah and Natalie.Will and Katie.Phill and Zac." he kept naming the lucky couples that get to work together but then to my shock i heared "Conor and (Y/N)". Who's Conor? i thought to myself,i started looking around like i was lost-I'm sure i looked like such an idiot!- but then he spoke "Um,that would be me,I'm Conor..Maynard" :Oh,hi,(Y/N)" i reached out to shake his hand but he totally ignored me,got his phone out and said, "Cool.So here's how it goes i'll just chill here and you tell me when you're done with the work,deal?" "Excuse me? aren't you gonna do anything?" "Nope" "what do you mean?" "I'm sorry maybe my British accent is forming an obstacle,or some sort of barrier but i just said that i didn't want to work" *he arrogantly said,sounding American-sort of,he kinda sucked at it-* "Yeah,i perfectly understood what you said thanks." 

Perfect,exactly what i needed another jerk in my life-like i don't have enough!

"I started pouring all the acids in and what not.but then i seriously needed help,"Could you please just start the stop watch?that's all I'm asking" "do you wanna screw this up? ill ruin it for you,i promise" "Are you always so confident about how much of a failure you are?or does chemistry class bring that out of you?" "Nope,i pretty much don't do any work" "Well,not today i am not flunking chemistry class,now hold that god damn stop watch AND HELP ME OUT!" 

i noticed most of the class staring at me-NOT GOOD-. "sorry guys,we got carried away,just blown away by science "he said,trying to cover up for my fit. "Right,so i am not responsible if this experiment just crumbles" "Whatever,just do what i tell you" i aggressively answered back "Rawwr,i like it when the girl is in control" "You know, every time you open your mouth to say something,i get more clues of what an idiot you are" i said without looking at him,he didn't respond for a minute,i thought i won but no: he said "are you as good as dirty talking as you are at insulting me?" "I don't know,i guess you'll never find out" he just gave me a crooked smile,trying to act all hot and everything.-it kinda worked-

The bell rang,i gathered my books and started for the door,i looked back to check i haven't forgot anything -no actually i looked back to get 1 more look of my lab partner,but i just cant admit it- and i saw him staring at my ass-what a gentleman- he noticed that i caught him but was not ashamed to wink.i rolled my eyes and left.

I hadn't forgot about Anna's offer,so i went to the cafeteria and scanned the place to find her.She saw me awkwardly searching the place so she waved her hands and i came immediately."Hey there.What took you so long?" she screamed over the other voices in the place who were clearly having a blast "I had to work with this complete asshole,and lets just say he wasn't totally cooperative" "ugh". We spent the next hour just discussing,well girl stuff i suppose,The new TopShop,how what "Tiffany" was wearing is completely unacceptable,the mall,and we also talked about how hot the chemistry teacher is,and yes they meant Mr.Fitz and no i couldn't lie and tell you i didn't think think he was..really really really good looking.

*a couple of weeks later*

I went up to get myself some food.I was waiting in line untill i heared a familliar voice behind me saying: "So we meet again" i looked around to find that Conor kid i sighed while i spoke "Unfortunately" "Are you always so mean to nice guys who try to get a conversation started with you?" "Um,i dont think so,i think i just do this when i know the guy is really snobby and arragont" "Ouch,that must have hurt him" "I dont think he'd feel a slight ounce of pain" "You remind me of Natalie Portman,from V for Vendetta" he chuckled,i looked at him not knowing what to say "Is that a compliment or..?" "havnt you watched it?" "no" "Natalie portman,pixie haired gorgeous who dislikes authority,doesnt like to be controlled,or in your case-doesnt like to be flirted with what so ever- but she also cant help but fall for a hot guy that she knows is trouble" "How is that anything like me?" "Its your autobiography,as far as i can tell" his every word flirted "I dont see the resemblance" i said while i looked at the options of food available "You need to watch it" "Fine,i'll look it up" "No,i meant watch it with me"

I remembered how i promised Anna we'd go shopping after school so i quite honestly said "Sorry,cant today" "Oh,let me guess,got plans?" "Exactly" "Is this the same phrase you say to all the nice guys trying to ask  you out?,liars sorta turn me on" "a-No it's not. b-oh God,your so vain" "Is that a yes?" "Nope,still a no actually" i then walked away.

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