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I heared my phone ringing i picked it up to see Anna's name displayed on the screen.


A:Hey,you good?

Me:Yup,fine just bored

A:fancy coming over?

Me;yeah why not

A:Alright,I'm not home right now but i'll be there in about an hour okay sweets?

Me;sure,see you

Then i ended the call and got up to get ready,i was done in 15 minutes and since i was super bored i decided to start walking to her house  instead of just waiting.

i got there earlier than i expected but i thought maybe she got home earlier so i decided to knock on the door and find out my self.

A few knocks later,the door opened.As the crack increased,i -to my complete horror and shock- saw Conor opening the door.i didn't know what to say,neither did he but he started with :"So you came after all" with the most arrogant smile ever. "i think i got the wrong house" i said highly questioning where my feet led me. "i highly doubt that.You're looking for Anna aren't you?" i nodded "She's gone out with mom to buy some grocery's but being the gentleman i am,i'll so politely ask you to come in,then you refuse and i ask again,you make fun of me but eventually come in so can we skip to that part?" "yup,save me the trouble of shredding you're dignity"  i stepped in the house,i kept looking around awkwardly "i dont understand how your big head could fit throw such small doors" i said to try and break the ice,also to humiliate him as usual. "Ha,funny as i recall" he had the most idiotic smile on his face,which i honestly liked.

"So have you watched V for Vendetta yet?" "nope" "My offer still stands you know,i have it my room" then he winked. "um,yeah,no thanks i'll just wait for Anna" "Stubborn as i also recall" "So are you Anna's boyfriend?-i need to talk to her about giving assholes the keys to her house" "Ew ew ew NO! im her brother (Y/N)" "Oh..OH!" "So i guess theres no avoiding me anymore,you know you guys seem very close,so i guess you'll be coming over a lot" "yaaay" i said sarcastically.

i called Anna,because i was running out of patience "ANNA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" "I'm so sorry,we took longer than i expected,and now we're stuck in traffic I'm so sorry" "Jesus. Anna,hurry up please" "sure i'll use my flying car right now" i sighed and hung up.

"You know,you look quite hot when you're mad,i mean hotter than usual" "You know,you're flirting techniques are really lame?" "i guess you make me nervous" "You know what else i can make you? A BRUISE" "See,right there i like that" "Freak" "Oh you have no idea" "if we watch the movie will you shut up?"i quickly asked "Definitely" he then got up and led the way to his room "Maybe you should wait out here i wasn't prepared for your arrival its a bit messy" but i ignored him and pushed the door anyway "NO NO NO" he yelled and went in after me.

I exploded into laughter when i saw his room."So this is where the magic happens?" i sarcastically asked still laughing my ass off "Stop making fun of my childhood please" i continued to laugh "Now i know how you charm all the ladies,the teddy bears of course" he seemed a bit annoyed,i realized i'v gone too far with my mockery so i sat on the bed next to him and said "Hey,I'm only joking come one" he kept staring at the ground "i think it's quite,cute and touching that you kept your childhood toys in here" i continued.

He lifted his head up,"Yeah right" "No really i do.I'm glad your not acting all tough,good to know that part of you is real" "Whatever lets just watch the movie" he got to a shelf with dozens of movies on it,pulled out the required movie and played it while i fixed the pillowes on the bed and made ourselves comfortable.

"What am i doing here?!" i thought to myself,am i seriously on his bed,watching a movie that i don't even understand all alone!.He interrupted my thoughts when he said: "what went wrong (Y/N)?" i didn't understand  so he continued,"Why do you despise me so much?" "what? no i-" "HEEYY" Anna yelled slamming the door open "oh I'm sorry,am i interrupting you guys?" she smirked so i jumped off the bed "oh no no,we were just watching um.." "V for Vendetta" Conor completed my sentence "yah that" i said vaguely "So do you wanna stay here or..?" she asked excitedly i walked out of the room without saying a word,and before the movie was over.

she showed me round the house and then we went outside to talk."So,it looked like you were having fun before i came in" "Oh god no Anna" "oh shut up" "Why didn't you tell me he was your goddamn brother?! i am really pissed off Anna" "You never asked,so i never said anything" "Oh the fact that he's your twin brother,yeah no big deal,not at all" "hahaha chill girl"  "ugh,sorry i over reacted i guess.Any other hot twin brothers that you'd like to tell me about?" "ew,you just called him hot-you think he's hot?my brother?" oh shit what have i gotten myself into "how did you meet him anyway?"she asked "remember the douche bag from chemistry class?yeah thats him" "hahaha this shit is too funny" then she just kept making fun of me,and teasing me telling me it was obvious i liked him and all that shit till i begged her to change the subject "So,are you going to the football game next week?" "i don't know,is our team any good?" "well,Conor is the quarterback" she said and gave me the most devilish look ever "You just gave me yet another reason not to go" "Oh come on! its okay to admit you like him" " i don't like him okay?!" "Crushing?" "no what are we 10?!" "haha (Y/N) you're so annoying when it comes to guys i swear" "I'm not shut up"


i had chemistry class..i was preparing myself for seeing Conor again-which is something i looked forward to all the time but constantly failed to admit it-.i walked in and sat down.Conor saw me walking in,so he left Will and came over. "Hey beautiful" "Hi Conor" i said looking down "that's all i get? you get beautiful and i just get 'hi Conor'? that's it?" i laughed it off.

"So are you in the mood to work today or do you preferr failing?" i said remembering the first time we met here. "Yeah,i think i'll help a little today" "a little? we'll see about that" i said before he smirked.Mr.Fitz walked in and gave us instructions and some worksheets that we needed to fill.Conor was actually being usefull this time,not the arrogant bastard he was last time.

after the bell rang we handed our papers and left the  lab."how'd i do this time?" i asked walking backwards to face me "Alot better than last time.It wasnt hard to pour a bunch a corossive liquids over each other was it?" "not at all,despite the fact that you were gong to spill it all over my balls" "haha un-intentional i promise" "why do i find that hard to belive?" he joked.We walked silently for a while before hestarted talking again,this time with less confidence in his tone "So umm,i heared you and Anna talking the other day" i stopped walking,terriefied of what he heared "she told you im on theteam right?" i nodded scared to say anything "and she told you we have a big game in 2 days" i nodded,again "And you said you didnt want to go but...i rally want you to be there (Y/N)" "um,i dont know Conor" the i trailed off "Please,i promise we dont suck" i laughed "im sure you dont" "so come watch me i mean our team?" "Okay,but if you embarras yourelf on that field expect me to make your life misrable" "its a risk ill have to take" "alright,i should go im late" "See you"

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