Chapter IV~ Knock the Door Down

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~~~~~ Corporal's POV ~~~~~

I finally decided to wake her up, I couldn't stand thinking about her with another man. I shook her arm a little bit in order for her to wake up. She yawned and lazily rubbed her eyes.

"I need to ask you a few questions, if that's okay," I told her. She nodded in return. I helped her up and sat her in a chair right across from another chair, but with a desk in between.

~~~~~ Your POV ~~~~~

"First question:
What do you remember about your parents?" He asked you.

"Well, I remember that I was about 7 when they died. That's about it."

"Tch, how do you know that they died?"

"I don't know, but I assumed because they never came back for me..."

"They never came back for you? Where did they go?"

"I don't know. They said that they had to deal with a few people outside the walls for a little bit and then they would be back for me. They never came and I knew that Titans might have gotten them so I assumed they were dead," I said starting to tear up again, "They said that they would be back for me.... But they never came... They never came..." I was trying to wipe away my tears now with my sleeve, but the tears kept flowing; I couldn't stop. Suddenly I heard Corporal get up from his seat. I heard his footsteps get closer and closer to me. I had my hands covering up my eyes, trying to hide that I was crying, but he knew I was crying. I knew that he knew because the next thing I know, I feel his hand grab mine and pull me up and without hesitation, he hugged me.

"Sh, sh... It's okay. No need to cry," I looked up to the angelic voice, "we're your family now."

~~~~~ Levi's POV~~~~~

'We're you're family now?' What kind of cheesy shit is that!?' I mentally scolded myself.

~~~~~ Author's POV ~~~~~

Levi suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone wrapping their arms around his neck. It made his heart flutter and his cheeks grow pink. You snuggled your head into the crook of Levi's neck, causing him to turn even more pink. He could feel your warm breaths on his neck. He couldn't help but get excited.

Suddenly, Levi grabbed your shoulders, turned you around and pushed you out of the room. You were so confused at his action. When you finally reached the door, Levi stopped pushing you and you turned around. Levi was about to close the door until you stopped him.

"Hey, um... Thanks, Corporal." You turned around to leave until Levi reached from the crack of the door and grabbed your shoulder again.

"It's Levi."

You stared at him with a blank face. Suddenly you passed out, dropping to the floor, well you would've if Levi hadn't of caught you. He looked at you with worry. He picked you up bridal style and carried you back into his room, lying you on his bed.

~~~~ Your Dream (Your POV) ~~~~

I woke up in a cabin. All I could hear was yelling. I got up rubbing my head. It hurt pretty badly. Then I hear glass shatter and more yelling. Suddenly a woman comes out of the room with tearing in her eyes, but had an angry expression.

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