The Pier

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I was nervous.but this needed to be can't waste anymore time.

i looked down at my hands as i fumbled with my fingers,nervously and started after taking a deep long breath "So,2 nights ago,when i called you about the whole Conor thing-" "Oh great,this has something to do with him,it can't be good!" "Just let me finish please Cody" he nodded,he was already pissed i could tell,and for cody to be in a mood ike that,it was rare.

"When he came over,he was really drunk,like i told you.and we kind of-maybe just ....kissed and-" "WHAT?" "Don't freak out i promise it was nothing" i said really quickly "How the hell am i not going to freak out (Y/N)? my own girlfriend is telling me that she made out with my own enemy!" "Hey,im not saying im proud of what i did!" "Okay,yeah sure" he commented sarcasticly "Cody! im not,okay?! you're making this so much harder for me right now" "Oh i'm sorry! you're going through such a tough patch,and im the evil horrible boyfriend who makes it all worse!" he said throwing his hands in the air with more sarcasm. "No i never said that!" "Well,thats what it sounds like!" "well,it's not,you're not even letting me speak! you just immediatley started shouting at me!' 'what else is there? What else did you two do?" "Nothing! i promise that was all it's not like i slept with him" "oh yeah,that doesn't make it so much better" "Cody,i told you about this because i didn't want to ruin anything between us,but you're reaction isn't exactly the best" "excuse me for not being okay with my girlfrend kissing other guys! espicially a jerk like him!" "oh so if i kissed someone else it would've been okay? but just because it's conor it's a huge deal now?" i said crossing my hands "(Y/N) You know how i feel about him!" "i do! but he's not that bad you know,he's actually a good person if you give him a chance" "What? you're defending him now?" "yes! because i don't understand why you hate eachother so much!" "Because he is an asshole that's why,and i hate the fact that you see and talk to him! i don't want him around you okay?" his voice got so much louder,more than i expected "Hey! don't talk about him like that,he doesn't deserve all this,and i like hanging out with him!" i threw back.

He remained silent this time,shocked i guess,he didn't excpect me to defend Conor like that,knowing how much they despise eachother.

"Well,you know what? since you like him so much,and you like his company so bad,maybe you should be his girlfriend! Not mine!" he said angrily as he stood up looking down at me.

wow.i didn't expect him to react this way.He doesn't want us to be together anymore.

My blood started boiling on the inside,and i could feel my face go red because of all the anger.

"Well maybe i should!" i shot back throwing my hands up and stood up.

"Fine! Go!" he said moving his hands towords the main street back to my car.

I drove all the way back,aimiessly,with no specicifc destination,i didn't want to go home because that's where Isaac was,and i didn't want to talk to him,not like this,not right now.

I wanted to talk to someone about how furious I was,Cody really hurt me,I know I probably did too,but I never thought he'd say what he did to me,or tell me to leave him.

I found my self parked in front of Conor and Anna's house.

I drove unconsciously,and got here but Why? Why here?

I decided to go knock at the door,and I hope Anna is home,I really needed to talk to someone. I stepped out the car and walked hesitantly towards the front door.I rang the bell and waited,a few seconds later I heard someone run to the door,and then I saw him.

Conor appeared from behind the huge wooden door,with a smile on his face which slowly started to shift into a frown because he saw me crying-i hope it was because of that,and not that I was there.

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