Chapter 3

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I step inside the mansion. Jake appears from the steps. He smiles and I find myself smiling too.

"I wasn't actually sure if you would come."
"You are horrible at flirting!" Logan snorts. My cheeks glow red and burn.
Kenan takes Logan's side, "Your brother is right. At least you flirt better than Karter." Karter scowls and everyone laughs. Kenan is basically the funny one of our group. He's always messing with me but I'm ok with it. The first time I met Kenan he said I looked like an elephant. It's not true of course. I actually have black, curly, shoulderish length hair, tan skin as I'm Hispanic, and im skinny enough to have slight curves. I'm no Barbie doll but I'm pretty.

Logan grills burgers and hot dogs on a charcoal grill. I talk with Jake and Kenan. We laugh and as we do Jake's hand moves slightly towards mine. Kenan of course notices and pushes his way between us sticking his tongue out as he does. I pinch him when Jake isn't looking and I give him a 'what the fuck are you doing' look. He shrugs and I walk around him, back to Jake. His hand ends up touching mine and we both pretend not to notice.

Around 30 minutes after we arrive, about 10 more people come. They are all some of my favorite viners. There is Gabriel Conte, Curtis Lepore, Piques, Jerry Purpdrank, Rudy Mancuso, Gabe Erwin, Christian Delgrosso, and Cody and Marcus Johns. I take pictures with everyone. It was pretty cool to hang out with these people.

Jake and I hang out the most though and everyone messes with us. We all hang around the enormous pool and talk. Zi slinks over to Jake and whispers something in his ear. They both laugh and look at me. I busy myself by talking to Karter and Jillian. Arms wrap around my waist and I'm lifted off the ground. I turn my head and see Jake carrying me towards the pool.
"Jake don't you dare!" I yell at him. He laughs as I thrash in his arms. His arms suddenly disappear from around my waist and I'm thrashing in the air.

All eyes are on me as I fall. I scream profanities at Zi and Jake. I land in the cold water. Resurfacing I swim to the edge. Everyone is still laughing and my cheeks turn red. Logan is the closest and bends down to help me up. I climb out and thank him. As I try to walk away with the little dignity I have left, I slip and my ass lands on the edge of the pool. My weight drags me backwards and I awkwardly flip back into the water. Kenan is on the ground laughing and some of the viners have their phone out recording me. Jake mouths the word sorry to me.

I storm into the house. Jake chases after me.
"Mirsa! Mirsa wait! I'm sorry about the pool incident," he says sincerely.
"I accept your apology," I say sourly.
"Oh come on. Let's get you dry," he says as he leads me up the stairs. We walk into a small room. There's a bed, closet, dresser, and a desk. Jake hands me a towel and I wrap it around me like a blanket. He leaves the room and comes back with a pair of athletic shorts and a t shirt. "These are Logan's but I'm pretty sure he won't mind," he explains. Jake leaves the room again so I can dry off and change my clothes. We don't go back out, and instead stay in Jake's room eating chocolates and drinking Pepsi.

When it's time to go, we hug goodbye. Monica giggles as we do. I shoot her a look that makes her shut up.

When I get home I eat ice cream and watch tv. My mom asks me about the party and stuff. I decide to tell her all about it. We end up talking about Jake and I show her his videos. After dinner I go to bed. I change into another pair of athletic gym shorts and a big t shirt. I try to fall asleep but just can't. I toss and turn and when I can't sleep, get up. It's 3:00 in the morning. I decide not to make too much noise. I get a drink of water and head back to my room. I change my clothes into jeans and a jacket. I pull on some boots. After I grab my phone and a bottle of water, I walk outside. I don't know where I'm going or why I left.

After 35 minutes of walking, I find myself in front of Jake's mansion. The lights are out so I know he is sleeping. Maybe he can't sleep either. A man walks out from the shadows. His features are plain.
"Hey honey. Haha I've been looking for you everywhere. Come on let's go home and get busy," he says. By the way he slurs when he talks and how wobbly he walks, I can tell he is very drunk. He tries putting his arm around my shoulder and I push him away.
"I'm not your honey and I have to go," I say gruffly. The drunk man realizes what I'm saying and suddenly attacks me. I try to run, but the man grabs my arms and wraps his leg around mine. I scream and yell for help. A light flickers on in the house.

In a second Jake has pinned the man on the ground. "Get inside," Jake orders. I nod and run inside where Logan waits with a blanket. He wraps me in it and asks me what I was doing. I shrug because I really don't know.

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