Chapter XIV~ I Love You

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~Later that night~

"What do you think she wants to talk about with us Levi?" Erwin questioned while walking down the hallway with Levi to the mess hall.

"I don't know Erwin. Maybe the fact that we're being childish and almost got her killed! Hm? That sound about right?!" Erwin looked to the ground.

"Levi... I'm being completely serious. What do you think she'll say?"

~meanwhile in the mess hall~

"WHAT AM I GOING TO SAY!?!" You asked yourself.

"I don't know, but you better come up with something quick cuz I can smell them getting closer." You jumped in surprise and turned around to see Mike at the entry way of the mess hall.

"Oh my god Mike. You almost gave me a heart attack!" Mike laughed and walked to you.

"Well? What are you gonna say to them? Are you going to confront them?"

"Well... No."

"Are you going to apologize?"


"For giving them a scare. For running away. For getting almost killed. For hiding away from us. For leaving them."

"Oh. I guess I should apologize, huh?" Mike only smiled at you, crossing his arms. "But they should also apologize," Mike responded, "okay, well I should get going-"

"No. Stay. Please?" Mike looked at you surprised then smiled again. He walked towards you as you bowed your head in embarrassment. Suddenly you felt Mike ruffle your hair. "Sure thing baby cakes."

"B-baby cakes!?"

Suddenly the door busts open. There you see Levi and Erwin staring at you and Mike. Levi scowled at Mike's presence. "Tch. What is he doing here?"

"A-actually he's going to help me-"

"I'm her boyfriend." You stared at Mike in surprise. "B-boyfriend?" You whispered to yourself.

"Boyfriend?" Erwin and Levi asked in unison.

"Is that what you wanted to talk with us about, (Y/n)?" After you finally snapped out of it, you answered Erwin with a stuttered 'no.'

The four of you sat at a table and all eyes were on you.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" Erwin asked.

Tears started streaming down your cheeks as you lowered your head. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY FOR CAUSING YOU TO WORRY! I'M SORRY FOR FAKING MY DEATH! I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING! I'M SORRY FOR BEING ALIVE!" You stood up quickly and ran out of the mess hall. Levi and Erwin stared at the place you used to be sitting with their mouths agape and water brimming their eyes. Mike was already gone, running after you, making sure you don't try anything.

You had ran into your room and locked the door behind you. You started screaming and crying as you threw yourself on the ground. "(Y/n)! Open the door!" The door handle started jiggling and a fist was repeatedly pounding on your door. "No! Go away! I caused everyone so much pain! I don't deserve to be here!"

"(Y/n)! Don't do anything!"

"I don't want to hurt anyone else..." At this moment, you held your blades to your wrists, ready to penetrate your beautiful (s/c) skin. "(Y/n)! Stop!"

"(Y/n), listen to Mike! You're being irrational! If you hurt yourself, you'll cause an even greater pain in both me and Levi!"

"(Y/n). When we thought you were dead, we were devastated. But we were not for sure that you actually died. If you die right now and in front of us, do you know how much worse off we would be? Also, when we learned you were still alive, didn't you see us smiling? I haven't smiled in a long ass time and (y/n)... I know I don't show it, but I really do like smiling. It's like someone has pulled me from drowning in my sorrows and that someone... Was you. So please... If you do anything to harm yourself, just know that when or if you do, you're just pushing me back under." You listened carefully to Levi's choice of words, tears still streaming down your face.

"But don't you see that I'm the cause of your pain!?" You inched the blades closer to your skin.

"But that's only because we thought you were gone. But now you're back and we can be happy again. But if you hurt yourself, I won't know what to do with myself. (Y/n). You are the only person I have ever truly opened up to and I don't want to open up anymore if this is what it leads to. You'll cause me more pain than a Titan killing my squad. (Btw- Levi's squad hasn't died yet) "

During you and Levi's conversation, Mike had managed to pick the door's lock. Erwin pushed passed Mike and Levi and made his way to the hunched over figure lying in the middle of the floor with a blade to her wrist, begging for a taste of blood. He engulfed you into a hug as he sat beside you. Levi brushed passed Mike and dropped on one knee in front of you. Levi gently lifted your head with his index finger. You looked into his gray eyes and could see the sadness he was going through but also the happiness that you were still alive. At this point, Erwin's  weight of his arms had been lifted and was staring at you and Levi.

Levi grabbed the blade that was grasped tightly in your hand and threw it to the side. He roughly grabbed your wrist and brought it closer to him, making you lean forward and press your lips to his. He loosened his grip as you gently kissed back.

"I love you (full name). Please, be mine and don't ever leave my side. I'll make sure that you'll never feel this way again, I promise." Levi looked at you with hopeful eyes as you stared right back at him. "Levi. I-I love you too." Levi smiled a genuine smile, as did Mike and Erwin. Erwin and Levi stood up. Levi looked down at the beautiful mess that was now his and held out his hand. You hesitantly grasped it as he jolted you up and kissed you. Not a lustful kiss, but a kiss of love, peace, and absolute bliss.

"I love you."

Sorry! I know it took a long freaking time, but I apologize! Also, don't worry. This isn't the end-end of Levi's beautiful relationship with you! I'm going to have a separate book with your relationship!!! Also, I'm going to be doing the same for Erwin, so don't worry Erwin Fans!!! Kay, well. I hope you enjoyed and


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