Chapter IX~ Relationship

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Readers POV

I woke up to the sound of the door slowly creaking open, then closing.

"Tch, can't this damn thing be any louder?"

"L-Levi? Is that you?"

"The fucking one and only. Who else would it be?"

"N-no one!" I remembered what had happened in the hallway with Commander Erwin. I blushed a dark pink. Levi luckily wasn't able to see my sudden tint, for it was dark and the candles had been blown out.

"He kissed you, didn't he?"

'Did he see my cheeks!?'


He sighed at my reply.

"Do-do" He choked out. I had no idea what to say. I loved Levi, right? But, I couldn't help but feel a spark with Erwin.

'No! I'm not going to be that dumb ass girl who can't decide between a werewolf and vampire!' I thought to myself. (A/N: Yes, I know that Twilight/TV wasn't there at this period of time, but let author-chan dream, okay!? *Cue shattering of glass* Whelp, there goes my dreams! Thanks Reader-chan!!!)

Levi looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"L-Levi, do you love.... Me?"

"Tch, you didn't answer my question."

"I swear I'll answer truthfully if you tell me."

"Truthfully, eh? So you were going to lie?"

"N-no! I wasn't!! Just- please tell me."

Levi quickly made his way over to me and lightly pressed his lips on my mouth. We sat there for a few moments until he licked my lower lip, asking for entrance. I denied him. He growled at my action. I slightly shivered as I felt him smirk during our long and passionate kiss. He trailed his hands down my torso and started outlining the rim of my pants. I shivered again at his touched and let out a slight moan, making Levi gain entrance into my mouth. He roamed anywhere and everywhere in my mouth. He finally pulled back from the kiss with a trail of saliva connecting to each other's lips. He smiled at me when he saw my now deep red face.

"Ehhhh? So you do love me?"

He kissed me back in answer of my question. He picked me up, throwing my legs around him and my arms around his shoulders. We kept kissing until we made it to a bed, his bed to be exact. He threw me down and smirked at me. He fell on top of me, earning some groans from me as he rubbed himself on me.

Suddenly I felt something hard poke my lower region. I blushed at the thought of what it was.

"He's excited for you..." He gave me a smirk and started to strip himself of his shirt and belts/pants. I looked at his toned body in awe. He looked at me and smirked again.

Levi x Reader x Erwin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now