Chapter X~ Forgiveness

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Author-chan's POV
Just cuz...

You and Levi walked to the training grounds, finding everyone already lined up and ready for the day to begin. As you and Levi walked there, you couldn't but help blush at all of the eyes on you. All of the guys would just keep staring at you. It felt good to be looked at, but it also kinda felt wrong. You were with Levi now and no one could ever change that. Not even Levi, himself. Levi took notice to all of the guys staring at you with light pink tints on their faces.

'Tch, annoying fucktards. She's mine.' He thought to himself, but still showed the cadets icy glares, telling them to back down and showing them their place. Most people did, except for one cadet. Levi grew furious when he wouldn't stop staring at you. You took notice of this, too. You couldn't help but blush. Levi walked in front of you and sped-walked to the cadet.


The cadet soon realized what was happening and snapped out of his trance. He looked at Levi, fear showing in his eyes. Levi grew impatient.


"Jean Kirstein, sir!"

"Kirstein! Mind telling me what's so amusing that you're staring at my girl friend like that!?"

Jean's face lit up pink, shocked that he had been caught staring at her. She was just too beautiful to him. Oh he wishes how he could be yours and you, his. Jean didn't realize it, but Levi had been screaming his name for the past 2 minutes, trying to tell him his punishment. The other cadets just watched and enjoyed the show.

You watched Levi and how upset he was. You could tell by the way he stared at Jean with such a deadly glare, how his veins popped out of his neck, and how his hand was curled into a fist, squeezing with all his might that you swore you saw blood dripping. You ran to Levi and tapped his shoulder very gently to make him stop hurting himself. Levi turned in a flash and ended up punching you in the face. You could hear the gasps of the cadets and also a slight ringing noise in your ears. You could taste the metallic flavor of blood as well.

As soon as Levi had realized what he did, he ran towards you, kneeling down, not caring what kind of filth he got on his perfectly white pants.

"(Y-y/n). I-I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't see you! I swear it was an accident!"

That was the last thing you heard when it all faded to black.

Time skip brought to you by
🍕Krusty Krab Pizza🍕

You awoke in a dark room. You guessed it was probably late afternoon. You lifted yourself up and noticed you were in the infirmary. You looked around and heard someone arguing with them self behind a curtain.

"How could I do that?! How could I punch her!? And what makes it worse is that I sent her to the infirmary! Maybe she's better off with Erwin. Erwin would never hurt her like I did..."

During that time, you had quietly made your way over towards the curtain. You knew exactly who it was. You could recognize his voice.

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