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It was finally lunch time.i walked over to where Anna sat. i think i was ready to tell her about my relationship with Cody,i mean,she's my best friend she has to know.i don't know how she'll react though.let's see.

Her:"Hey Ann" i said as i put my lunch tray next to hers and sat down.

A:"Hello,miss 'i got 2 boys to fight over me'"

H:"Ann.you don't have to remind me,the whole school already is"

A:"Where were you all day Saturday?i called you like a gazillion times"

H:"Yeah,i was with Cody we went to the beach,and i forgot to take my phone"

A:"What did you guys even do there?You spent literally the whole day there with him"

H:"Not much,he just asked me to be his gf" i said casually,making it sound like it isn't a big deal at all.

A:"WHAT?" she almost jumped out of her seat.

H:"Shhhh!" i said as i pulled her down by her wrist.


H:"STOP yelling!"

A:"was he romantic and stuff?"

H:"As always" i said smiling

A:"omg (Y/N),what did he say?"

i told her what he told me and she kept making 'Awww" sounds which got pretty annoying as her pitch kept going higher and higher

A:"And what did you say?" she asked

H:"I,i dont know,we just kissed i dont know if he's for real or what" i said as i took a sip of my coke.

A:"so you're with him now right?"

H:"Guess so" i bit into my pizza slice.

A:"I'm so happy for you omg !!wait what about Conor?"

C:"What about me?" he said as he gracefully took a seat next to me.

Shit,what am i supposed to say now? I guess i'll just tell him before he finds out himself,i'll make it easier for everyone.

As i was going to speak Anna said :"She's Cody girlfriend now" she said excitedly

Okay,or Anna could do it for me.

C:haha,what do you mean she's his girlfriend,that's impossible"

A:"They're together Conor"

C:"Yeah right"

H:"Why is it so hard to believe?! am with someone yes!"

C:"wow,that was quick" he looked upset,a little angry as well but then it's like he doesn't allow human emotions to show on his face he said "Guess what today is (Y/N)?" i didn't understand what he was referring to,he just kept looking at me like i was supposed to remember,or understand then,he moved closer to me and whispered "Tuesday" in my ear,giving me a wink as he slid back to his former position.

My eyes widening in horror.Shit,i totally forgot because of everything that was happening lately.

I will stay strong,i wont let him win me over.

We just stared at each other,he was smirking and i was boiling with rage on the inside

How could he just treat me like some game?treat my life as a little show to entertain him?

I felt a pair of strong warm hands hold mine.I could tell it was Cody,he was standing right behind me.i was still looking at Conor who was still looking at me,smirking.

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