Chapter VI~ Distraction

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~~ Levi's POV (Outside of Dream) ~~

It's been only a day now since (Y/N) had passed out. It's actually been kinda lonely. I know I haven't known her long, but still.

Erwin kept asking me about the questions I was supposed to ask, but I was only able to ask you one of his questions. I'm usually not the curious type, but something about (Y/n) got me curious. Of course I had to tell Erwin that (y/n) had passed out, and boy was he mad. Thanks (y/n). I'll make you pay later.

I walked back into my room with (y/n) in my bed, jostling around. She was breathing heavily as well. I kinda panicked and ran to the side of my bed. I grasped her hand and squeezed it. After about a few minutes, she calmed down. I tried to let go of her hand and leave to do some paperwork, but when I tried to let go, she held on tighter. I tugged and pulled, but she wouldn't budge.

"Damn, you have a strong grip, (y/n)."

I reached for a chair that was on the opposite side of the room and finally pulled it towards me. I sat in it and eventually fell asleep, still holding (y/n)'s hand.

Time Skip Brought To You By:
🐷Waddles the pig🐷

I woke up, still holding (y/n)'s hand. Her grip had loosened a little bit.

'Now's my time to escape!' I thought to myself.

I tugged my hand pretty fast, but.... Not fast enough. (Y/n) had gripped my hand even tighter now to where my hand was about to go numb.

"Dammit, (y/n)! Let! Go! I need to do paperwork!!"

After yelling at her and her just snoring in response I decided to come up with a plan.

My Plan:
1. Lift (y/n), using her arm to pull her up.
2. Put her arm that she's holding onto me with over my shoulder
3. Lift her out of bed with my hand that's free, supporting her weight
4. Walk to my desk and grab my papers
5. Put papers in my mouth (only option to not make us fall -_- )
6. Fall down anyways because I trip (This wasn't a real step in my plan, but it happened anyway because of (y/n) being so heavy)


BWAHAHAHA! Levi called reader-chan heavy!!}

SHUT UP BAKA!! You're the one who wrote it!}

Oh no... Here comes the devil! Gotta run!!}

{*Reader-chan chases Author-chan*}

Take it back!!}

Never!! Ahhhh!!! }

{*choking noises*}

Tch, we're sorry for the wait. Please enjoy Author-chan getting killed by you.}

Levi!!! Help (insert choking sounds here) Me!}

{*Levi watches Author-chan escape Reader-chan's grasp*}

Tch, I'm surrounded by idiots...}

Stop trying to be Scar from Lion King. You're not a king!}

Scar never is king in that movie, Baka.}

Well, why don't we get back to the story!? CUE STORY!!!}

I closed my eyes, lying on my back trying to process what just happened. I opened my eyes to find closed eyes in front of mine. I didn't realize it yet, but her lips had landed on mine. As soon as I noticed, I could feel my cheeks warm up. I sat there for a moment in shock, still kissing her. After a moment, I decided to kiss her back, even though she was kind of knocked out. I grabbed the back of her head and kissed her passionately. I moved my hand to her cheek and lifted her face to where we weren't kissing anymore. For the fist time in a while, I smiled.

I lifted our bodies up and helped her back down on the bed. I completely forgot about the paperwork that had escaped my mouth when we fell. They were still lying on the ground, spread out.

"Great..."I sighed to myself, "She loves to get me distracted, even when she's not doing anything, huh?"


Sorry for the short chapter!! I know it took me a while to update, but school's back and I wanted to spend the last days of vacation with my family. Anyhow, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!! Keep reading, to see what happens next!!

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