Let's Go Tigers!

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I felt nervous.

Wait,oh my god why am i nervous?! its just a stupid game!

But deep down i knew i wasn't going for the game,or to see who wins or to support our team,i was going for Conor.

Damn.i wonder how he looks in his football outfit and all-no (Y/N) wake up stop it.oh god i don't know what to wear.

After settling on my galaxy denim shorts and a Lakers muscle shirt,touching up my face with some makeup i was ready to go.Does wearing a basketball related shirt to a football game make me weird? i don't know maybe.

i waited for Anna to come pick me up.She was unsurprisingly late-duh-.

I got in her car and i knew she could sense my nervousness "(Y/N),are you okay?" "Yeah,of course why wouldn't i be fine? I'm grand I'm good,excited woho" i rambled so quick i couldn't even understand myself "Yeah,no  you're apparently way too nervous" "am not" "are too" "not" "yes you are" "No Anna STOP" she started laughing "God.i love messing around with you're emotions.you so like him" "God Anna this is hard for me already leave me alone" "why don't you just tell him-" i interrupted "tell him? tell him what how i feel?oh hell no are you crazy?" "okay,maybe not that.At least be nice and sweet  instead  of just mocking him 24/7" "he just makes it so goddamn hard not to tease" "yeah he is an idiot" she honestly admitted.

We finally pulled over in our school's parking lot. "Come on,lets find Conor before the game starts" she nudged me forward. "Oh hey,you made it"he said as he approached us "no,we got abducted by aliens from space sent to destroy peace on Earth" i said plainly.Anna looked at me,and i could tell she wanted to slap me hard in the face but instead she just said "Old habits die hard don't they?" "Sorry" i mouthed to her "So anyways,we'll be in the stands,cheering on" she enthusiastically said "GO TIGERS" i exclaimed way too eagerly but Conor laughed instead of giving me a dirty look,like the people around us gave me.God he is such a sweet-heart.

The game was fun..i mean i didn't understand a thing.Football is not my field of expertise  but i knew we won and it was fun watching Conor run around."(Y/N),ready to party?" "Here?" "Yes,every time the Tigers win a game they have an instant party right here on the field" "Cool" i said scanning the place for Conor until Anna snapped her fingers in my face "Lets go find your prince charming (Y/N)" she said as she sighed.

"Hey Anna,isn't that the guy you like? Henry?" "Shit where? oh yes alright see you i have to go talk to him" then she just rushed off as i screamed:"So you're just gonna leave me her alone?" but then i felt someone lightly tap my shoulder as i heard them say "Not exactly alone" it was Conor.

"Oh,hey.congratulations!" "Thanks,you had fun?" "Lots! you were great" "So your not going to insult me?" "Hahaha no,don't worry" "So do you wanna get outta here?" he said hesitant "Um,where to?" i asked questioning  his offer "Well,just some place i go to to chill unless your enjoying the strong aroma of sweat and the-" "hahaha,okay i got it lets go" he led the way to his car,he drove a few miles until he drifted the car onto the side and said "we're here".

i noticed it was an abandoned old rusty building which laid in ruins as he confidently walked in,past the little mountains of rocks and construction equipment. "Here give me your hand i'll help you up" "he said as he pulled me up a big bank which reached a little below my chest.

We both sat on the edge of the 7 story-building looking onto the world. "You know how everyone has their special place?This is mine" he said feeling completely satisfied and happy as he looked at me,i just smiled,and kept looking at him "What?" he asked after a few seconds "Nothing, its just that,not many people look at this place as if its special,glad to know you dont need fancy places or any of that shit" he smiled,the smile i originally fell for "oh look the sun is setting" "wow,its beautiful" i stated,completely mesmerised by the breath taking view "It most definitely is" he said and i realized he was looking at me so i blushed a little-okay a lot.

"So um.. the other day,in my room we were talking before Anna so rudely interrupted.you never got to finish what you were saying" i pretended like i didn't understand what he was talking about although i perfectly did "(Y/N),don't play dumb come on.Why don't you like me?" it took me a while before i gathered what i wanted to say in my head "i don't hate you Conor,its just because of what i heard about you i guess.." "what do you mean?" "its nothing i bet they were just-" "No i want to know tell me" he scootched a little closer to me and then continued "Please?" i couldn't resist those blue eyes of his so i just sighed and said "A couple of girls told me that you were an all time player and that you..um you liked to play rough and that you just used girls for your own sexual desires-i mean don't get me wrong sex is great but the way they said it just...i don't know" "Amanda? Amanda told you all this crap didn't she?" i sensed a great deal of anger in his tone,it was her but i didn't want to make anything worse so i just said :"Conor,it doesn't matter,really i don't care" "JUST FUCKING TELL ME" i never heard him yell like that i didn't know how to respond so i just nodded "Do you believe her?" i looked to ground so he lifted me chin up with his index finger and thumb ever so gently "Do you?" he asked again,concerned still holding my chin up "I mean,i did,in the beginning" he slowly started to draw his hand back,not happy with me answer but before he fully took it back i held it with both of my hands and quietly say "But after i met Anna,and i came over to your house,and after i got to know you a bit better,i knew she lied to me" "Really?" "Yes! Conor you're a good guy,and im sorry for the way i've been acting.i really am" i said as i unconsciously started drawing little circles on his hand which had been laying over my knee.

As soon as i looked up,he started slowly edging closer until our lips connected moving,perfectly synchronized with each other.

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