Chapter 17

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When I look in the mirror I cringe. My eyes are puffy and red from crying. Jake walked into his bathroom. "Good morning beautiful! Sleep well?" He asks after kissing my forehead. I close my eyes. He doesn't know you were crying. "Yeah of course," I lie. Jake turns on the shower faucet. He steps in while I brush my teeth. I straighten my hair and put on my outfit.

I put on some makeup

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I put on some makeup.

I wait for Jake in his room

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I wait for Jake in his room. I think back to what my friends said. The group wasn't the same without me there. I sigh, I really missed them. While I'm sitting on the bed, there's a knock on the door. I stand and stretch. When I open the door I'm tempted to slam it closed. Alissa stands there with a tray. On it is a plate of pancakes and orange juice. "Is Jake in here?" She asks trying to peer around my shoulder. I shift so she can't see. "Uhh, he's in the bathroom. You can leave now," I say trying to close the door. She holds it open with her foot, "Actually, I made this for him. I was gonna make some for you but, we ran out of ingredients." I narrow my eyes. "Oh I'm sure. I'll take it from here though," I say trying to take the tray. She rips it out of my hands. As she's about to say something, Jake comes out of the bathroom. "Oh hey Alissa," he says casually. "Jake! I made you a pancake. It's really big," she said smiling. I felt like punching her in the face. "There's only one?" Jake asked. Alissa nodded. Jake took the tray out of her hand, "That's okay. I can share with Mirsa." Alissa's jaw drops. "Thanks Alissa. I'm sure it'll taste great," I say smirking. I shove her out and close the door.

After Jake and I ate, we headed downstairs. Tristan stood in the middle of the room and held a camera in the air. "What's up Trizzlers? I'm at Jake's house- I don't know why I don't say the Team 10 house- and I'm actually about to shoot a video with Tessa. We are- oh look it's Jake!" Tristan says, rambling. He points the camera towards Jake and I quickly duck out of the frame. "Mirsa! You have to be in the vlog once everyday," Tristan says walking towards me. I shake my head, "No thank you." Tristan groans. "I'll get you," he says walking away. Ivan walks down the stairs. "Jake. I want to prank-uh- prank Emilio for my video," he says in his adorable spanish accent. Ugh he was so adorable. Like I just wanted to protect him. "Bro. How are you going to prank your brother?" Jake asks, putting his hand on Ivan's shoulder. "I think I want to put- uh- a baby crocodile in his bed. And then he'll get scared," Ivan stutters. Jake rubs his chin. "That Brian guy that Logan knows. He has like three crocodiles in his reptile place.

A couple calls later, some planning, and wating, we arranged for Brian Barczyk to bring his baby croc. After a little while, we hear a knock at the door. Jake opens it. "Ooh you have the croc," Jake asks. "Yup. He's in the van," I hear a voice say. Ivan rushes over, "Emilio is in the back. I asked him to look for my phone out there. If he asks we are all looking for it." I smile. If somebody pranks me in this house, Lord knows what I'll do. Jake rushes in, carry a tub with Brian. I follow them as they hurry in. They set the tub down beside the bunk bed. Jake opens the tub so Brian can get the baby crocodile. It wriggles around in his grip and tries to bite him. He gently places it under the covers, leaving a pocket of air. I carry the tub to a corner so it blends in. I hear voices coming in from the backyard. "I'm going to bed now Ivan," Emilio says. Brian rushes into a closet. Jake and I rush to the stairs and sit down. "How do you think the pranks gonna go?" I ask looking at Jake. "I don't know," Jake whispers back. A minute later we hear yelling coming from the living room. "Guys! Guys! There is an alligator in my bed!" Emilio yells. Ivan rushes into the room, laughing amd holding a camera. "Its a prank! Chill. Chill!" Ivan says. I laugh as I follow Jake. Brian steps out of the closet. "Haha. It's a crocodile not an alligator," he says laughing.

Brian left an hour ago. I was in my room when I heard Jake talking in the bathroom. "Yeah I will. I love you," he said. My blood turned icy cold when I heard who he was talking to. "I love you too Jackey boo."

Well then. Who's Jake talking to? The world will never know. Unless you read the next chapter of Bumps In The Road! Oooh that promo though! Plug plug plug! Comment and vote! -Sapphireflames1

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