Chapter 4

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I sit on the edge of the couch in the living room of Jake's mansion. Logan sits beside me and Jake across from me on the matching love seat. The cops showed up and arrested that drunk man. We explained what happened to them. After that Jake hugged me and caressed my head. He kept murmuring comforting things like "You're safe now." I knew I was but I liked being held against his chest.

Logan had wrapped me in a fuzzy blanket. It was already 4:30 when I looked back at the clock and I decided it was to late to walk home. The brothers said it was fine if Islept in one of their guest rooms. Jake hurried to get me pillows and blankets. They smelled of him, a mixture of old spice and snuggle laundry detergent.

My mom wouldn't mind if I slept over here. She never minded. I used to get drunk at Kenan's house. She wouldn't even ask what I was doing. In fact we are going next Saturday. I know I should stop that but it's fun.

In the morning I wake up startled. I have no idea where I am. I stumble out of the room I was sleeping in. I hear music playing and go towards the sound of it. It leads me to a room with the door closed. I open it but see no one inside. I walk in and look around. A man stands there without pants(he has underwear on). I scream loudly. "Ahh! What the hell are you fucking doing!" He yells. It turns out it was Logan. I scream and run down the hallway. Jake Paul is there in a second. His arms embrace me and I hug him tightly. "What happened?" He asks worried. "She walked in on me while I was changing!" Logan says as he stalks down the hall. Jake stiffens. "It was an accident," I whisper looking up at him. He nods loosening himself. "Or maybe you couldn't help having a peek at all this," Logan says joking. "Logan!" Jake and I both yell.

I walk downstairs looking for my phone. I left it on the coffee table. I pick it up and see 3 missed calls from last night, 2 unread text messages from this morning, 1 email, and even 2 snapchats from this morning and yesterday. They are all from Kenan, Zi, And Carter. They must have stopped by so we could "work" on our project and found out I wasn't there. I call Kenan. It doesn't even ring once whenever he answers worried. I guess I left out the part where he can be a bit fatherly towards me too. 

"Where have you been?" Kenan yells throught the phone. "Hey dad," I say sarcastically, "I am currently not home. I am at a umm sleepover?" Kenan snorts, "Who's sleepover and how come you haven't asked me permission?" I snap. "You aren't my dad! My dad left years ago! I don't need to ask you permission for anything! Mind your own business!" I yell and the tears start streaming down my cheek.  I hang up and I sit on the couch and cover my face. 

Logan walks in and sees me. "Uh Jake! Your girlfriend needs you," he yells up the stairs. I shake my head. I just want to be left alone. Jake walks in without a shirt on. His eyes scan my face and he rushes forward. "What's wrong?" He asks quietly as he cuddles me. Logan leaves the room. Jake lifts me into his lap and I am bring my knees up to my chest. His arms wrap around me and I sob.

I explain everything to Jake and he holds me tighter. "Hey. Look at me." He murmurs. He pulls my chin up so I look at him and wipes my tears away. I smile. "There's that smile I love. Just like how I love you," Jake says and then presses his lips to mine. I respond and we move our lips together. 

My heart is racing and we stand. Of course the moment is ruined. Kenan slams the door open. Logan walks in and he sees us. "Ooh get her!" Logan yells smacking and puckering his lips. We pull apart and I look at Kenan. His face is expressionless. "Mirsa?" He asks. I nod. Jake steps away from me. Our faces turn red. "I should get out of here," I say quietly. I grab my stuff and Kenan leads me out of the room. 

The ride home is completely silent except for whenever we pull up to my house. "I'm sorry about the way I acted," and since I'm not good with talking or apologies I run run out of the car. For some reason I want to cry again but if I do I will seem weak. I can't seem weak or everyone will feel the need to protect me. I can't stand that. 

Instead of crying I daydream about Jake. When I walk in the rest of the squad is there. Zi paces the floor, Carter sits on the couch, Jillian stands in the corner, and Monica is slouched against the wall, and they all look worried. "Hey guys," I say sheepishly. They all look up and run to hug me. Jillian holds me at arms length and asks me if I'm alright. They ask me questions but I don't answer and instead feel sick. I'm dizzy and two minutes later I faint.

I wake up in my bed. I look around confused and try to get up. Strong arms restrain me and I smile at the face peering above me. "Hello gorgeous," I say. I must be delusional if I just said that out loud. Jake laughs. "I heard what happened and I had to make sure you were okay. Oh and by the way your mom seems like a very... nice person," he says uncertainly. 

After about an hour of Jake and I talking cuddling and kissing, we both end up falling asleep on my bed. His arm is under my head and the other is around my waist. My arms around around his stomach and we both seem comfortable. 

It is 5:30 when we both wake up and Jake asks me the silliest question. "We have been very close the last couple of days and I think we should take our friendship a step further. Mirsa, will you go out with me?"

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