Chapter I~ Stuck In My Mind

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"Tch. Yes sir," the raven haired man said.
After agreeing to take you home, the raven haired man started walking the way you and the blonde man were heading. After watching you two leave, the blonde man, apparently named Erwin, flew away using his 3DMG.
"Where do you live, Brat?" the dark haired man questioned you. You gave him a death stare for calling you 'Brat'. You started twitching your eye.
"My name isn't 'Brat'." You try to say in a calm an collected voice, "It's (Y/N). I'd prefer it if you use my REAL name."
"Tch. What ever, Brat." You looked at him in frustration. "Where is your house, I'm not going to ask again, cuz I don't see many houses down here, Brat."
"I said stop calling me that! And it's up here to the left. Don't take pity on me though."
The short man looked at you, confused.
'What does she mean?' He asked in his head.
When you finally arrived to the corner to turn left, the man spoke up. "Where's your house? All I see down there are dumpsters and garbage ba-" he looks down at you. You were only a few inches shorter than him, so it didn't take a lot of effort. You were looking down at the pavement that you were walking on in sadness, but as soon as you felt cold eyes looking at you, you looked up with a bright smile on your face. The man finished his sentence: "gs. Don't tell me you live in the dumpster."
"Well, technically, I don't," you replied.
'Technically? What did she mean by technically?' He thought to himself.
She started to walk down the street, the dark haired man following right after her.
'Where are we going? Where does she live?' He looked at you with curiosity, but you couldn't tell, one being that you were in front of him and didn't have eyes in the back of your skull and two being, he always had that dark blank expression left on his face.
When you finally arrived, you looked at the man with wide eyes and a big grin. You looked down at you perfect piece of art the you had sculpted out of garbage bags, your home. The man look down seeing nothing, but trash.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Is this where you live?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, it's not perfect, but it's actually not that ba-" you were cut off when he interrupted you.
"Unacceptable. You're coming with me." You looked at him as if he was crazy.
"What? No. I like my home."
"Don't call garbage your 'home'. Now hold on."
The man grabbed you by the waste making you blush until you shoot up in the air with him. You let out a little shriek. He looked down at you with a tiny smile plastered on his face. You had buried your face in his jacket.
"Don't tell me that you're afraid of heights," he tells you with that stupid grin on his face.
"N-no! I'm not! I was just surprised by suddenly jolting up into the air without any warning!"
"Tch. You better thank me, brat. I'm taking you back to HQ so that you can stay there with us, instead of living in a pig pen."
"It's (Y/N), and it's not a pig pen, mister! Wait, I didn't ever ask you," you unburied you face from his jacket looking at him with a little bit of wonder in your eyes, "what's your name? I figured out that the blonde man's name was Erwin, but I never caught your name."
"Tch. It's Corporal to you now," he spits out at you.
"What's up with all the 'tch's', Corporal?" You say as you try to mock him, failing miserably when you spit all over him. 'Corporal' closed his eyes in disgust, not being able to see where he was going.
"C-Corporal!! Look out!" You shout. You were about to run into a building, until he opened his eyes and barely escaped from crashing. You sighed in relief.
"Well, if you hadn't of spit all over me, I wouldn't have done that, brat!" He looked down at you with a little annoyance in his tone.
"S-sorry, Corporal. I-I didn't mean it." You started to feel tears forming in your eyes.
'No, (Y/N)! Not now! Don't be your emotional freak right now! Anytime, but not right now!!' You yelled at yourself in your head.
Nope. You couldn't stop it from happening. Suddenly you feel yourself being lowered onto a roof of a building. The large arm the once held you tightly around your waist disappeared. You actually felt even more saddened when you felt the disappearance of the arm. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder.
'Dammit. I stuttered. I don't know how to do this though! How do I comfort someone? More importantly, how do I comfort a girl? Wait, why am I comforting her? I've seen many people cry and never comforted them, why is she different?' He thought to himself.
"Don't cry," he started again. "I'm sorry for making you upset. I know you didn't mean to spit."
You look up at the sweet voice that was talking to you. You saw steel blue eyes looking down on you sympathetically. He wiped tears from your eyes with his thumb. You started to feel a lot better when you saw his face.
"Th-thanks, Corporal." You thanked him with a blush forming on your cheeks.
"Alright, now that you've calmed down, how about we get back to going to HQ? It's only gonna take a few more minutes."
You looked at him. 'A few more minutes? Why only a few? I want it to be a few more hours, a few more days, like this. W-wait! What are you thinking, (Y/N)?! You've only just met him!' You told yourself in your head. He looked at you, still expecting an answer from you. You nod, trying to shake what you just thought of out of your mind, but it wouldn't budge. It was going to stick there.

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