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As Isaac pulled me back to his car,still shouting Conor's name i resisted as much as i could,fought as hard as i can against his outrageous strength,yet it was no good i couldn't reach my love who was lying on the cold hard concrete,un-conscious.

Isaac's car was parked behind Cody's.So  as we passed Cody's car i-like a crazy person- started begging Cody to help Conor "Cody! Cody please help him please.I beg you please Cody" i said,tears blurring my vision as i held on to Cody's window before i felt Isaac's tight grip pulling me away form the scene to hi car.As we drove off all i could do is just look at the love of my love,lying there all alone,like a dead body-which is what i feared most.

The drive home was silence form Isaac's side,but i kept crying,i could care less about what he has  to think about me now. As we pulled in the drive way of our house i finally spoke "I will never forgive you for what you did to him,ever!" my words breaking under my un-even breathing pace He got out of the care and pushed me into the house "You're a disgrace to humanity you know that?" "You're a disgrace to our family,do YOU know that?" he screamed "What family? what family are you talking about?! I hardly ever see Mom and Dad cause their always travelling for work,you're never home cause you're always working or in the gym and now don't you dare call yourself my brother after what you did! I don't want to be part of this dysfunctional broken family anymore i hate it! and i hate you the most" i screamed with all the power in my lungs as soon as i finished talking i felt a warm,burning feeling run through my face,as Isaac slapped  me as hard as he could across my left cheek.

"To your room NOW" i resisted the urge to obey him because i wanted to see Conor so i head for the door to leave but he dug his large fingers between my hair and pulled me back with great strength as i shrieked in pain "YOU SHOULD START LISTENING TO ME WHEN I TELL YOU TO FUCKING DO SOMETHING" he said as he pulled me up the staires by my hair,making me cry and shout louder in fear and pain "BUT YOU JUST DON'T AND IT GETS ANNOYING" he kicked my room's door with his leg forcefully and then threw me to the ground making me bite on my lip accidentally making my lip bleed,he walked over to my window and locked it then he took the key "Things were so much better when you were away,when you went to University,when you weren't around to control me however you wanted,i want to be away from you again.And if anything happens to him,if he dies,i swear to God Isaac,i'll kill myself too and i'll never forgive you" "SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP"  he said as he punched my dresser's mirror making it ship and break into little uncountable pieces.

"You are not allowed to leave this room what so ever,do you hear me? If you even think of leaving i swear to God (Y/N)-" "What? You'll beat me up? slap me even more? Try to kill me like you did to Conor? Go ahead,better than living here with someone like you"  He took a vase that was standing on my bed side table and threw it across the room,making it shriek as it shattered against the hard wall.besides that there was a framed picture of me and Conor on the roof top of his house,we both always loved being there,just admiring the view and talking,spending hours in eachother's arms.Isaac's actions stole me away from my happy memories made with Conor,when he  broke the frame and riped the picture into a few pieces,shredding it as i watched with pain and as the flame of hope in my eyes  slowly dimmed. 

He walked out of the room and shut the door tight behind him,then i heard him lock the door.I rose up and started knocking on the door with all my power "Issac.please open the door,i have to make sure he's okay Isaac please! Don't do this to me Isaac please" i kept pleading until i my voice slowly decreased in volume,as i dropped to the ground still leaning at the door,and cried  as i thought more and more of my beautiful angel,being brutally attacked by those monsters that my brother calls his "mates".I played the images of me and him,when we were happy together,when we would just chill together in his house,or go to the abandoned building that he took me to when i first met him,i remembered when we were dancing in the club,carefree full of hope,i remember getting lost in his lovely blue eyes,which were full of life and youth,but when i looked into his eyes earlier,their were closed due to the electric currents of pain passing through his body.

I just wanted to see him again so bad.I want to feel his warm embrace as he wrapped his arms around me,his passionate soft kisses that made me feel safe,or his silly compliments when i didn't even look so good that made me feel special.Seeing him move was all i really wanted right now.I wanted a confirmation,that he was still functioning after the brutal act that he went through.


A/N:Guys....i was so into writing this chapter my eyes were sorta tearing up but never mind me i'm weird.

This chapter was short cause the next thing needed to be in a chapter on its own,so expect that soon,it's hard to juggle between wattpad and school right now :(

Tell me  what you think,and vote i always appreciate that <3

Thank you all @CorinaCaylen follow @Just_fanfics for nice #Imagines <3

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