Chapter VIII~ Rememberance

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(No More Dreamland!!)
Your POV

I awoke from my dream, panting. I didn't notice the person sitting next to me with a stunned look on his face.

"(Y-Y/n)? You're awake?"

I turned my head to face Levi, holding my slightly sweaty hand. As soon as I saw him, I started to cry. I let go of his hand and pulled him close to me. He sat there, shocked, but I couldn't let go because of what I had just seen in my dream. He hesitantly hugged me back, but softly pushed me back to be able to wipe my tears with his thumb.

"L-Levi... I remember you."

Levi looked at me with concern.

"What do you mean? Did you forget me?"

"Yeah. I don't blame you if you don't remember me. I did give you a fake name, heh heh." I tried to smile. He gave me a questioning face.

I looked around the room and noticed that I was back in our room. I dug around in my back pocket, I had always kept a weird journal in there, but I never had a chance to look at it, for I had to run a lot from the Military Police and had to keep up my guard. Reading would only lower my guard. I looked up to Levi with sad eyes and asked him.

"So, where are Farlan and Isabelle?"

He looked at me, shocked that I knew those names. He soon snapped out of it and looked down at the ground.

"They're gone, died a few years ago."

The room was empty until I started sniffling from the tears flowing down my face. I looked at him, then at the small notebook in my hands.

"Give me your hands."

He looked up and hesitantly held out his hands. I gently set the small notebook in his hands, remembering what the picture had said on the back. Levi looked at the notebook, then to me.

"Read it. But first, I would like you to read the back of a photo I found. It should be between one of the book's pages."

He flipped through the pages and soon enough, one flew out. It landed on the ground, full of grace. The picture side was facing up. It only took him a second to quickly grab the photo and examine it and tear up, just the slightest bit. He flipped it on the back and read.

"Thank you. I don't know how you got this, but thank you for giving it to me. This- this means a lot."

He looked at the journal in front of him and noticed another piece of paper sticking out.

"What's this?"

He pulled out the photo and looked at it in awe. That's when he started tearing up even more, even more than when he read the back of the first photo. I didn't know what he was looking at, so I made it to where I could see the picture. When I noticed what the photo was, I smiled. All Levi did was just stare at it. It was a picture of me, leaning on Levi's shoulder with a wide grin and and him with a smirk. I actually remembered when we took that. Farlan took it for us while Isabelle was standing beside him, making sure he knew what he was doing.

I sat back and giggled at the memory.

"Hey Levi?"

Levi x Reader x Erwin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now