Our Chemistry Is Enough

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The next day i told Anna about what happened on the pier last night and this is how it went

"Where's Cody? He didn't come by today" "Um,we broke up,i think,i'm not sure" "WHAT?" she gasped,almost joyfully,like she was happy about it "Yup" i said plainly "What do you mean you're not sure how can you not be sure?" "Well,we just kept yelling at each other then he told me i should be Conor's girlfriend not his,and it hurt you know,i never saw it coming" "Oh wow.did he really say that?" "Yeah,and i just left and cried for the rest of the day,until Conor came over and made some big revelations" "Yeah,i know.Ain't he cute? even thought he's obnoxious" she admitted "Wait a second,how do you know? i havn't told you yet" i asked suspecting something "Well,i might of talked to him last morning,well actually he came in for advice and i gave it to him" "ANNA! what is that supposed to mean?" "I just helped my brother out" she said as she continued walking towards the Chemistry lab "What did he say,and what did you telll him to do" i asked,knowing what she told him already "Well,he said that he liked you ,but he's not sure you liked him...so i told him to follow his heart,because i know you like him! you just wont admit it,but i didn't tell him that you fancy him don't worry" she said,then continued sipping on her slush "Anna,you might have made things ten times worse!" "No! i know i did the right thing!" "By telling him to tell me he's 'in-love' with me?! i have a boyfriend Ann,i think i do" "I know (Y/N) but you guys are meant to be,you have tons of things in common and-" "Well me and Cody have dozens of things in common too and look at us now-not even crossing paths" "let me finish women! And,i see it in the way you look at each other,it's pretty obvious,the amounts of attraction,let alone the awkward sexual tension-" "Okay,please stop talking." "You can't be mad at me,i know somehow you're glad i did this" "But what about Cody!?" "you'll fix things,i know you will" she said then walked into class,we were already late so all the seats were taken,there were only 2 seats left,one next to Katie,and the other next to Conor..

Of course,Anna rushed to then one next to Katie then winked at me,i knew she wanted me to sit next to Conor so we could talk,but i'm just not ready,i wouldn't know what to say to him,after what he told me.

I hesitantly walked towards the empty seat i was left with,and sat down,the class had already started with the experiment.

The class ended and it was time to go home.Surprisingly,Conor and i didn't talk alot,we both just tried focusing on getting the work done,but i guess it was just awkward for both of us.

Or maybe he backed down on what he said,like he realised that his feelings for me aren't real so he didn't want to talk to me about it,or at all.

I needed to go to Conor's house,so we could finish the assignment we were working on together,it was due tomorrow.

I heard a car pull over besides me,when i looked i saw it was Conor's. "Hey" he said through the opened passenger seat's window "Hey" i said back,stopping my movement "Do you need a ride back?" "No,no i'm fine" "Where's your car?" "i felt like walking this morning" i said gripping onto my business book tighter,nervous about where this conversation could take us. "Well,i wouldn't have a problem driving you back" i smiled and looked to the opposite side "Come onnnn (Y/N),we need to talk and you have to come over to mine anyways,so we could work,you know" i got in the car,not sure if it's the brightest idea,but i did it anyway.I couldn't say no.

The drive was a little awkward.Full of silence,because we both didn't know what to say,or how to fill in the dead silence,other than quick glances when the other isn't looking.Thankfully Anna was there with us,or else the awkwardness would have doubled,tripled actually.

We finally got to his house,we made ourselves some lunch and watched a movie then we decided we should get to work. "Okay,so i'm gonna leave you guys to it.I'm going to do some shopping" "Wait,what?" i quickly walked to her side as she started walking to the door "You can't leave me,i can't bare being alone with him,it's too awkward! You know how much i hate awkward moments Anna!" "That's exactly the plan" she said and smiled an evil smile "oh god Anna your so evil!" "byee,love you both!" she said and slammed the door.I took a deep breath and turned around to look at Conor.

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