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*Conor's POV*

I woke up on a strange a strange room.i don't remember (Y/N)'s house like this.i even remember going to her room and getting punched by her brother after sharing an amazing kiss-damn i enjoyed it.but after the punch,i don't remeber anything else-i must've blacked out.

i got up slowly,feeling my temples pounding and the left side of my face in pain from the punch.i walked around the room,trying to figure out where i was.i heard some noises coming form a room across the hall so i walked over there.i could hear (Y/N)'s voice,so i guessed she could be in there.

when i cracked the door open,i didn't see anyone,i could still hear her voice though,her voice was so silky,i loved listening to her,even though i had no clue what she was rambling about.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when i saw Cody exit the bathroom.i raised an eyebrow,shocked and not too pleased with his presence 'what are you doing here?" i asked "This is my house bro,YOU shouldn't be here" "this is so confusing." i said rubbing my temples "I need to find (Y/N)" i said as i walked out the room "She told she's coming over right now,so we could go to school" he said,and i could tell he didn't like the idea. "you should take a shower bro,or do something i don't know you smell horrible" he commented.i smelt like i just got out of a whisky bottle. "Bet i still smell better than you aussie." i said as i bumped his shoulder and walked past him to the bathroom,i took a quick shower not feeling too comfortable knowing im in this clown's house.i waited in the bathroom because (Y/N) texted me and said that she's 5 minutes away and that she got me something to wear.

the house door was opened so she walked right in,and walked over to the bathroom after Cody told her where i was and left after saying he'll wait for us in the car.My heartbeat raced as her footsteps became more clear as she inched closer to the bathroom.she knocked at the door and said "Conor,i went over to your house and Anna gave me something from your closet" i cracked the door open,i didn't say anything because i didn't know what to say,she looked beautiful,like she does everyday.After a few seconds of awkward silence i realized i was just staring at her-real smooth Conor,say something!

"Um,yeah thank you " i said as i clutched the bag she held forward and slammed the door quick.after i got dressed i got out of the bathroom and walked over to wear i woke up,(Y/N) was sitting there on her phone,she looked up as soon as i said "hey" 'ready to go?" "Yeah" she walked over to the front door,but just before she opened it i took her hand and turned her around "You look really really beautiful babe" she didn't say anything,she just stood there and looked into my eyes as i looked into her's.

*Her POV*

i shivered as i sensed his hand go around mine,turning me around,he told me i looked beautiful,which was the second time he doesnt referr to me in a sexual adjective,could he actually start changing from the douche he is into the real guy i see in him?

I couldn't say anything,but we looked gazes and i got lost into his deep gorgeous eyes,they were one of my weaknesses.after like a minute of silence i looked down to break the lock between our eyes and spoke "we have to go' as i opened the door and walked away letting go of his hand.

The drive to school was very awkward,full of dead silence and awkward stared from Cody or Conor,i couldn't wait till we get's impossible to be with these 2 in the same room,let alone in the same car.

When we got out,we just stood there for s second,awkward,again! "Okay,so im late i should go..bye" i said and walked away leaving them two alone,which isn't the brightest idea but i didn't know what else to do.

i walked around the hallf of the school,till i got to the gym,i had PE which means i could finally talk to Anna about what happened last night,i had to tell someone i can't just keep it in my head,

After we changed,i walked over to her like my hair was on fire."Anna,Anna omg i messed up and i dont know what to do" "wow,okay what's up?" "ahhh,Ann,i meesed up" "(Y/N)! just breath and tell me what happened' i took a breath before i started 'Conor was super drunk last night,and he just decided "oh yeah why not go to (y/N)'s house and put her in deep shit" so he came over and he was a mess and he just started talking,he told me that he liked me and he opened up to me and shit and im not saying i didn't like that,i do,but he chose the most horrible time to come over omg why uggh! Then i take him up to my room so he could sleep and what not,but then he decides to start a make out session! and then Isaac walkes in and tell me off and he almost killed Conor but luckely he just punched him really really hard and he threatned me and he said he'd kill him if he saw him again so i had to take conor to cody's house so he could just crash in for the night,and after talking Cody into it he agrees and i still havn't told him about the kiss i told him nothing happened and now i don't know what to do Ann" i said all of this so fast,i was gasping for air when i was finished "Anna,don't look at me like i'm crazy okay? i don't need this" "oh my God (Y/N)! i don't know what to comment on,your 'make out session' with my own brother or the fact that you had to go through all this" "i dont like lying to Cody Ann,he's too sweet and i just can't lie to him,it's like running over a puppy,it kills me" "Well,are you gonna tell him?" "No,yes..i dont know!"

I tried to stay away from both Cody and Conor so i wouldn't slip and say anything i'd regret saying,this is nerve wrecking,i can't keep lieing to him but it's still to hard to tell Cody the truth.i saw cody jogging to the bench i was sat on "Hey babe" he said kissing my cheek,making my melt "Hi" i said back.

He sat next to me,and started a conversation,well atleast he tried "Wanna go surf? or you could just come you don't actually have to you know" "Um,yeah i don't really feel like it Cody" "What? oh come on you always feel like going to the beach" "Yeah i know,but not today.i should go now,see ya" i said,i had to leave cause it felt too awkward,knowing i am hiding something,and i know it isn't the biggest deal ever,but this is Cody we're talking about,the sweetest human being ever.

The next day,i kept thinking of what Anna told me,her voice echoing in my head constantly "You can't hide this forever,you'll only make it worse if you hide it for too long" and she was right,i needed to tell him as soon as possible,i mean,it isn't absolutely horrendous what i did right? people acually do stuff that are worse in relationships,and i needed to do something before i mess things up between us,because Cody knew something was wrong,i could tell he felt it.i can't ignore him i need to tell him.


I grabbed my phone and searched for his name in my contacts list and called him,i took deep breaths as the phone rang,2 rings later,he picked up."Hello?" his raspy voice sang into my ear,making me smile a little."Hey,did i wake you up?" "Nah,i was just napping don't worry about it" "Cool,so listen,i was thinking we could go take a walk and talk about something,you know.." "Oh,um,okay sure" "The pier in 10 minutes?" "Sounds good,see you" i then hung up.and got up to change into something other than my old pijama.

*Cody's POV*

(Y/N) called and she said that we should "talk" so im guessing this can't be good.i think she might break up with me,which will break my heart to pieces.what was wrong though? Everything changed suddenly,almost over's weird she's been acting differently,she doesnt wanna go out with me,or to the beach and she sits with her girl-friends 24/7 never me,it's not like it used to be,but i guess i find out in a bit.

*Her POV*

When i got there i saw Cody sitting in the edge on the dock,he was staring into the sea.i walked over to where he sat and sat next to him,"Sorry for dragging you all the way here so late" "No no,it's everything okay babe?" "Yeah,i just really feel like i need to tell you something"


A/N:Hello! sorry im late,again but its finally up so ta daaaa!

and if u see the words that are italic at first,i did it because i noticed they were both lyrics from Better than you and i thought that was cray when i was revising the paragraph and was just like :O coincidense weird sorry ;(

Tell me what you think on twitter which is now @CorinaCaylen ) so yeahh love you all <3

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