Chapter III~ Is This Love?

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~~~~~ Corporal's POV ~~~~~

I had to leave my room in order to attend a dumbass meeting with Erwin. I wish I could've stayed with (y/n) so that I could watch her boobs bounce as she tries to jump up to reach the top of my shelf in order to dust it. I-I mean, So I can watch her and make sure she's cleaning correctly! Ugh. I've never had dirty thoughts. Why start now!?

I left the room and told her that I would be going to a meeting with Erwin. She nodded and got right back to cleaning. I walked into Erwin's office without knocking and sat down in front of his desk. He was doing paperwork, but stopped when he realized that I was there.

"Tch, what do you want, Erwin?"

"I was going to tell you something about (y/n), but I guess you have somewhere else to be," Erwin said, "so you're dismissed."

My eyes grew wide for a mere second at the sound of her name.

"No, tell me."

"She's not normal, Corporal. She wasn't born inside the walls like the rest of us. Her parents brought her into the walls at the age of 6 and disappeared when she was 7."

"Interesting... Anything else? Does she know anything about this?"

"I don't know. We need to ask her about it and see if she remembers anything about her parents."

I stood up from my chair to leave because I didn't want to be the one asking her, but it was too late.

"And Levi," I stopped at the saying of my name, not facing captain Eyebrows, "you're going to be the one to ask her."

I started walking again and left the room, not responding to the task given to me. I returned to my room and when I opened the door, the room was spotless. The only mess there was (y/n), sprawled out in the middle of the floor, knocked out. I panicked. I ran over to her and knelt down. I started breathing heavily, hoping that she was okay. Suddenly I heard her say something.

"L-Levi.... N-no! I-I love you...."

I was shocked about what she had just said.

'I told her my name was Corporal, not Levi. How- how did she know? No, no, no. This must be a misunderstanding. She probably said another name and I just misheard her or if she did say 'Levi', she must be talking about another person named Levi,' I thought.

As soon as I thought that to myself, I felt my heart drop. I don't understand what's happening to me, but it all started as soon as she showed up. Is- is this l-love?


Heyyo!!! Sorry for the short chapter!! I will update ASAP! I promise! I'll probably update tomorrow or maybe even later today!! Anyway, BAI!!

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