Chapter II~ Different

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When you arrive to the HQ, all eyes were on you. You walked into the mess hall with eyes looking at you, wondering who you were and why you were with Corporal. Suddenly you feel familiar eyes looking at you. You turn around and see the blondie, Erwin.

He looks at you with confusion. He turns his head back up to meet the dark eyes of Corporal.
"I thought I told you to take her home," Erwin commented, walking closer and closer to us until we were about 4 feet away.

"She had an unsanitary home. I could not let her live in a pig pen," he answered Erwin. You looked at Corporal in anger.

"I-it wasn't a pig pen!" You said, glaring daggers at Corporal. Erwin looked at you for a moment then looked back to Corporal.

"I'm terribly sorry, I mean a dumpster," Corporal spoke.

"It was my home and you kidnapped me from it!" You exclaimed.

"It was a shit hole and I saved you from living in it," Corporal remarked.

You crossed your arms in frustration and pouted. You had given up playing games with him. You rarely gave up, but right now, you just wanted to leave and it might go by quicker if you just stop arguing.

"That's enough. Since you so badly wanted her here, she can sleep in your room for tonight and if she wishes not to stay, then she may leave and go home," Erwin said and walked off, leaving you with Corporal.

"Tch, Let's go, brat. I'll show you where to sleep."

You walked off with Corporal and soon found yourself staring at his back. You couldn't figure out why, but you felt like this has happened before. You shrugged it off.

"Tch, what are you looking at, brat? I'd rather not have you eye raping me in the middle of the night." You started blushing so hard you couldn't even speak. Corporal was still walking in front of you and didn't have eyes in the back of his head, at least, not last time you checked, so how did he see you looking at him? You had distracted yourself with that ridiculous question for so long, you suddenly ran into something.

"Tch, we're here, brat." Corporal didn't even mention you running into him. He calmly unlocked his door and opened it. As soon as you stepped in, you couldn't see anything, it was too dark. You tried to find your way through by feeling yourself around, until you felt something kinda squishy, but at the same time, hard like a rock. You kept poking at it and grabbing it until you heard a voice that made you jump.

"Tch, what are you doing, brat? Could you stop touching me?"

You could feel heat rise to your cheeks. You didn't notice that you were still touching Corporal until you felt a pair of hands grasp your wrists. They delicately lifted and set them down at your sides. Lights suddenly came on that lit up the whole room as soon as he let go of your wrists. You looked around the room, noticing how clean it was. Even though you lived in a dump, you still loved to clean and saw that the room was up to your standards... Sorta.

"C-Corporal?" Corporal looked at you with a face as if he was asking, 'what's wrong?' "M-may I tidy the place up a little bit?" He looked at you with a little bit of shock, but it soon faded, for he hated to show his feelings.

~~~~~Corporal's POV~~~~~~

Then, she asked me, "May I tidy the place up a little bit?"

I was very shocked. Out of all the people in the world, a garbage freak wanted to clean MY room. MY ROOM. One of the most cleanest rooms at the headquarters. I guess I'll take that as a hint that I need to clean it better. I nodded to her. I wanted to see if she is actually good at cleaning or not. She didn't seem like the type to clean, but hey, there are giant humans roaming the earth, eating humans and we even have a shifter at our headquarters. It couldn't hurt to find out. She actually smiled at me. She almost looked excited to clean. Most people in the survey corps aren't like that, but she isn't in the survey corps, so maybe she's different.

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