Chapter XI~ Fake It Until You Make It

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Levi's POV

As soon as I stepped out of the bed, I felt uneasy, like I was being watched. Not by (y/n), but by someone else. As I opened the door, I heard (y/n) rustling in the bed.

"Shhhhh! (Y/n)! Be quiet!" I said in a whisper tone, not turning around. I opened the door slowly, ready to attack if anyone dared to test me. As a peered outside the door, all I saw was complete darkness.

'Funny, real funny. Someone has stable duty for a month' I thought to myself. I closed the door and turned around to see an empty bed.

"(Y/n)? Where did you go?" No answer. "(Y/n), I'm not playing. Where the hell did you go?" No answer. That got me worried. I searched the whole room to find nothing, that was until I found a note in the bed where (y/n) once was. The words crashed into my heart as I read them off the page. Someone had kidnapped (y/n).....

 Someone had kidnapped (y/n)

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(Note Levi found is above!)

Author's POV

Levi ran out of his room, down the hallway, and into Erwin's room. As soon as he bursts in, he saw a familiar set of eyebrows concentrating on the papers sprawled out on his desk.

"What is it, Levi?" He said without looking up from his papers.

Out of breath from running and panicking at the same time Levi replied: "it's (y/n). She's- she's been kidnapped." Saying that made Erwin's head pop up with shock written all over his face.

"And how do you know of this, Levi?"

Levi hands Erwin the note and after reading it several times over, Erwin gave an order.

"Awaken all cadets and tell them to get their asses to the mess hall for a mandatory meeting. We will be giving plans for searching for her."

"Yes sir!" And with that, Levi ran out of the room, hollering down the halls to "wake the hell up and get to the mess hall or clean the stables for the rest of the year!!!"

'Goddamn, (y/n)... What have you done to this man? He ACTUALLY said 'sir' to me!' Erwin thought.

Time skip brought to you by
💀Death the Kid💀

Everyone was now gathered into the mess hall, wondering what the hell was going on. Erwin, Hanji, Levi, and Mike were standing in front of everyone, getting ready to explain what was going on. (Well actually it was going to be Levi and Erwin talking about it because Hanji and Mike also knew nothing of this 'oh so important meeting ')

"Hello, cadets! I'm here to talk about an upcoming mission," everyone groaned in annoyance, "LISTEN UP!" everyone shut their yaps after hearing Erwin scream. "This is not an ordinary mission! This is a rescue mission! We have been informed that one of our own has been abducted and is nowhere to be found!"

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