Chapter XV~ Nightmare

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"Ugh. I can't stop thinking about that nightmare," you told yourself as you walked down the hallway. "What nightmare?" You jumped in surprise to find a tall blonde standing behind you. "What? No. Who said anything about nightmares? Heh heh. I was talking about... KITE FAIRS! Yeah, kite fairs!"

"Mhm. Sure you were. So, what is it you were actually talking about?" You sighed, knowing that you weren't going to get out of this. "Okay, okay. I said nightmare." Erwin raised his eyebrow, telling you to go on. "Well, I had to decide who to save."

"Who were the choices?"

"You and Levi...." You whispered, hoping he didn't hear, but lucky you... He heard. "Between me and Levi? Why?"

"Well, you both were in the grasp of a Titan and I had to decide who to save."


"And... What?"

"Who did you save?"


"Both?" Erwin asked, crossing his arms as you both kept walking to the mess hall. "Yeah. Both." You mumbled. "But I thought you could only save one?" "Well, yeah. But I sacrificed myself for both of you..." You looked down with your bang covering your eyes. "(Y/n)....." Erwin uncrossed his arms and stopped in his tracks. "(Y/n). If that is ever a choice you have to make, do NOT sacrifice yourself, do you hear me?" You had stopped walking when you realized Erwin had stopped, your back still faced toward him. " I'd rather give up my life so you may live. Do not give up your own life for mine." You turned around to face Erwin with tears begging to spill from your eyes. "(Y/n). Promise me. Promise me that you will not sacrifice yourself for me." Erwin looked into your eyes with pain and seriousness. "Erwin..." You turned your back again. "I can't promise that. I don't like breaking promises. I never have broken a promise and I don't plan on breaking any." Erwin's attitude became more serious. "(Y/n). I will NOT allow it. I am your commander and I will not tolerate you saying or doing that!"

"Is that all you think you are!? A commander!? MY commander!? Think again, buddy! You're my family! And I don't want to lose any more family than I already have, got it!?" Erwin relaxed in realization. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just don't want to see you hurt or even worse, dead."

"I understand." You began walking off, not looking back. You heard Erwin's boots hitting the floor as he followed you. His footsteps got faster, however. Suddenly, you felt arms wrap around you and a head rest on top of yours. "I promise that you will never have to make that decision." Erwin closed his eyes in relaxation. What you didn't notice was a certain short corporal was watching you and Erwin the whole time. "Hm. I guess he got her. Well, I wish them good luck."

Levi started making his way back to the mess hall, waiting for you and Erwin. When you finally made it, Levi was sitting alone at a table with black tea gripped firmly in his hand. "Hello Levi," you greeted him. He hummed in response. "So what did you want to talk about, (y/n)?" Erwin questioned you as he took a seat in front of you and beside Levi.

"Oh, um... I just want to tell you guys that I'm sorry."

"Sorry?  For what?" Erwin questioned.

"For abandoning you both and the survey corps. It was wrong and I know how worried you guys were. I'm sorry." You bowed your head in shame.

"Tch, brat. Is that all?" You looked up at Levi and nodded slowly. Levi stood up. "Well, if that's all, I accept your apology and I'm going to go get more work done. Bye." Levi left the mess hall, leaving you and Erwin alone. Erwin stared at the doors then looked back at you. "Thank you. I, too, accept your apology. Now is that it?" You nodded again. "Okay then. Now, I have to tell you something. We are expecting an expedition tomorrow, so get your things ready." Erwin stood up and stared at your (e/c) orbs. "Yes sir."

Time Skip~~~~~~

Today was the day of the expedition. You couldn't help but feel nervous. You've never been outside the walls. You did wonder what was out there, but you were also scared about how different it would look. "Open the gates!!!" You had snapped back to reality when you heard Erwin's voice booming over the others. You were ready.

Another Time Skip~~~~~~

As you were slicing titan's necks left and right, you saw Petra being chased down by a 15 meter, a 17 meter, and a 20 meter. You rush towards the terrified girl on your 3dmg and slice the napes of all 3 Titans. Petra smiles at you as thanks and you nod in response, however Petra's smile didn't last long by being replaced with another look of terror. Before you could turn around, you felt something crush your insides. You scream in pain and that's when everything faded to black.

Am I....dead? What's happening? I can still hear people screaming. Wait. What are they screaming? "(Y/N)!!" My name? Why are they calling my name? Suddenly it hit me. That's right. A Titan grabbed me. So does that mean I'm still alive? Yeah. It does. I need to open my eyes. Open!!!!

"Erwin, it's no use! She's gone!" Levi screamed at his comrade. "No! She's not! She's alive! She has to be! She's not allowed to leave! You hear me (y/n)!? That's an order! Come back right now or that's 50 laps around wall Maria! You get that!? 50 laps!!" Tears swelled up in Erwin's eyes. "Erwin. Stop. There's nothing you can-"

Cough cough!!

"I told you! She's alive! (Y/n)! (Y/n), can you hear me?" Erwin lifts your head as you eyes struggle to open. Your vision is very blurry, but it soon clears up, showing you the face of not only your commander, but the man you've fallen for. You smile up at him as your eyes swell up with tears. "Y-yeah, I read you l-loud and clear, commander." You reach your hand to his face and gently place it on his cheek. "I don't have to do those 50 laps, right?" Your smile grows a little wider as Erwin chuckles at your horribly timed humor. "No. No. You don't." Erwin smiles as your hands snake around his neck and pull him in for a hug.

Erwin's eyes widen in surprise, but he eventually hugs you back. Your hug doesn't last long when Hanji clears her throat to make you realize her presence. You look up at her in curiosity as you sit up from your hug. "I hate interrupting you, but I need you to come with me to another tent, (y/n), for more tests to make sure you're okay to continue or if you need to heal more. You look at Erwin, smile, then struggle to push yourself up onto your feet. Erwin smiles back at you as you walk away and out of the tent. Just as he looks back down at the ground, someone entered the tent.

"Well I guess you won." Erwin raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Won what?" You leaned down to Erwin as he looked up into your (e/c) eyes. "This." You reached for his shirt's collar and tug it up to you as you plant a passionate kiss on your commander. Erwin's eyes widen, but soon close as he places his hand on the back of your head, deepening the kiss. "I love you Erwin."

"I love you too"

Oh my gosh guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated, but so many things have been going on and blah blah blah. But I've finally finished this book! Aren't you proud of me!? I'm proud of you for reading and I'm happy and thankful that you have! Please don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite chapters! I love to see feedback!! I've already started to work on both Erwin and Levi's sequel books, but be patient please! The first chapter for each of them will hopefully be by the end of this week or next week. Can't wait to see you then!!!! BAIIII!!!!

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