Chapter V~ Nice Smile

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~~~ Your Dream (Author's POV) ~~~

There stood the raven haired man glaring at you, or at least would be glaring at you, if you were there. Farlan appeared behind Levi as Levi entered the room.

"Where are they, Farlan?!"

"Hell, if I know!" Farlan responded at Levi. He actually didn't know where you went. Levi looked around the room. He looked under the bed and in the closet... Nothing.

~~~~ Your Dream (Your POV) ~~~~

•••••••••• Flashback ••••••••••

As I heard the door rattle, I knew what was about to come. I quickly tried to think and finally had an idea. I ran towards the small window, it was small enough for me to fit through. And at the last second before the door broke down, I closed the window. I dropped down and ran. I'd have to thank Farlan later, but I can't right now, it's too dangerous with Levi there.

•••••••••• Flashback Over ••••••••••

'It's freezing' I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt a warm blanket spread across my back as I walked down the streets. The person who did it, placed their arm around my waist and held me close. As much as I wanted warmth, this kinda felt awkward.

"C'mon, princess. Let's get you home."

"Oh, um. Kind sir. I don't have a home. I'm alone."

"Oh? Really?"

Even though it was dark, I could still see his evil smirk. It was one of the scariest things I have ever seen. Suddenly the man picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I tried screaming and kicking.

"Shut up! If you want to live, you'll shut the hell up!" He barked at me. I followed his orders and silently started to cry. Through my tears I could barely see a figure walking behind us. I don't the man has yet to notice, so I tried waving at him, trying to catch his attention. With my action, the man carrying me noticed the figure behind us and turned the corner. The figure behind us didn't follow.

'Great, there goes my only chance of survival.' I thought to myself.

As we were about to pass a corner, the man carrying me got punched in the face. He fell on the ground, but still had ahold of me. I tried wriggling out of his grasp, but it was of no use. He just held tighter. Suddenly the figure grabbed the male's arm and tore it off of me. I was freed!

"RUN! Go to the end of the street and wait for me there!"

Just like a snap of a finger, I was gone. I took off running towards the end of the street. After about 5 minutes of waiting for him, the figure approached me. I was under a street light, so he could see my face as clear as day, but I couldn't tell who he was until he stepped into the light.

"Hello, my name is Levi."

I gasped. 'Oh my god. This is the guy in the photo. The guy who broke down Farlan's door!' I panicked to myself in my head. Apparently he noticed my fear, for he had now picked me up, bridal style and carried me away.

"No need to tell me your name. So to my understanding, you don't have a home?"

"Oh, well. Not exactly. I did, and still do, but my parents left me down here."

"They put you down here? Did you do something to displease them?"

"Wha- what? No!"

Finally we arrived at the house I had already once been carried to by a stranger. Once we entered the room, Farlan looked at me with his mouth hanging wide open and eyes as big as golf balls. I made a 'sh' sign with my finger showing that he didn't know. Farlan straightened up and acted as if he had never seen me before.

"Ah, so Levi, who might this be?" Farlan asked.

"Oh, I thought this was the girl who was in your room?" He questioned Farlan with a smirk on his face.

"H-how did you know!?" I questioned, still in Levi's arms. He looked at me.

"Not telling"

"Wh- why not!?" I shouted, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of shouted..."

I carefully pulled myself out of Levi's arms and sat down on the ground on my knees in front of Levi. Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle looked at me in shock. I bowed to him and waited for him to say 'dismissed' , but it never came.

"Tch, get off the dirty floor, brat." I stood up, but was still looking down.

"I'm very sorry. Since the floor is so dirty, shall I clean it?"

They stared at me again in shock.

"We don't need a maid, but if you wish to clean, you may," Levi answered me.

"Levi, the only one who likes to clean is you!!" I heard Isabelle and Farlan start laughing. Actually I enjoy cleaning. It takes my mind off of everything. I saw a broom earlier, when I was being carried by Levi, by the table. I walked over to the broom and started sweeping. As I started to sweep, I heard the laughing come to a complete stop.

"Heh, guess you brats were wrong. It looks like she likes to clean and I actually think I might just have to join her with cleaning."

" I do enjoy cleaning, but that's not the only reason. I wanted to thank you for saving me."

"No problem," both Levi and Farlan said at the same time. I giggled a little as they glared daggers at each other as Isabelle looked at them with curiosity. After they heard me giggle, they looked at me with softer eyes and everyone except for Levi's started to laugh. Levi just looked at me and smiled. He actually has a nice smile...

-----------------(A/N) ----------------

Hey you guys!! So sorry that your still in dream land!! I promise that it will end soon! Next chapter I might do of what's happening outside of your dreamland. Like what Levi is doing and where he's sleeping because you're in his bed. Is he in his bed with you? Ooh... Read the next chapter when I update to find out!!

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