Chapter XIII~ Safe

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Erwin's POV

As we were walking back to HQ after (y/n) was able to go back with some stitches, she was in Levi's arms. While walking I had noticed (y/n) shivering.

"Levi. She's cold."

"Tch, fine. Here, you carry her. I know you can warm her up with your big bushy brows." I could hear the annoyance in his voice because part of what he said was true. I would be able to keep her warmer because of my extra heat not because of my eyebrows. I seriously don't even see what's wrong with them. I thought girls liked big browed guys. It makes the guy kind of intimidating? Levi handed (y/n) to me, careful not to hurt her. As we finally arrived, Levi had not once lifted his eyesight off of (y/n). I sighed.

"Levi. You really do love her, don't you?"

"Tch. Why would you like to know?"

"You act totally different around her and even she's noticed."

"How would you know? We haven't seen her in 3 years! I haven't seen her in 3 years..." Levi looked down, his hair covering his eyes, "and now that I finally know that she's alive, I find out that the reason why she left in the first place was because of me. The person I had vowed to never hurt, I hurt. The one person who I actually cared about and l-loved, ran away from me. The only person-"

"Levi. I know. I feel the same way." Suddenly, (y/n) started stirring in my arms. Levi looked at her with hopeful eyes. I looked down at the beautiful angel curled in my arms. Suddenly, Levi's stare becomes full of worry.

"E-Erwin! She's having a nightmare! We need to wake her up!"

~~Meanwhile in your dream~~

"You must choose. Which one will you save?" An unfamiliar voice echoed in your head. You looked up to see a Titan with Levi in one hand and Erwin in the other. "Levi! Erwin! Stop! Who are you!?" You looked around to search for an answer, but to no prevail.

"Who do you choose to save?"

"Both! Both of them!"

"You must choose only one." You could hear the whimpers of both men, struggling to get out of the titan's grasp. The beast suddenly started moving its hands towards its mouth.

"No! Please! I beg of you! Have me instead!"

"You would rather offer your life for these pathetic men?"

"Yes! Yes! Just please let them go!"

"No! (Y/n)! Don't do it!" You had tears begin to form in your eyes. "It's okay. It's better this way anyway. Goodbye." You waved at them as they were set down by the gigantic beast and you, instead, were lifted towards its mouth.

"NOOOOOO!!!!" You heard Levi and Erwin screech as your body was used as a chewing toy for the creature.

~Back to Reality~

You jolted up. You looked around you, not familiar with the change of scenery. That's when you remembered your dream. You had to make sure they were alright. Sure, you had recently gotten in a fight with them, but you don't care just as long as they're okay. You lifted yourself out of the perfectly made bed and ran out of the room and into the hallway. Taking twists and turns, you finally realize where you are. You're at HQ.

Finally you find yourself in the mess hall. You busted in through the doors, all eyes now locked on you as you made your way towards the two men talking, not realizing you had awoken.

"Erwin? Levi?" They turned around and saw you almost in tears. They were alright. They're alive. Your eyes started swelling up with tears of joy as you ran towards them. They looked at you with shock and worry as you ran to them. When you finally reached them, you engulfed them in a hug. They stood there, shocked and frozen by your actions. You only hugged them tighter.

"You're okay. You're alive." You sniffed and rubbed your face on them, making sure that they were really there. They looked down at you and smiled.

"Levi smiled!! LEVI SMILED!" Hanji yelled out. You lifted your arms from the two, turned your head towards Hanji, and gave a slight chuckle at her silliness. Levi only scoffed. "Although, I do wonder why you woke up... It should've taken longer. Your injuries were too major. Can I borrow you for a few seconds for some experiments?"

Just as you opened your mouth to say 'sure,' the two males yelled in unison of disagreement. "No!" You looked at the two men, wondering why they had said 'no'. "We're not letting you kill her just when she came back to life..."

"Awwww... You guys are no fun!" You just giggle again. "Actually, I kinda agree with them, Hanji. I need to talk to them in private fro a second, anyways." The men look at you with sad and guilty expressions as you looked at them. "Meet me here at 9. No sooner. No later. Okay?" They both nodded in agreement as you smiled at them, assuring them that you were no longer mad at them. "Now, I wanna go catch up with everyone so I'll see you later!" You walked off, thinking to yourself what you're going to say to them tonight. You sighed.


Hey guys! Sorry that this took me so long and that it isn't as long as the other chapters. I'm just kinda having a hard time coming up with stuff to get it where I want it. Just a little writers block. If you have any suggestions, comment or message me! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment. Until Next Time, BAI!!! Oh, by the way, if I get 10 more votes, I'll publish a birthday special!!! So, like I said, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!

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