Super Beach Kids

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I hated this.

I'v been crying since last night.My eyes were really red and puffy my hair  was crying out for help.Basically i looked like shit.

I didn't want to go to school-Reasons: a)Who ever does? b) Not in the mood c) Can't get out of bed d) Don't want to have to explain what happened to Anna e) and most importantly,i didn't want to confront Conor.i don't want to see,speak,or listen to him.

I kept wondering if he understood why i did what i did.Does he know how much he hurt me? 

I heard someone knocking at my door, "(Y/N)?" It was isaac,my big brother. Shit,what if he saw me like this? i can't tell him about what happened,cant tell him about Conor at all,he'll kill him and then murder me in my sleep.

I quickly jumped to my bathroom so he wouldn't see me like this.i  took a deep breath and then tried to speak as calmly and smoothly as i could "Yes Isaac?" my voice cracked a little,he continued "You're late come on" "Kay" i said as a couple more tears slid down my cheeks,silently sitting on the closed toilet seat.

After i got ready and put alot of makeup to hide my red spots and the dark circles around my eyes cause i barely slept last night,i was ready to go.I descended the7 stairs quietly,i had to walk past Isaac as normally as possible,i told him i didn't want any breakfast and head out the door quickly.

it was a monday,which meant i had a Chemistry class,i wanted to skip but i remembered it was our last class in the lab to get our project done,if i didn't come the project wouldn't be completed which meant i'd fail.With that in mind i un-willingly dragged my feet to the lab.

As soon as i walked in,i looked over to our spot,he was sitting there, alone, staring at me.I was a little scared to facehim,i had no idea what he was about to say to me.

his -lovely,beautiful,blue,gorgeous- eyes followed me as i made my way to my seat,sitting uncomfortably and moving as much as i could to the opposite side so that  i could move alittle further away from him.He was still staring at me.

"Why?" he spoke but i didn't look at him "Why'd you do that to me?tell me!".I cannot believe him! He thinks I'm the one to blame i couldn't help but shoot back "Don't try and make it sound like you're the victim" "You weren't the one standing naked in the middle of the street in front of tons of school kids ,were you?" he said angrily "You weren't the one getting completely humiliated in front of half the football team,were you?" i said mockingly,realizing that my incident isn't as nearly as awful as what i did to him,but he still deserved it "i thought we were good (Y/N)!" "Me too Conor,but i guess you'll never change." "You dont want me to change (Y/N),you like bad boys,i know you do and if this is how you wanna play then so be it,you messed with the wrong guy (Y/N)" "i am not intimidated by your bad boy facade Conor,i got you figured out,really" "Oh yeah? i got you figured out too" "I dont think so,but give it your best shot"

He took a deep breath then started,looking into my soul "Your just like the rest of the bitches in school really,drooling over me trying to play hard to get cause you are really insecure,and terribly scarred by how coldly you've been cheated on but underneath all the good girl act,you're bad and you like to play,you're the same excpet with more twists and turns that''s all" WHAT THE HELL!? how dare he tell me alll these thngs,i am not a bitch and i am not the same! "Well,here's my analysis of your miserable life,i'll try not to hurt your feelings.You hide behind your football gear cause  you're a coward,yes a COWARD and you're no good for you're family,let alone the wrold.your Dad's a doctor,mom's a lawyer you'r big brother is a pilot,Anna wants to become an activist while you're just a walking piece of arrogance,you're vanity blinds you,you're a dick really,and you lack emotions,honesty and stability.Also you're afraid of comitting to a relationship that could actually benefit you because again,you're a coward,You're lonely,really lonely cause you have zero True friends.A horrible kisser aswell" i said this so coldly,i was really satisfied with what i just said,feels like i'v removed a lot of load off my chest.

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